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Pipe Installer [Help or Mod Request]


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So, where do I start...?

Well, a while ago I tried playing with the stock setting "Resource Transfer obeys Crossfeed Rules" or something like that, as I figured this would add an interesting flavor of realism. And guess what? Stations become totally impossible! So I figured I'd need a way to add resource crossfeed to any part. But that itself would have been totally boring, as you could just add it everywhere. I decided to make this cost money and mass, just as normal pipes do. The only problem is, I know no C#, and currently do not intend to learn it. I am using Python, PHP and JavaScript until I feel like I am familiar enough with them to move on.

TL;DR: I, a person with NO knowledge in C#,  want to do a plugin that adds a button "Install/Remove Pipes" which would toggle crossfeed for some cost and mass.

I started a bit, but it does exactly nothing... Could someone point me at what to do?


C# code, should add a right click GUI button in the Editor to all parts:

using KSP;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine

namespace PipeInstaller
    public class PipeInstaller : PartModule
        [KSPEvent(guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true, active = true, isPersistant = true, guiName = "Install Pipes")]
        public void InstallPipes()
            this.ModuleToggleCrossfeed.isEnabled = true;
            this.mass += 0.05;
            this.cost += 1000;
            Events["InstallPipes"].active = false;
            Events["RemovePipes"].active = true;

        [KSPEvent(guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true, active = false, isPersistant = true, guiName = "Remove Pipes")]
        public void RemovePipes()
            this.ModuleToggleCrossfeed.isEnabled = false;
            this.mass -= 0.05;
            this.cost -= 1000;
            Events["InstallPipes"].active = true;
            Events["RemovePipes"].active = false;


MM patch to go along with it, should add a ModuleToggleCrossfeed to all parts:

    crossfeedStatus = false
    toggleEditor = false
    toggleFlight = false


Of course, if this code is bad beyond any hope and someone feels like it, it would be nice if they took over this idea and made a proper mod from it. I really just wanted to add myself a little feature, but I wouldn't be able to properly maintain or expand this mod, after all.


Thanks, any help is appreciated! Although, I ask not to go too deep into technical details or vague hints, because, as stated above, I know next to nothing in C# and even less so in KSP modding.

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18 hours ago, Jenyaza said:

Maybe you want this?

crossfeedStatus = false //  don`t know what is means, better to test it
toggleEditor = true     // looks like this must allow toggle in editor, may not work until first = true

I didn't come to test crossfeedStatus because I never came far enough for it (I wanted the GUI first). However, I suspect, or rather I hope, it is whether crossfeed is enabled. I did some quick test using craft files, and it looks like that's indeed it.

toggleEditor is a stock GUI toggle, which I have to disable because I want to implement my own. Basically what I do is hide all stock GUI related to this and use my own, which, besides controlling crossfeed, also adds mass and cost.

Thanks for the advice, though.

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Some research and luck led me to finding this: TweakableFuelPumps by Linuxgurugamer.

I see it is doing a lot of the things I need (most notably it allows me to enable crossfeed from a button). So I ask, if anyone has time, if they could explain me the relevant pieces of code. I actually PM'ed Linuxgurugamer about it, but I guess he's been too busy, so I figured I'd ask here, as someone else might explain it too.

Thanks a lot in advance.


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