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How To Download OPM

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I really want the Outer planets mod I followed the instructions I got the OPM 1.2 and Kopernicus 1.2 put them in my GameData/Squad bit but still no mod, actually I have the OPM mod just not kopernicus so I don't have the planets, I know I've got rhe OPM on there because I don't have eeloo and it only goes out to jool, so where and how to you put the Kopernicus.

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All mods are installed the same way: The mod's folder must be placed below .../GameData/. Perhaps you can look for a tutorial video on Youtube, there shouldbe plenty of them around.

If you are struggling with mod installations in general, I recommend that you take a look at CKAN. It's a mod manager with a graphical user interface that lets you just pick mods from a list, click "install", and it'll do the rest for you. Not all mods are available, but the vast majority is. Kopernicus and OPM are definitely in there.

Edited by Streetwind
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