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Super Drag bug? With smaller test vehicle. Solved!

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I have two parts on my plane that are at least 50% of the drag on my aircraft. It is an MK2-MK3 adaptor that is stacked with another of the same type to make 4 engines stick out of the back of my craft in a square pattern. The other MK2-MK3 adapter has normal drag. this one has around 2k drag and the drag line extends past render distance. Is there any way to resolve this. It has stopped my plane potentially from going to orbit as it keeps the drag well above normal parameters and makes it so I can't accelerate normally. Is this a known problem and is there any workaround?

It took me a while to find the part. But once I did it made alot of sense as to why I couldn't get my craft into orbit. Sorry for the large part count again... I kept adding engines to the design to try to compensate for what I thought was a thrust to weight issue, but it could not help because of this issue from what I can tell.

There are 4 MK3-MK2 adaptors on the entire vessel. They are in the back middle/side. They hold a unique 4 engine sqaure design different from all the other engines. Only 2 produce this lag as the pictures show. each side has one adaptor attached to the node previous which is a MK3 fuel tank. The second adaptor is put on the side of the previous adaptor and stacked into the same location to make an even engine layout. I beleive the ones with the super drag are the bottom adaptors. AKA the ones that have the bottom two rapiers on the end out of the four in the square in the first picture. They are the part that was stuck onto the first adapter then sunk in. They are literally producing almost 3.5k drag out of 7.7k drag total for my vessel. They are half of the drag.

Edit: Just noticed a patch came out... And I verified I needed 3 files. I'll fly it again to see if the drag is still there. Edit: Appears it is still there. I will try to make a smaller plane version to demonstrate the parts drag. Two test versions with pics are now uploaded to make it easier to see the problem.

Edit: This may be a nose cone issue because the front of the part it exposed..... Does that part normally produce that much drag. I just made a ship where I stuck it on the side and it still produces heavy drag. Yep this is the issue. Solved!! >< I did not realize it produced drag like that being stacked in the body. 8d



AMDPhenomII 1100t

560Ti Fermi(G114)

8gib ram 1600(2x4gigs)


Normal Version!<- 1500 parts.

Miniature test version! 118 parts.

Miniature test version2! More engines to demonstrate the drag more distinctly.

The miniature test versions are slightly difficult to keep the nose upward, but it demonstrates the drag. When the second test version gets to around 480m/s, as shown in the second picture, it has around 3k drag. Where as the normal part has normal drag amounts.



Miniature test version pics: (Are these pictures large enough to make out the drag values and whatnot?)

photo IDGADCargoPlane4Drag12_zpsqcsbwohp.png

photo IDGADCargoPlane4Drag13_zpso7ktwdt5.png


photo IDGADCargoPlane4Drag10_zps9nngfm7z.png

photo IDGADCargoPlane4Drag11_zpscltf6gr6.png

photo IDGADCargoPlane4Drag_zpssrgk0ped.png

photo IDGADCargoPlane4Drag2_zpskpzqev7k.png

photo IDGADCargoPlane4Drag3_zps1aoqnigt.png

photo IDGADCargoPlane4Drag4_zpsjxakolxb.png

photo IDGADCargoPlane4Drag5_zpsfnkqgfhf.png

photo IDGADCargoPlane4Drag6_zpsxsstn1eo.png

photo IDGADCargoPlane4Drag8_zpsn5pilfkk.png

photo IDGADCargoPlane4Drag9_zpslrdva3na.png

The massive drag exists even after you get into lower atmosphere making it impossible to escape the planet. No matter how hard you push you cannot get past it because it will pull back harder... As the plane ascends the drag keep puliing beyond view albeit with less total drag... This is way too much drag to be an intentional amount from stacking two parts.

Edited by Arugela
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