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Steering Rockets Smoothly

The Flying Kerbal

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I hope this question hasn't been asked previously, and if it has then please accept my apologies for repeating it.

I'm not playing KSP very long, less than two weeks actually, but I can't help but wonder how guys like Scott Manley seem to steer their rockets so smoothly and with apparently no effort from launch to achieving orbit?

Are these guys designing rockets with such precise aerodynamics they virtually fly themselves, are they so skilful at piloting as to make this look easy, or are they using some kind of "autopilot" mod?  So far all my creations, at least those that don't just fall out of the skies, fight and struggle from engine start to the final shutdown, and I can't help but be envious of those who can do this so easily.

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Welcome! i've been playing for 6 months and have gotten much smoother in my launches. Here are some tips

  • learn about Gravity Turns and how to use them. A properly built rocket will practically fly itself.
  • Getting my TWR right for each stage of launch helps a ton also. A launcher built according to the specs below is very well-behaved and has ample DV to get into a 80Km LKO.
    • Stage 1: 1.5TWR and ~1750 delta-V
    • Stage 2: 1.0TWR and ~1750 delta-V
  • Watch your drag and your weight balance - any asymmetrical drag or weight will tend to pull you off course
  • Lastly, I use my prograde marker for most of my launch with the goal of being at 45 degrees by 10Km. Here's my default launch profile - it can be tweaked for each launcher.
    • Set SAS to hold course
    • launch and almost as soon as I'm off the pad I tilt 10 degrees Eastward.
    • Leave SAS on hold course. Your nose will drop past 10 degrees and won't be in-line with the prograde marker, which isn't ideal but you're not moving very fast yet
    • When I hit about 170m/s switch SAS to Prograde. This brings your nose in-line with direction of travel and minimizes drag. The ship will continue to dip slowly towards the horizon.
    • From there I adjust thrust to keep my PE about 60 seconds ahead of the ship.

This is a lot easier with KER installed because you'll have access to all the data I mentioned above. Hope this helps!

Edited by tjt
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