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KSP themes modular Estes Model Rockets

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How cool would it be for KSP to develop a modular system of construction for Estes model rockets?  The engineering challenges for these projects are smaller than they would have been just a few years ago.  Aerodynamic or exhaust vectoring modules could be purchased with cheap laser gyro systems (available for RC planes at low cost).  A parachute recovery system and data bus could allow for rudimentary on board programming from a flight control module (also KSP themed).  Estes SRB motors would be installed in KSP themed modules sans parachute ejection charges.

Basically it is entirely feasible for KSP nerds to play with a system of modular model rocket construction IRL and for rocket-nerd-kids to play with their ideas in KSP.  The technalready exists at consumer-friendly prices at your local or online hobby shop.  KSP just needs to package and market the stuff.

Low budget model rockets would have low "tech" modules consisting of motors, parachutes and standard toy rocket stuff.  Higher budgets would buy gyro accelerometers, servo/vane modules for aerodynamics and TVC.  A flight computer module could interact with a crummy app that allows users to set the ballistic timing, parachute deployment, etc. via smart phones.  This way you could watch everything from a twenty dollar to three hundred dollar modular rocket break.  Also the flight computer module could send flight data to a kid's iPad.

Edited by Jonfliesgoats
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As a kid, I remember the model rocket engines I would strap to my model planes had an ignition system that was basically a match head connected to a couple electrodes and some AA batteries.  Often I would simply replace the electric ignition with fuse or some improvised ignition source (red hot wires heated with a torch).

KSP themed model rockets could have the ignition system built into the modules and covered with paraffin wax.  The individual modules could be modeled on the Flea, Thumper, etc.  If people go nuts for Kerbal plushies, they'd go Gaga for flying Kerbal modules.

I guess whoever brought this to market would have to make sure whatever toys are still listed as DOT C fireworks.  Also, you couldn't ship the engine modules by air, which would make overnight delivery for a kid's birthday difficult, but no more so than current model rockets.

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At first I thought you meant in-game. You mean licensed "Kerbal" rockets, manufactured by Estes?

That would be pretty cool, but I gotta admit; I haven't seen a model rocket in the wild in forever. Can't find them at big box stores anymore, at least in every place I've lived. Well, except for the pressurized water ones. But they don't count. Have to go to a Hobbytown or such. My point is, that would be a marginally profitable venture for SQUAD, because they would sell so few units. And "helicopter" parents aren't big on kids playing with explosives these days.

So your target demo would be a crossover of those who still rock out with prefab model rockets instead of rolling their own, and KSP fans that are adults or kids with 'cool' parents. 

Kinda Devils Advocate, just my 2c.  And of course, biased heavily by my limited exposure to the hobby. I haven't launched a model rocket in 20 year or so. 

But it would be neat! My suggestion along these lines would be forget the modularity, and just get Estes to slap some KSP stickers on a few and see how it does. If it garners success, then make some Kickbacks and Stayputniks. 

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If NASA can get talks through that successfully included projects and use of the NASA name and graphics, I'd be shocked if there weren't any talks between Squad and Estes.  My guess is that both side valued their side too high and they quickly drop the whole idea of a deal (I'm reasonably sure no cash changed hands with the NASA deal, I'd expect Squad to be paid for a such a Kerbal deal, and presumably Estes wouldn't pay enough (possibly because the money wasn't there and largely comes from old hands).

Don't hold your breath (although Estes might rethink it if they saw LEGO KSP products in the hobby stores they sell from).

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