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The Kerbal Space Program's Journey To Duna


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KSP's Journey To Duna Thread



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Is there anyone else out there that is designing a Journey-To-Mars type program?


*Dies a little bit on the inside*

Well, If There Is, Post Your Journey Here! Juicy Details, ship designs, mission plans, and anything else you've created are all absolutely welcome!

Also, It's okay if it's modded, but tell us which mods you're using!

I will also Be posting Updates On my Journey To Duna (which only uses TweakScale & the stock version of HyperEdit For Testing) whenever I can, hopefully with pics, and Juicy Details!


(BTW mods, if this is in the wrong category, feel free to move it, of course.)

Edited by whitejj01
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As soon as I acquire the lifters for the pre-supply missions, I will post a pic-filled update, but this will have to do for now.



6 pre-supply missions;

2 rover pre-supplies

3 HAB pre-supplies

1 MAV pre-supply


round trip travel time: 18 months

surface operations duration: variable

location: Equatorial midland sea

surface operational radius: 10 kilometers

for the ARES I mission, I permitted myself to hack the heaviest pre-supply (the MAV) into duna orbit, since I didn't have a duna lifter capable of that. The other pre-supplies were sent two at a time over three Hohmann transfer windows.

currently, all the pre-supplies are landed within a kilometer of each other. The ARES I crew will arrive next year on the Kermes inter-planetary transfer vehicle.


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