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Testing interplanetery -- how to?

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I have a prototype ship for a Manned Venus Flyby mission. However, According to the calculator, it stated my departure day is Year 2, day 160!

Are there better way to head to Eve, or should I fast forward? Also, how do I fast forward to go from Y1D1 to Y2D160 without overshooting it? (It's a dedicated sandbox for testing this prototype)

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The game is designed so that skipping time is cheap so that it is easier to experience interplanetary journey - it's not uncommon to have a 10yr+ trip for a gravity-assisted Jool tour. So don't feel bad about waiting for years to do something.

For stopping time warp - if you have KAC, that would be the easiest. If you use pure stock, you can probably warp at maximum until 10~20 days before the desired the date, then use the "warp to next morning" button to fine control the exact date you want to be on.

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One other method if you are playing stock, launch a small craft outside Kerbins SOI. It will then be on a nice long orbit around the sun, which means you can set a maneuvere node and slide it around the orbit until it's a few days earlier than the transfer window.  Finally, a warp to next maneuvere node and you're done.

Edited by Clipperride
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