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SSTO Challenge

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The Idea here is to create SSTO. That may sound simple and easy and yeah it is but this will be challenging later on.

To complete this I will split into 3 categories:

           Tanker: SSTO's that can carry fuel while not using that fuel.

           Crew: SSTO's that can carry Kerbals .

           Cargo: SSTO's that can carry cargo onto another planet, moon, and/or orbit.

Another thing is destinations. The farther the destination (Ex: Laythe) or harder to capture (Ex: Eve), the higher the challenge is worth.

These will be base on points.

These are the points for all SSTO's:

             Every unit of liquid fuel that is used is worth 1 point.

             Every unit of oxidizer that is used is worth 0.5 points.

             Every unit of monopropellant that is used is worth 1.5 points.

             Every unit of xenon gas is worth 3 points.

These are the points for Tankers:

             Every unit of fuel listed above that are not used.

These are the points for Crew:

             Every kerbal taken is 10 points.

These are the points for Cargo:

              Every ton is 15 points.

P.S. the cargo has to be dry in order to count as a Cargo SSTO and you can combine them. 

I wish to all a good time and good luck!:D


Edited by InterStellarExplorerKid983
I didn't add points to the system.
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I'd flesh out some sort of points system and more depth for this or you may find yourself short of entries.  You are also up against some well known SSTO challenges such as the K-Prize so it's important to make your challenge stand out for all the right reasons :).

Have a look at some of the challenges in the Heritage Challenge sticky to get a picture of the sorts of rules and scoring strategies you can implement.

Good luck!


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