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Female Kerbal


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If they add female Kerbals well then it would be great, even adding some interesting/quirky interactions between the two genders. But I don\'t want it to turn in to a situation such as the many failed Disney sequals where they add another character of the opposite gender and the movie is instantly wrecked :(, The kerbals, whatever gender should stay simple and loveable. No fashion models such as the many female Kerbals that are drawn in the fanart

(not naming any names... ;))

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No female Kerbals ever, and you want to know why?

1. Female Kerbal gets added.

2. 'She\'s flat, and doesn\'t look like a girl at all!'.

3. Female Kerbal is given more feminine looks.

4. 'Now she has a large chest, and that\'s obscene!'

5. Squad now has to (again) redo the feminine parts of the female Kerbal so it looks like a girl, without looking to buxom.

6. Squad eventually scraps the idea, because it is taking time away from them adding more useful features.

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there one meter tall alion\'s why cant a femail karbal be a nomal kerbal in a blonde wig. no one complains about raving rabbids and minions. you just assume thay have two sexes.

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It isn\'t essential to the game but having visually distinctive kerbals would be quite cool and once you start adding facial characteristics it is inevitable some will look more feminine than others. I don\'t mind them all looking the same but a bit of variety would be nice.

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  Themohawkninja said:

No female Kerbals ever, and you want to know why?

1. Female Kerbal gets added.

2. 'She\'s flat, and doesn\'t look like a girl at all!'.

3. Female Kerbal is given more feminine looks.

4. 'Now she has a large chest, and that\'s obscene!'

5. Squad now has to (again) redo the feminine parts of the female Kerbal so it looks like a girl, without looking to buxom.

6. Squad eventually scraps the idea, because it is taking time away from them adding more useful features.

No Kerbal space combat ever, and you want to know why?

1. Kerbal space combat gets added.

2. 'It\'s boring. I don\'t want to wait 10 minutes to rendezvous so I can shoot one missile.'

3. Kerbal space combat is softened in the SF sense.

4. 'Now it\'s too unrealistic!'

5. Squad now has to (again) redo the combat parts of KSP to make it feel realistic without becoming too niche.

6. Squad eventually scraps the idea, because it is taking time away from them adding more useful features.

See, I can strawman too! ::)

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  Accelerando said:

No Kerbal space combat ever, and you want to know why?

1. Kerbal space combat gets added.

2. 'It\'s boring. I don\'t want to wait 10 minutes to rendezvous so I can shoot one missile.'

3. Kerbal space combat is softened in the SF sense.

4. 'Now it\'s too unrealistic!'

5. Squad now has to (again) redo the combat parts of KSP to make it feel realistic without becoming too niche.

6. Squad eventually scraps the idea, because it is taking time away from them adding more useful features.

See, I can strawman too! ::)

It appears I have found fault in both lists. Two and Four are the least likely for Squad to do anything about in both situations as is, although the replies the the war movie might give insight to how people would react to combat in KSP.

What do you mean by strawman anyways?

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  Candre said:

As evidenced by the general sentiment (judging by the content of the first few posts,) Kerbals are unisexual.

First of all, what evidence? I don\'t see any input from a Squad dev saying 'Yeah, Kerbals are a unisex species.' All the posts are from other players who have no knowledge of Kerbal Lore (Or even refer to dev input), and as such, shouldn\'t be taken seriously.

Second, Timmon26 has what I think is the perfect interpretation of a female Kerbal. On those comics, especially in the Odyssey drawing, you can look at these and say 'That is most certainly a female Kerbal,' without even having to look below the neck. Really, would you be able to easily identify their gender when they have a space suit on without looking at their face?

If it ever happens, there\'s already a good reference to how they should look.

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First of all, what evidence? I don\'t see any input from a Squad dev saying 'Yeah, Kerbals are a unisex species.' All the posts are from other players who have no knowledge of Kerbal Lore (Or even refer to dev input), and as such, shouldn\'t be taken seriously.

Unless the Kerbal Space Administration is sexist, there is no indication that there is more than one gender within the Kerbal community.

Secondly, what would female Kerbal add to the game? It seems like it would just be a useless thing that Dan has to animate.

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  Themohawkninja said:

Unless the Kerbal Space Administration is sexist, there is no indication that there is more than one gender within the Kerbal community.

I just said that there is no post in that thread where Squad mentions the number of Kerbal genders.


Secondly, what would female Kerbal add to the game? It seems like it would just be a useless thing that Dan has to animate.

Hence, why I said 'If it ever happens.'

I didn\'t say it will happen. I didn\'t say that it won\'t.

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I just said that there is no post in that thread where Squad mentions the number of Kerbal genders.

Hence, why I said 'If it ever happens.'

I didn\'t say it will happen. I didn\'t say that it won\'t.

You stated that Squad never mentioned that there was only one, and I said that Squad has never stated that there was more than one.

I know, but I felt that if the question couldn\'t be answered, than that would give a lot of merit against feminine Kerbals.

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  Themohawkninja said:

It appears I have found fault in both lists. Two and Four are the least likely for Squad to do anything about in both situations as is, although the replies the the war movie might give insight to how people would react to combat in KSP.

What do you mean by strawman anyways?

To strawman is to make a false and/or unrealistic representation of the other argument or proposition so as to further your point while saying absolutely nothing of rational value. So your observations about my 'argument' may be astute. Either way, my point is that it is not much different from what you were saying.

Really, though, I don\'t think anybody\'s going to care that the female Kerbals don\'t look pretty enough as long as there\'s one or two defining features. I doubt even the people who want them to wear long hair and paint their nails will give half a care if they look nearly the same as the males because as far as I know most people play KSP to blow up rockets.

The point of the argument for gender equality in games isn\'t to have an in-game object to cast notions of beauty or sexual prowess onto; it\'s to point out that women play these games too and as much as the puny, dopey, diminuitive male cast can be fitting avatars for male players, it would be at least kind to afford women as well a representative avatar in the game\'s general style.

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  Accelerando said:

To strawman is to make a false and/or unrealistic representation of the other argument or proposition so as to further your point while saying absolutely nothing of rational value. So your observations about my 'argument' may be astute. Either way, my point is that it is not much different from what you were saying.

Really, though, I don\'t think anybody\'s going to care that the female Kerbals don\'t look pretty enough as long as there\'s one or two defining features. I doubt even the people who want them to wear long hair and paint their nails will give half a care if they look nearly the same as the males because as far as I know most people play KSP to blow up rockets.

The point of the argument for gender equality in games isn\'t to have an in-game object to cast notions of beauty or sexual prowess onto; it\'s to point out that women play these games too and as much as the puny, dopey, diminuitive male cast can be fitting avatars for male players, it would be at least kind to afford women as well a representative avatar in the game\'s general style.

Women play Call of Duty, and Grand Theft Auto, and look at how women are portrayed (if at all) in those games. Just because women play video games doesn\'t mean that the developers need to make female characters. To use a similar argument, we should have other color Kerbals, because I am pretty sure that Caucasians aren\'t the only color of humans that play KSP.

Secondly, it doesn\'t add anything to the game. It is just another thing that Squad would have to make, and spend time on, when there are better things to make.

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