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What makes you feel old?


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On 11/21/2016 at 11:42 AM, TheSaint said:

... I was really into wargaming from about the age of 9, ...

Likewise, about the age of 10; Which was when my cousin and I discovered this. A single game literally took weeks to play.


On 11/22/2016 at 6:41 AM, lajoswinkler said:

And they're incredibly stupid and badly done. When animation became easy to produce, overproduction started and the average quality of it fell down tremendously.

I'm an 80s child and I can't stand watching that crap. It's not inventive, it's inane, badly animated, with grotesque, bad art.


One more thing that really makes me sad - the quality of music nowdays, and I'm not talking about the art, but the actual sound.

Most younger people nowdays don't even know the sound of proper high fidelity music. They mainly use YouTube playing stuff at 360p which usually has even less than 128 kbps, highly compressed audio. Whole generations oblivious of what good sound sounds like. How tragic.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a nutty audiophile, but the quality of sound raising the appreciation of music for new generations is appaling.

8-Track tapes? lol

Cartoons; I've mentioned this before here in the forums. I've recently found something 'new' (for me), fresh, clean, funny ... worthy. Like this latest episode, hilarious.



On 11/22/2016 at 11:09 AM, sarbian said:

No one mentioned punched tape yet :)

Ah! Give me a moment, I was just getting to that.

This was actually my first computer, hooked via acoustic coupler (300 baud) to an HP-1000 on timeshare. Yes yes yes... being able to whistle at just the right pitch to initiate loopback made you 'cool' in the right circles. lol :lol:

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