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Docking help...

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Rover wheels steer in different directions depending on where you are contolling them from. They also rotate (forward/back) differently depending on where you are controlling them from.

Klaws, Command pods, probe cores, and docking ports can all be set as the "control point" for the ship. And they can point in all different directions. If you have a klaw on both the front and back of your rover, and you switch the "control from here" from one to the other, then all your steering will get reversed.

If your control point is pointing UP, and you are trying to steer some rover wheels, then funny things can happen. The wheels may steer all wrong. They may fight each other for which direction is forward or backward, and you may end up going nowhere. That all depends on how the symmetry of the wheels was set when you created the rover, and whether you built the rover in the SPH or VAB. You can see whether it's likely that you will have a problem just by looking at the navball.

You say you docked your "movers" to your Hub. Therefore you must have some kind of docking ports pointing sideways. If you right click on one of those docking ports and click the "Control from Here" button -- that may completely fix your problem. Or make it a different problem, at least. Because it sounds like what you are doing is a little complicated.

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Three little buttons in the bottom left of the screen that toggle between staging, docking and map mode.

Although I think bewing might be on the money with control point 

Docking controls are h+n for forward /back i,j,k,l for orientation (j,l for left/right). 

If this don't work,  let us know.


Edited by Palaceviking
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5 hours ago, Palaceviking said:

Three little buttons in the bottom left of the screen that toggle between staging, docking and map mode.

Although I think bewing might be on the money with control point 

Docking controls are h+n for forward /back i,j,k,l for orientation (j,l for left/right). 

If this don't work,  let us know.


Thanks I'll try it when I get home

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