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Galaxy 2 Space station

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Couldn\'t you make a bay door by attacking the rectangular wing sections to the old lander legs? This would allow you to 'dock', you could get out inside, and switch crew with less chance of loosing the other ship, just make sure that you have alot of reinforcement on the structure of the station or the other ship might break it.

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So after some time I managed to get it in a succesful orbit. (not circular though), with a good amount of fuel left. This is actually my first orbit, I\'m new to the game. Worked out pretty well, it\'s not too difficult to maneuver.

Ap and Pe are at 140km and 450km.


He seems happy here!


And finally 2 nice shots with sun & kerban.



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I\'m going to try and make an obscenely large version of this with a larger docking bay for my SSTO plane, Just to see what happens. I\'ll probably put it in LKO just so I can get the SSTO to it to do one man crew swap outs. I already have one mock up station in orbit at 200km, I might as well put this type of one out there with a docking bay.

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Couldn\'t you make a bay door by attacking the rectangular wing sections to the old lander legs? This would allow you to 'dock', you could get out inside, and switch crew with less chance of loosing the other ship, just make sure that you have alot of reinforcement on the structure of the station or the other ship might break it.

I\'d love to see this tried out.

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I\'m going to try and make an obscenely large version of this with a larger docking bay for my SSTO plane, Just to see what happens. I\'ll probably put it in LKO just so I can get the SSTO to it to do one man crew swap outs. I already have one mock up station in orbit at 200km, I might as well put this type of one out there with a docking bay.

Totally! I have the feeling we could go way bigger and still be successful.

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Yes, but the lifter stage will be obscene. I\'m envisioning... double ring of large rockets, 3 fuel tanks on six stacks in each ring, with a central 3 tank stage, with 18 solid boosters on the outside. The 13 LFEs all light at once, as well as 12 of the solid boosters just after liftoff, then the solids separate from the exterior stage as the last 6 light up. Those run out, followed shortly after by the exterior six LFEs, at which point one would hope to be above 20 km so as not to fall back down to their death (hehe). I\'m sure you can figure out the rest of the story. Of course, that heavy lifter is probably only good for a LKO with a station that is the size I\'m thinking of.

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much bigger? I don´t thinki so, it was really hard to put mine into an orbit, with no fuel left and Pa under 100km^^

Maybe cause im really bad, but don´t know how..


I got it into orbit easily at 200km with fuel to spare. Granted, not circular.

I suggest, just like bdawg did, to not be going 100% on throttle the entire way. You can gradually decrease it as you go higher in the atmosphere, you won\'t lose and most of the time still gain m/s. If you are losing m/s, throttle up a bit.

When you get into the point where you complete your turns to make it a full orbit, just a few percentages of throttle are enough.

BTW, one thing: I\'d love to see some thrusters or so on the station itself so you don\'t need the engine for going back to Kerbin ;) I\'m stuck now. I decoupled the command pod from the station, and now I got debris and a 3-man crew that can\'t go back to Kerbin. I\'ll guess I have to start a rescue mission, and possibly even try to grapple onto the debris and change its orbit to Kerbin.

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Sorry to be a bother but when i tried to download from the link and it took me to the page and instead of downloading it just showed the file in the new window. it could be that i have mac or I\'m just stupid regardless help would be appreciated.

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Sorry to be a bother but when i tried to download from the link and it took me to the page and instead of downloading it just showed the file in the new window. it could be that i have mac or I\'m just stupid regardless help would be appreciated.

Just save the file, or copy and paste the contents to a empty text file and rename it with a .craft extension

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I got it into orbit easily at 200km with fuel to spare. Granted, not circular.

I suggest, just like bdawg did, to not be going 100% on throttle the entire way. You can gradually decrease it as you go higher in the atmosphere, you won\'t lose and most of the time still gain m/s. If you are losing m/s, throttle up a bit.

When you get into the point where you complete your turns to make it a full orbit, just a few percentages of throttle are enough.

BTW, one thing: I\'d love to see some thrusters or so on the station itself so you don\'t need the engine for going back to Kerbin ;) I\'m stuck now. I decoupled the command pod from the station, and now I got debris and a 3-man crew that can\'t go back to Kerbin. I\'ll guess I have to start a rescue mission, and possibly even try to grapple onto the debris and change its orbit to Kerbin.

You\'re exactly right, there\'s really no other way to do it. Yeah, in my haste to build it, I accidentally built the structure on a decoupler(hense the two decouplers). On the positive side, it does give you a slot for whatever. But yeah, be ready to mount a rescue mission ;)

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much bigger? I don´t thinki so, it was really hard to put mine into an orbit, with no fuel left and Pa under 100km^^

Maybe cause im really bad, but don´t know how..


Oh yes, I mean... MUCH bigger ;)

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You\'re exactly right, there\'s really no other way to do it. Yeah, in my haste to build it, I accidentally built the structure on a decoupler(hense the two decouplers). On the positive side, it does give you a slot for whatever. But yeah, be ready to mount a rescue mission ;)

Yeah, currently in the midst of trying to get a rescue rocket with a crewtank (incl. in the thread of Damned Aerospace) in orbit, But I have had no practice at all with aligning orbits. That\'s gonna be difficult.

After I do that I\'ll have to get the Kerbans out of the Galaxy 3 and into the crewtank, so I need these two rockets to be as close together as possible. If I can\'t do that, I may just use 'grapplers' to reorient it\'s orbit. Though I wonder if that\'s gonna be any easier.

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The other day I thought of an easy way to rendezvous craft, just get both into a geosynchronous orbit and the more similar their weight the closer together they will be. You will need to use mechjeb.

I\'ve tried, but it ismpossible. The Galaxy 3 isn\'t compatible with Mechjeb; it explodes when it\'s in the gravity turn state of Mechjeb, indicating that the structure isn\'t sturdy enough. Meaning that if I updated it to be sturdy enough, it wouldn\'t have the same LPA as the one already in space.

I guess I\'ll have to delete my save files, can\'t have 3 kerbans and a lot of wreckage laying around. I guess it would be possible if I\'d be experienced enough, but I can\'t see myself doing that anytime soon.

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My station itself isn\'t going to be that big (not like the galaxy 3), it\'s just going to have an enormous docking port sitting on top of it. Someone mentioned thrusters. It\'s going to have plenty of RCS and pro/retro main engines. I\'m hoping it wont be as heavy as the mun base I\'m getting ready to launch 8)

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My station itself isn\'t going to be that big (not like the galaxy 3), it\'s just going to have an enormous docking port sitting on top of it. Someone mentioned thrusters. It\'s going to have plenty of RCS and pro/retro main engines. I\'m hoping it wont be as heavy as the mun base I\'m getting ready to launch 8)

Are you doing something similar with a moon base? I\'d love to see pictures of that.

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I\'ve tried, but it ismpossible. The Galaxy 3 isn\'t compatible with Mechjeb; it explodes when it\'s in the gravity turn state of Mechjeb, indicating that the structure isn\'t sturdy enough. Meaning that if I updated it to be sturdy enough, it wouldn\'t have the same LPA as the one already in space.

I guess I\'ll have to delete my save files, can\'t have 3 kerbans and a lot of wreckage laying around. I guess it would be possible if I\'d be experienced enough, but I can\'t see myself doing that anytime soon.

I have a solution:

MOAR STRUTS! (and maybe less boosters)

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