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ODST Challenge

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I challenge who ever thinks that they can build a working ODST pod(from Halo) to do so.

Conditions are:

All rockets must be 'droped' from 100,000m high

can contain 1 tank of RCS fuel

can be used for mun (Difficulty easy) 1 RCS thruster

can be used for minmus (Difficulty Heroic) 2 RCS thruster

Can be used for Kerbin (Difficulty Legendary) # RCS thruster

[Kerbin landers may NOT use jets or rockets]

[Kerbin landers may use parachutes but CANNOT be deployed under 1000m(must be detached before then)]

Most successful pod wins(style points included)

Here is an image link to an ODST pod


And of course good luck everybody.

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Its very doable especially using linear RCS, but it won\'t look like an ODST pod. If it does, then it\'d have to be massively oversize, and then RCS isn\'t really feasible.

If I remember right about 6 linear RCS under an RCS tank under a command capsule should be capable of deaccelerating and flying. If I\'m wrong add some more. Not even sure if you\'d need the parachute but it can\'t hurt to have the extra slowdown.

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IIRC, there were a few small rockets on the SOEIVs. The \'chute was to orient it in the proper direction, and the rockets slowed the pod to the point that the ODST would survive.

Also, a typical landing would leave enough fuel for a brief ballistic hop across the battlefield, as referenced in the book, 'The Cole Protocol'...

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I\'m doing something moderately similar, but in reverse. It\'s not quite finished yet. I have a basic station in orbit around the mun with a population of about 10 Kerbs on the surface. I\'m about to drop a lander in the middle of the surface base that has 4 MKRPs (Munar Krew Recovery Pods) on it, which are designed to use linear RCS to fly one Kerbal to the station and then deorbit itself. Once full, the station serves as an 8 man return vehicle that can either dock with my upcoming KSS or return fully to Kerbin.

I\'m wondering if after I remove my crew from the POD if I will be able to de-orbit it or not, with a mechjeb and no crew, is it controllable?

This is meant to serve as Large lander and rendezvous practice for me as I work my way to dropping larger and larger hab modules on the Mun, and test out different return systems from the Mun. Multiple return vehicles per lander is something I\'ve been working on for a while, but the MKRPS add a ton of dead weight, so I have to redesign every stage on my rocket (and possibly add a 4th or 5th serial stage).

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In my experience, you cannot control anything with crew capacity if it does not currently hold crew, even if it has mechjeb. However this is mostly based on using mechjeb pods along with crewtanks, it might be different with the other mechjeb units, though I doubt it.

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So I decided to try my hand at this and came up with my ODSK(Orbital Drop Shock Kerbal). It uses the Truss from the damned robotics pack and the airbrake mod to emulate the parachute like part on the pod. When the brakes are deployed they apply enough drag to properly orient the craft but they are definitely not enough to save the pod. Applying upward rcs thrust at about 3000m leads to a safe touchdown. Due to the mod parts and number of thrusters used it might not qualify for the challenge, but I had fun with it and thought you guys might too. Craft file attached.


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