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It's just impossible to answer that without at least some details:
- What's a "girandola"? Is it a pre-made part from a mod, if so which mod? Otherwise how much does it weight? Is it a fairing or not? Do you have any other payload?
- To lift where? 1m from the ground? In orbit? The mun? Elsewere?
- Do you have any other mission (antenna, power, ...) that we should know of?

More importantly, what did you try so far? Do you have any picture of your failed tries?


Unclear question always lead to unclear answer...

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ugh. Yes. What the heck is a girandola?

Although if it's 8-10" size, that's way less than 0.625m, so I'd say a kickback and a Terrier with FL-400, plus 0.625m fairing, the typical setup for undersized payloads,

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1 hour ago, KBA said:

What kind of engine motor do I need to lift a 8-10" girandola 

Pretty much any sort of hobby motor I would imagine, for that size you'll probably want smaller, lighter ones, although you're probably better off just buying some fireworks.

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He was probably Googling for "rocket enthusiasts," which admittedly isn't that far off.

Welcome to the forums…? Good luck getting your design worked out. Though this forum is for fans of the KSP game, there's enough shared interest people will want to see pictures.

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