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"Mods that should be stock!" A community list for new players! Please vote!!!

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KER. Any other mod is not as important as having necessary information about how the vessel is going to perform. Otherwise it's just a rocket evolution simulator. Except it takes a lot more time and it's the player wasting their time trying to build something flyable.

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First, anyone voting should remember - this is not a question of "mods you like". This is about mods practically everyone likes - or would like if they only tried.

So stuff like MJ, RO or life support are right out as the sort of mods that don't appeal to a significant segment of the player base.

Stuff that I believe would fit perfectly?

- Easy Vessel Switch. Alt-click a vessel to switch to it. Doubleclick a vessel to target it. A tiny improvement that means a world of difference when managing a base or entering a field of debris.

- Easy Board. Press B and the next time your kerbal can board a vessel, they will board it. Similarly, F for grabbing a ladder within reach. It's a minor improvement but deals with a terrible nuisance. I can't imagine anyone disliking it in stock.

Another such example would be Better Burn Time. The terribad predictions of burn time by stock game should be considered an outright bug, and this mod fixes it. I don't think anyone likes the game providing completely wrong information for no good reason.

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