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Recent Solar Wind activity allowed steering and increases in extrasolar cosmic radiation


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" ... Solar storms can cause major disruption to ..." a large panel of things, including for exemple: a, b ,c, d



sort of having thoose kind of magneto chemistry thingies bugging me somewhere in mind

and else of that kind ... search?q=Fe-phen-molecule , ferroin, phenantroline and etc ..



good well ... there's more that has to pass through the mill, multiple correlation to "n" dimensions, gonna be fun they said, may be ( <= google translate)
just curious, in fact,  last time i used  such software was 20 years ago so ... i just remain interested in the process ...

(( remind the dna lotery thread a few week ago, oscilloscope and brain equivalent & a few gauss draws superthreaded here and there ... as said just curious , a theory is first a theory, then it may become a scientific fact or not ...))

all in all, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Neuroscience , gonna be fun they said
" structure, function, development, genetics, biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, pathology of the nervous system, and psychology. Traditionally it was seen as a branch of biological sciences. However,recently there has been a convergence of interest from other disciplines, including chemistry, computer science, statistics, physics, philosophy, mathematics, and medicine & ?."

i tend to prefer jung approach over freud also, but that's personnal and it remain a matter of self-ego-sum-metaphorical-interpretations of both writing back in the days ... wich used to be socio-economico context (and tend to remain) over-exagerated regarding jung imho, kinda like reading Dune 8 books like a science fiction "scientologist" series or a metaphorical socio essay, with some historical, epoch contextual & projective stuff here and there, mostly a matter of each reader distance with the writings form, model sheet and background, same could apply with jung and "mysticism" conceptual writing form detractor (this falling philosophically in the irrelvant complaints categorie due to time stamp socio-eco model + current tech lvl  & knowledge binds time to time in sciences history) (( imho))

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
youpi tralalala cross over, physic/chimi/biology, sort of & ; ; ; also i quiclky head back to my corner chew some gum
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