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VAB/SPH Mirror/Sym not working.

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Hi Everyone!  Been playing since '13 and haven't ever encountered this issue.  When trying to say... put some Big Delta S wings on a payload module... and I push radial 2x symmetry, unless I put it in the middle of the part, it puts one wing at the top of the part I want to attach to and one on the bottom.  Basically when translating vertically and I move one wing down it moves one wing up.  It does this even in place mode.  It must be something simple.  It's truly driving me mad.  Thank you to the community for any help.  I looked everywhere.




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Sounds like you don't want Radial symmetry? You want mirror symmetry instead? Try hitting the R key, and see if it does what you want.

If that doesn't do it, you can always place things one at a time, and not use symmetry at all.

Edited by bewing
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Looks like the game is using simmetry in a different angle then the desired.  You want X axis,  game uses Z axis. Probably along the way from the root part there is a attachment of the side something to the front of something else. 

Temporarily attach the part where you want wings (or whatever)  so there is no side-front attachment along the branch,   place the wings and attach back where you want it. 

Happy 2017

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