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Ground Control to Major Kerb


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Hey everyone! My friend showed me this game last night, and as a boy who used to dream of being an astronaut I was instantly hooked. I\'ve played Orbiter before, but this game seems more 'user-friendly' and doesn\'t end up scaring you off with all the hard science all at once.

I also am greatly drawn to the rocket design element in addition to the actual flight element. Makes you feel like the NASA scientists from the 50\'s and 60\'s. As an occassional CAP Aerospace Educator this program could serve as a great tool for teaching cadets and adult leaders alike and I will definitely spread the word.

So far I\'ve accomplished reaching a stable orbit, deorbit burn, and splashdown. Now I just need to work towards landing on the Mun. I think I\'ll go the Apollo route and work on getting my transfer and a few orbits first before working towards an actual landing.

Edited by Kaufman
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Welcome to the forums!

the best way for me to transfer orbit to the mun is to orbit west(take off heading right). and get in a stable 100km orbit. when the mun rises, burn prograde until your apoapsis is as high as the mun\'s orbit. You should see your orbit change to show the next semi-orbit around the mun.

good luck!

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