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More Rocket, Landing and Space Stuff

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Atmospheric flight is really cool, but KSP will never model aerodynamics accurately, especially at high angles of attack or really high dynamic pressures/altitudes.  It is not feasible for KSP to model he effect of different viscosities, spanwise flow, etc.  it's just too much computation to dedicate to a single aspect of the game for most consumer PCs.  So while flying planes in KSP is cool, its always just a little off. (Just like when you wear someone else's undershorts.  You think it's all gonna be fun and games, but it just doesn't feel right.)  To be fair KSP has done a fantastic job so far.

I would like to see us return our attention to spaceflight, landings on other bodies, etc.  There are lots of inflateables, base parts, PDE engines, alternative power sources, etc.  Culturally, I think more rocket stuff, more sensors, more survey data, etc. would be grand.

Edited by Jonfliesgoats
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