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[1.9.X]Aircraft Carrier Accessories


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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,

Great mod, however I face a lag issue whenever I am about to land on the carrier. Is there a reason for that ? Is there a low-poly version of the ship that could solve that problem ? Which settings can I change to have the game run smoothly ?

I have an Nvidia Geforce 920M, and I run KSP 1.8.1 on Windows 10, if that information helps.

Thanks !


The mods I currently use:

B9 Aerospace procedural wings
Hangar Extender
Jenzaya Water Tanks
Kerbal Engineer
Kerbal Konstructs
Infernal Robotics
Physics Range Extender
Background Resources
TAC Life Support

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16 hours ago, leroidangleterre said:

Hi all,

Great mod, however I face a lag issue whenever I am about to land on the carrier. Is there a reason for that ? Is there a low-poly version of the ship that could solve that problem ? Which settings can I change to have the game run smoothly ?

I have an Nvidia Geforce 920M, and I run KSP 1.8.1 on Windows 10, if that information helps.

Thanks !


Does it happen at 2.2km? If so, the lag is when you're entering physics range, and the only way to stop that is to download and install PRE (Physics Range Extender), which can be found on the BD Armory page. (it's a BDA dependency) That will let you set the physics range to further out so you will get the lag earlier, before being on final approach. It should only take a few seconds unless you have a lot of mods doing physics calculations.

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1 hour ago, Destroyer_Harekaze said:

So I've been running the mod in 1.9.1 for a short while, does the elevator and jet blast deflectors move? I do see the mechanism modeled for the deflector but not sure how to toggle them :confused:

They do not work iirc

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, I've had an issue with the Lianoning Carrier. Whenever I've tried to land it just jolts quite dramatically all of a sudden leading to me crashing due to being too close to pull up. Can you please fix this?

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On 3/19/2020 at 11:42 AM, Kerbal Gamer said:


I have been having a problem with the catapults where they tug the plane all they way into the ship resulting in the destruction of the cockpit and most of the plane. Is there any fix?


Video? Mod list?

On 3/18/2020 at 10:23 AM, CrayzeeMonkey said:

You are right.


On 11/21/2019 at 11:57 AM, CardboardGuy said:

can you use the Optical landing system and Long-Range Lineup System for landing on the runway? asking for a friend.:D

Put OLS on a small cart and drive to the end of the runway.

9 hours ago, LF_Ion said:

Hello, I've had an issue with the Lianoning Carrier. Whenever I've tried to land it just jolts quite dramatically all of a sudden leading to me crashing due to being too close to pull up. Can you please fix this?

Try Physics Range Extender


On 3/28/2020 at 6:50 PM, LF_Ion said:

It's a great mod. However I'm having trouble with it recently, as even selecting some Parts (e.g Tailhook 2) my Game Crashes. Any advice?

Log file.

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I found a fix for the Liaoning, turns out it's due to advanced tweakables. Rip autostrut

It's a great mod though. I'd love to see more carriers such as the Charles De Gaulle, Nimitz or maybe even older carriers like the WW2 ones. These are just some suggestions, and thank you for your work on this amazing mod.

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9 hours ago, LF_Ion said:

I found a fix for the Liaoning, turns out it's due to advanced tweakables. Rip autostrut

It's a great mod though. I'd love to see more carriers such as the Charles De Gaulle, Nimitz or maybe even older carriers like the WW2 ones. These are just some suggestions, and thank you for your work on this amazing mod.


There is a MOD called WWII carriers. If u are interested.

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On 6/3/2020 at 8:37 AM, LF_Ion said:

Oh there is? Sorry I didnt know, I only recently got a pc. Anyways though, thanks for your work, and I look forward to the future of this mod.

No need to sorry, that is only a small mod for fun anyway. It is designed to play as fleet battle which you are able to launch dozens of fighters and fight AI.

You are always welcome.

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On 6/2/2020 at 9:05 PM, flywlyx said:

There is a MOD called WWII carriers. If u are interested.

Since there doesn't seem to be a forum thread for that mod, and you mentioned it, I'll ask here - is BDAc a hard dependency for that mod, or can you use it without BDAc with reduced functionality? Thanks.

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56 minutes ago, panarchist said:

Since there doesn't seem to be a forum thread for that mod, and you mentioned it, I'll ask here - is BDAc a hard dependency for that mod, or can you use it without BDAc with reduced functionality? Thanks.

Fighters need BDA to auto pilot and fire, but u dont need BDA the drive the ship and fly the plane.

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If I may, I have a question. Do you have any plans to make the carrier more functional in the future? Such as working Blast shields and Lifts. It would be a great addition to an already amazing mod. Just a suggestion though, thanks.

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3 hours ago, LF_Ion said:

If I may, I have a question. Do you have any plans to make the carrier more functional in the future? Such as working Blast shields and Lifts. It would be a great addition to an already amazing mod. Just a suggestion though, thanks.

Blast shield will limite the plane size, and lift is the same.

Also, blast shield is only visual effect, it can't deflect particles. And lift is the door to the hanger which I prefer achieved by other MOD.

So, no, I dont plan on doing any of these.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/10/2020 at 11:36 AM, Natso said:

Someone can show me how use refuel for aircraft?? . i need video tutorial please

Pretty much what the post above said. Make sure the refueling port is on, and you can increase the length too. Your refueling port (the part where the fuel goes) does need to be facing in the general direction of the refueling system (only general not exactly).

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, BuzzFeed4Lief said:

fsr the reloadable  missile rail doesnt reload when i go to the refuelling port and brake. anyone know why?

also i did have missiles actually on it

Did you see the cable connected? If yes, please provide you KSP.log file

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On 9/14/2020 at 9:41 PM, BuzzFeed4Lief said:

Looks like your game is heavily modded, and some MOD is reporting ERR too. Since I couldn't recreate this bug, I assume it is from one of the old MOD file you fail to clean up or something.

Please reinstall KSP ,reinstall your MODs and properly arrange your MOD folder structure, if it happens again, let me know which is the conflict MOD.

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  • 4 months later...

Reloadable rail reassign function  works well with the stock attachment system, I attached a new missile and successfully reassigned it. But there are some restrictions: after adding a module ModuleCargoPart to the missile rail it stops reloading missiles, and the EVA construction mode doesn't work when the fuel line is attached to the carrier nozzle.

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