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[1.4.3]Automated Aerial Refueling System[V0.4.3] [2018-06-10]


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I finally started playing with this mod over the weekend. I have built mid air refueling parts in game the hard way many times before. And I have to say, I am very impressed with what you guys have built here. Thank you for all your hard work.

I did have one question though. A lot of the animations for deploying drogues, booms and opening ports. As well as the speed at which the chace plane is pulled toward the drogue or boom, are very short / fast moving. Are there any plans to slow or smooth them out eventually?

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On 2017/10/30 at 10:10 PM, V8jester said:

I finally started playing with this mod over the weekend. I have built mid air refueling parts in game the hard way many times before. And I have to say, I am very impressed with what you guys have built here. Thank you for all your hard work.

I did have one question though. A lot of the animations for deploying drogues, booms and opening ports. As well as the speed at which the chace plane is pulled toward the drogue or boom, are very short / fast moving. Are there any plans to slow or smooth them out eventually?

Actually, I think the speed of them are just right now,  and also some strange BUG will happen if we change it to slower speed.:rolleyes:

For the animations, there just some easy cfg work.

6 hours ago, ThatAirplaneGuy said:

Thank you so much for updating this to 1.3.1 and adding some new parts. I love this mod so much. It mostly make fighters in Real Solar System, and this makes it so much easier to transport them to the airfields I build.



My pleasure:D

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18 hours ago, Vonnmillard said:

About the mod you said that will include the Aircraft, will you also plan to add a B-1B "Lancer" into the mod?

The aircraft in the video cannot be released publicly because of copyright issues. A member of our team already re-created and released Su-27, here is the link:

Other aircraft may be re-created and released in the future, but not necessarily.

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49 minutes ago, Icecovery said:

The aircraft in the video cannot be released publicly because of copyright issues. A member of our team already re-created and released Su-27, here is the link:

Other aircraft may be re-created and released in the future, but not necessarily.

Okay, I understand, I can wait for the other Aircraft, but I would like to see a Part Pack with the B-1 "Lancer" Style

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  • 4 weeks later...

I swear, translating this game to Chinese was one of the best decisions the dev team has ever made. There are so many amazing mods coming in from the Chinese KSP community it's incredible.

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On 2018/1/16 at 10:23 AM, Favilin said:


At the same time as dock my figher in the tanker, the fuel probe releases alone not refilling a liter of liquid fuel, can you help me? (I did all the instructions correctly)

Great mod!

Have you disabled the fuel in the port?

if the fuel in the port is unusable, than this problem will happen like follow gif shows.


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On 2018/1/23 at 8:43 AM, infinax said:

great mod I've been looking for a mod like it for awhile now. just one question could we get a refueling port like the one on the f 15?111117-F-XX000-359.JPG

It won't has wide applicability, I think you can use the standalone fuel port to build it.:wink:

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On 2018/3/20 at 1:56 PM, Thorn_Ike said:

oh, i thought that was some other mod for the painting

now i want something like that

how do i make mods

1. Buy or download all the software you need to make a mod‘

2. Try each function you can find once

3. Never open the software again

4. Done


Edited by Icecovery
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