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Radios don't need cars (Mobile Processing Lab)

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I recently decided to land a lab on the Mun for the first time. I wanted to take advantage of the XP for my kerbals, so I put a Mk1-2 on it with a separater in between. Specifics aren't very important, but I landed the entire craft on the Mun with 5 kerbals, collected science, transferred that data to the lab, then detached the command module and flew 3 kerbals back into orbit.

The lab I left behind is kerballed by scientists, has power, battery, antenna... but doesn't process the data into science because it has no probe core or command module. Why do I need a steering wheel to do science? Radios can play music without being attached to a car. I'm fine with it not being able to opperate the RCS thrusters, engines, reaction wheels, even landing gear. It just seems to me that it should do its own self contained job provided it has input, power and staff.

At the very least, it should be clear that it won't work without a command module. The in game description says nothing about that, and while the wiki says it is not a command module, it does not state that it requires one to function. The solar panels charge the battery without a command module.

A little miffed at the wasted time and money...

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