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need a rover for steep crater hill.. surface collect

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got a bit of a problem, 3 kerbals in low mun orbit, and i'm trying to make  a rover to connect to that station, and then land to the mission location as i have to collect some mun dirt with a kerbal, in fact at 3 locations, the problem... its around 70% to 45 % slope the area i need to collect it from.

so far i tried variouse rover-landers but so far i'm unable to stay there i just slide down faster and faster..
so any ideas on how to solve it, i need a surface collection from a crater hill, and i dont know how to design a rover that can climb so well, or stay in position with brakes. at such steep slopes

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To collect a surface sample, you need a Kerbal on EVA, not a rover. You drive the rover to the bottom of the hill, the Kerbal gets out, turns on his RCS jetpack, and flies up to the collection point. Have his menu open, and take the measurement the instant he touches the ground -- then hit the RCS again to get him flying once more. If you leave him on the ground, he will probably start to slide, and then he will probably fall, and if he starts to bounce he may die. But once he falls, you will not be able to use RCS until he stands up again.


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How about a small flight suit? A small tank, the small engine with a gimball, one OKTO2, one kerbal hanging on to a ladder, get your kerbal there, once above the surface have your kerbal gather a surface sample without having to let go, then you're off. If that fails, go with rover that has a rocket engine, using it to counter ballance the gravity, while hanging from a ladder, this will allow you to gather samples without touching the ground.

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How would a small flight suit look like ? (i've never seen it)
i just got the point Beta, drove as far as i could and then i climbed the hill... (i was supriced the kerbal could do that, not sure if it was a bug but it worked).
still though the other 2 are at even more impossible locations.

I tried rover with rocket engines as well, but since its a deep crater, its a large wall and its still not easy with it.

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well i'm on mun, and well i made, a different route slightly less steep
just to give impression various starting ships who didnt work out...

The one above never made at a time i didnt knew my ground samples where all on a steep crater wall.

Below i finally knew how problematic it was.
On the right, 2 small driving cars, and a base without wheels.. the small rovers tipped over couldnt get there
On the left one huge driving base with 10 wheels, in the end it was only used as a return ship for the astronauts while the right side ship was mainly used to re-fuel from.


but then a craft with low wheels and low heigth, and some protection against damage in case it tips over.

Sometimes if feels so lonely out there, and the dangers rise so tall on the horizon...

Feeling left all alone on the mun... and all i got was this lazy tshirt.... but what is that a wall in front of me ??Schermafdruk_2017_01_17_20_26_23.png


i feel like spidermanSchermafdruk_2017_01_17_20_30_02.png

thanks to rover auto pilot i guess, bit for once this mission needed an end.. oh and i didnt turn at the end i drove back in reverse

Edited by PGTART
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