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[Writing] My story of KSP


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Intro: First of all I really want to say thanks to dev team! Secondary I want to say that I\'m not native english speacker so I\'m really sorry for my lack of grammar skill. And last I\'m not really a writer but this idea come to my brain so I want to share it with u guys.

Now about the story itself, all dates are as we have here. What I mean is I using same time system, so all month names are same. This is done for few reasons. First and main is to not confuse you all and myself, second is I couldn\'t imagine whole new names which would eventually come to whole new system, so even if I do that it would interfear with 1st reason.

But all dates in my story are totally human random! So no real life dates or simular missions never was in mind.

Ok! U read that whole boring stuff up there and now it\'s time for... more boring stuff! But before u proceed the story is telling by a historian

from National Kerbal Science Channel (NKSC (not to misread UNSC)) Gregor Kerman.

Start of the show!:

Hello! And welcome to our special show! Today we will tell you how our humble planet made it from little rock where kerbnoutiopitec lived to this day when we launch rockets to space to understood our very own kerbnout being. I am Gregor Kerman and today I will explain you everything you wanted to know about our planet, very us and of cource space.

[Epic music and logo!]

Our show today is really special it will take time of few shows to explain all that you ever dare to ask but nobody could answer!



It\'s me again Gregor Kerman and I\'m back here with 1st part of our show: Good old times!

As u all know from school our very own planet was born shortly after our start was born! It was just a huge blob of hot gases and rock that colided togather and formed an irregural shape that was growing by absorbing more and more dust, gas and rock.

You can ask: 'but where all that rock, dust and gas came from!?' and I will answer you it all came from our star! All unused material that star didn\'t take while it was forming it left orbiting itself. It colided and was growing till it was that big that it own gravity started to pull even more towards itself! And so our planet, our Kerbal was born! By that time it was huge ball of magma and hot gases.

In time it cool down and our planet started to make it way to what it is now!

'But where did water came from?!' you may ask, and I will answer that as well! Our most acceptable theory is meteors and comets!

We belive that they came from deep space and brought us water in huge ice comets! It fell from sky and colided into our hot planet and water immediately evaporated and also was cooling our planet!

So now lets look back and summary what happend there:

1st - Our star, our mother was born.

2nd - Shortly after that we born too!

3rd - Water made its way from deep space and find it place here which made our planet to cool and also helped established atmoshere.

It was Gregor Kerman from NKSC and I will wait you after short comercial!


Mun and Minmus

Welcome back! It is still me Gregor Kerman here to answer your questions about our very own being!

It\'s time to talk about our natural satalites! Mun and Minmus! How did they apear?

Well scientist made 2 most acceptable theories:

1st one says that Mun is part of our and other planet that colided into us at very begining of Kerbal life and that Minmus is actually a remnants of that planet!

2nd theory says that both Mun and Minmus are huge meteors that are trapped by Kerbals gravity sphere!

Both are good but after first Minmus travel we find out that Minmus terrain have different colour and other proporties which may say that its really a part of other planet!

Again it was Gregor Kerman from NKSC and I will wait you after short comercial!


Long journey!

Hello again! Pleased to see you near your telescreens again! Now Doctor Michel Kerman will join us to tell how life developed and how our species started to dominated above all others! A word to her.

Hello everybody I\'m Doc. Michel Kerman and I will tell you the story of life on our planet! Most of this is still in theories but pretty possible!

Life it started from nothing, basicly we think that comets that brought us water also brought us first organic moleculas that then organised to simple cell organisms.

But all that you already heared in our 'Life soup' show.

Here we will discus more about how we developed.

Our journey starts from first sentinel being on our planet: kerbnoutiopitec!

I still was pretty dump for us, but if you think about it more u will understand that it was first species that used tools!

As they developed they became more and more smart started used stone tools as well as started to live togather!

Now if we warp a bit to later times we can see how keabderthals used iron tools and were making some sort of vilages!

And still it less then a half of our journey to nowadays kebnout sapient.

[sudden comercial]

Ok! I dicied to delete all that boring stuff because actually that were too much! Yeah let\'s finally talk about space! Maybe later I will make all that history writing, but later, because This Is Time For SPACE!

(Just a little more boring stuff Great Was is almost same like WW1 and WW2 kinda combined here on Earth but there was 3 super nations: Western United Coutries (WUC) (Protorype USA), Great Kingdom of Kerbania (GKK) (Prototype GB) and Covenant of Southern Kerbal Coalitions and Keurch Republic (CSKC&KC) (Prototype USSR + Nazi Germani + Halo Covenant xD ) So war was really exhausting and WUC united with GKK and togather they started to focusing their attack on CSKC&KC in time KC betrayed CSKC and united with WUC and GKK as well as gave all data from their previous allience. It was big surprise for CSKC and in few years it was smashed. Control after all those lands were given to KC. Later KC, WUC and GKK formed Peacfull Kerbal Treaty (PKT) in which all contries that signed that Treaty can\'t attack or do anything offecive to other countries for next 100 years.)

Wee! Borning stuff ended time for Space things!

Influences of Great War (GW) and start of space research!

Hello again its me Gregor Kerman but now without Doc. Michel Kerman. Now we will talk how GW helped us to develop technolgy that we even now using to travel to starts.

After GW ended in 1968 society was exhausted nobody thought that we could stand on our legs again in ~50 years so thats why WUC, GKK and KC signed PKT as well know as PaKT (Peacfull Kerbal Treaty). But after resarching so much data of enemy that he left after war WUC discovered they secret weaponds that was proected to bomb cities without planes. It was radio guided rockets! WUC started to develope this and tested in Koby desert were they understood that this rockets are perfect for war!

One thing they didn\'t understood was that they can use for peacfull thigs as well, thats were GKK comes. Info somehow (we think that was GKK spies, but nothing really know about it) leaked to GKK and they tried to get that technology as well. After long political war finally GKK had that blueprints of rockets. One scientist Doc. Kebelt Kerman thougt something other about this rockets he didn\'t thought it was weaponds he thought that was transport.

Fortunately by the 1971 society somehow stand up on it\'s legs and goverment have enough money for that crazy project Doc. Kebelt had. In June 1972 first man controled rocket flew up in the air, but rocket was overweighted and fell from skies. Mr. Jech 'Jokey' Kerman didn\'t survied and it was great loss for Doc. Kebelt as Jech was his best friend. After his friend demise Doc left project 'Omega' and never returned.

Project was closed after that and never was resumed. But in 1975 a year after KGUCGT (Kerbal Global Union of all Coutries and Goverments Treaty) was signed by all countries and world was united new program was started. It name was Kerbal Space Program (KSP)

First space flights and programs!


So now we will talk about first programs made by KSP

Program 'Skyline':

Launches: 5

Successful launches: 1

Objective: Reach Sub-Orbital Trajectory with man carried in pod.


Rocket KerSpaceRocket Mk IV with Elrim Kerman in pod.

Elrim Kerman is first kerbnaut in space!

Program 'Vikerb':

Launches: 5

Successful launches: 4

Objective: Reach Sub-Orbital Trajectory with man carried in pod and made few tests in Zero-Gravity.

Spacecrafts: Vikerb I, VikerbII, Vikerb III, Vikerb IV, Vikerb V (lost), Vikerb VI (never used)


Vikerb III rocket and it\'s pilot Bob.

First images of Kerbal:


czH3v.png (made on personal camera so quallity is bad)

Program 'Orbiter':

Launches: 3

Successful: 3

Objective: Orbit Kerbal and run tests in Zero-Gravity.

Spacecrafts: Orbiter I, Orbiter II, Orbiter III

Missions time: Orbiter I 28 days, Orbiter II 23 days, Orbiter III 8 days

Orbiter II mission: Get first kerbnauts in open space.

First kerbnaut in space: Donlin Kerman

Orbiter II pic: N14G8.png

Donlin pic in space: a2uEm.png (made by his co-crew member Samnie (2nd kerbnaut in space))

Program 'Munar':

Launches: 3

Successful: 2

Objective: Get first spacecraft to Mun, get first kerbnaut on Mun.

Spacecrafts: Munar I (lost on Mun), Munar II (landed on Mun (system OK, but left there as memorial)), Munar III

Missions time: Munar I n/a, Munar II still there, Munar III 2 days 6 hours 50 mins

Munar III only crew member Corlan Kerman is first kerbnaut on Mun

1st pic from Munar II after landing: zwkgr.png

We can see it\'s landing leg there, though quality is very bad due to it landed on far side of Mun and we coudn\'t establish better signal.

Munar III in background and Corlan making pic with tripod: d4mJk.png

Munar II pic of Corlan (who went 2,5 km to it): v51MI.png

Munar III stats after landing: bwOQl.png

Program 'Satalite A':

Launches: 4

Successful: 3

Objective: Establish satalites net.

Spacecrafts: Satalite A-1, Satalite A-2, Satalite A-3(fell apart at space), Satalite A-4

Program 'Munarite':

Launches: 1

Successful: 1

Objective: Establish orbit around Mun and study it.

Spacecrafts: Munarite I (on 128 day of it mission suddenly changed orbit around Sun, using as Traveller I helper now)

Program 'Traveller':

Launches: 1

Successful: 1

Objective: Establish orbit around Sun and travell to fae end of system.

Spacecrafts: Traveller I

Future possible and planed programs!

Continued programs:

Program 'Munarite'

Launch 2 more satalites.

Program 'Traveller'

Launch 1 more spacecraft from system into deep space.

Possible programs:

Program 'Orbiter 2' (may be called different)

Establish Space Station

Program 'Munar 2'

Make ground researches on Mun

Planned programs:

Program 'Mimmusar'

Travel to Minmus, establish orbiting satalite, land computer controled craft, land crew craft.

Program 'Stalite B'

Establish 2 satalite net.

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I think your story is great! (Please don\'t think I just made this positive feedback just to say what I say in the next parenthesis(brackets)) (On that one you said it was done by a personal camera, it\'ll make sence and seem cooler if you got rid of that little notice. It will make sence because you know when TV was bad it was in black and white and they had small TVs and stuff like that. I will remove this bit if you decide to get rid of it. (I\'m not trying to bribe you, just if the notice was removed this message would give away that it was there.))

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I think your story is great! (Please don\'t think I just made this positive feedback just to say what I say in the next parenthesis(brackets)) (On that one you said it was done by a personal camera, it\'ll make sence and seem cooler if you got rid of that little notice. It will make sence because you know when TV was bad it was in black and white and they had small TVs and stuff like that. I will remove this bit if you decide to get rid of it. (I\'m not trying to bribe you, just if the notice was removed this message would give away that it was there.))

First of all thank you for such a positive reply! And yeah I think may be cool, but one thing is previous pic is so much better quality :D

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My pleasure. ;D The only thing that I suggest you do is get someone (for example me, I\'m full english by the way, also I\'m not forcing you to choose me for the thing I am explaining.) to spell and grammar check it for you(P.S. I have a unique and clever spell and grammar checker program I could use, same little note I added to the previous objects in brackets) and you could also ask them to check if it makes sence, I am suggesting this because as you have said, you are not english speaking and it could look professional after it is checked, I am only suggesting this, not forcing you to do that, it\'s fine if you would like to have it so every piece is your own, I know some people who do not like help in some projects because they would feel as if they had not accomplished it themselves.

(You could just delete the previous picture, move it in after the low quality one and the explanation would be that the second was taken after or just have the explanation I have just said and all you need to do is remove the message (remember to remove the bits talking about this if you decide to get rid of the message saying the thing I am suggesting for you to delete.))

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My pleasure. ;D The only thing that I suggest you do is get someone (for example me, I\'m full english by the way, also I\'m not forcing you to choose me for the thing I am explaining.) to spell and grammar check it for you(P.S. I have a unique and clever spell and grammar checker program I could use, same little note I added to the previous objects in brackets) and you could also ask them to check if it makes sence, I am suggesting this because as you have said, you are not english speaking and it could look professional after it is checked, I am only suggesting this, not forcing you to do that, it\'s fine if you would like to have it so every piece is your own, I know some people who do not like help in some projects because they would feel as if they had not accomplished it themselves.

(You could just delete the previous picture, move it in after the low quality one and the explanation would be that the second was taken after or just have the explanation I have just said and all you need to do is remove the message (remember to remove the bits talking about this if you decide to get rid of the message saying the thing I am suggesting for you to delete.))

Well I really thankfull for your wanting (?) to assist me! It would actually be cool if u checked that all and fixed my mistakes! And send me fixed version in PM. I will add you to list of helpers ;)

Now as for imigies I will make some more probobly and delete this, but for now let them be as temp? :D

Again thank you!

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