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Am I missing something here?


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I was coding my first habitable terra-planet in Kopernicus, am I missing something?


        name = Nevorus //This will be the name of your planet.
        flightGlobalsIndex = 500 //You can make this any number, just not too big.
            name = Laythe //This is the template for your planet. Put Tylo for rocky planets, Laythe for ocean planets, and Jool for gas giants.
            radius = 1020
            geeASL =  1.735
            mass =  1
            tidallyLocked =  True
            rotationPeriod =  36284
            description = This moon orbits close to Nevo, the name came from Kerbinrossiya, a semi-recognized pro-Kussian seperatist state in Ukerbia. This planet is a lot like Laythe. The atmosphere consists of 49% Oxygen, 49% Carbon Dioxide and 2% Radon Oxide, sometimes you could see radioactive storms appear, filled with Liquid Radon Oxide, although the atmosphere is highly toxic and Lung Providers Co. will state your body as 'Void'. The planet appears to have silicate/ice rings, possibly caused by the Late Heavy Kombarbment 2.6 billion years ago.
                landedDataValue = 3
                splashedDataValue = 3
                flyingLowDataValue = 2
                flyingHighDataValue = 2
                inSpaceLowDataValue = 2
                inSpaceHighDataValue = 2
                recoveryValue = 4
            referenceBody =  Nevo
            inclination =  0
            eccentricity =  0.008
            semiMajorAxis =  3637790
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 0
            color =  0.1, 0.5, 0.3, 1
    innerRadius = 230
    outerRadius = 536
    angle = 65.7
    texture = MoreHabitalableAreasMod/KopernicusFiles/Nevo/Textures/Nevorus_ring
    color = 75,80,90,1
    lockRotation = True
    unlit = False
    steps = 128
                texture = MoreHabitalableAreasMod/KopernicusFiles/Nevo/Textures/Nevorus_Color
                normals = MoreHabitalableAreasMod/KopernicusFiles/Nevo/Textures/Nevorus_Normal
    shininess = 0.05
    specular = 0.2,0.2,0.2,1
    rimPower = 3.5
    rimBlend = 0.9

      0.0 = 0.7529, 0.7843, 0.9961, 1
      0.6 = 0.7529, 0.7843, 0.9961, 1
      1.0 = 0.0196, 0.0196, 0.0196, 1
            maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
            minLevel = 2
            maxLevel = 12
            minDetailDistance = 8

            materialType = AtmosphericOptimized
                saturation = 1
  contrast = 1.25

                groundTexStart = 0
                groundTexEnd = 1500

                steepPower = 5
                steepTexStart = 1500
                steepTexEnd = 30000    
  steepNearTiling = 800
                steepTiling = 130
                lowNearTiling = 3200
                lowMultiFactor = 32
                lowBumpNearTiling = 3200
                lowBumpFarTiling = 32

                midNearTiling = 3000
                midMultiFactor = 40
                midBumpNearTiling = 3000
                midBumpFarTiling = 40
                highNearTiling = 3000
                highMultiFactor = 24
                highBumpNearTiling = 2000
                highBumpFarTiling = 24

                lowStart = 0.16
                lowEnd = 0.23
                highStart = 0.23
                highEnd = 0.3

                globalDensity = 0
  fogColorRampScale = 1,1
  fogColorRampOffset = 0,0
  planetOpacity = 1
    saturation = 1.0
    contrast = 1.55
    tintColor = 1.0,1.0,1.0,0
    texTiling = 1000
    texPower = 0.3
    multiPower = 0.3
    groundTexStart = 20000
    groundTexEnd = 60000
    multiFactor = 0.5
    mainTex = BUILTIN/SandyGround
    mainTexScale = 1,1
    mainTexOffset = 0,0
    planetOpacity = 0
                    map = MoreHabitalableAreasMod/KopernicusFiles/Nevo/Textures/Nevorus_Color
                    order = 500
                    enabled = true

                    map = MoreHabitalableAreasMod/KopernicusFiles/Nevo/Textures/Nevorus_height
                    offset = -1245
                    deformity = 3900.0
                    scaleDeformityByRadius = false
                    order = 20
                    enabled = true
     blend = 0.125
     colorStart = 1,1,1,1
     colorEnd = 0,0,0,1
     frequency = 24
     octaves = 4
     persistence = 0.600000023841858
     seed = 452635
     order = 9999992
     enabled = True
     deformity = 368
     frequency = 12
     octaves = 6
     persistence = 0.800000011920929
     seed = 23893455
     order = 12
     enabled = True
     deformity = 250
     ridgedAddFrequency = 12
     ridgedAddLacunarity = 2
     ridgedAddOctaves = 4
     ridgedAddSeed = 1212
     ridgedMode = Low
     ridgedSubFrequency = 12
     ridgedSubLacunarity = 2
     ridgedSubOctaves = 4
     ridgedSubSeed = 23234423
     simplexFrequency = 12
     simplexHeightEnd = 6500
     simplexHeightStart = 0
     simplexOctaves = 4
     simplexPersistence = 0.600000023841858
     simplexSeed = 654786
     order = 13
     enabled = True
      key = 0 0 0.1466263 0.1466263
      key = 0.7922793 0.2448772 0.6761706 1.497418
      key = 1 1 6.106985 6.106985
     deformity = 1000
     ridgedAddFrequency = 18
     ridgedAddLacunarity = 2
     ridgedAddOctaves = 4
     ridgedAddSeed = 1212
     ridgedMode = Low
     ridgedSubFrequency = 18
     ridgedSubLacunarity = 2
     ridgedSubOctaves = 4
     ridgedSubSeed = 23234423
     simplexFrequency = 18
     simplexHeightEnd = 4000
     simplexHeightStart = 0
     simplexOctaves = 4
     simplexPersistence = 0.600000023841858
     simplexSeed = 654786
     order = 14
     enabled = True
      key = 0 0 2 2
      key = 1 1 0 0
     deformity = 1500
     ridgedAddFrequency = 72
     ridgedAddLacunarity = 3
     ridgedAddOctaves = 6
     ridgedAddSeed = 534543
     ridgedMode = Low
     ridgedSubFrequency = 72
     ridgedSubLacunarity = 3
     ridgedSubOctaves = 6
     ridgedSubSeed = 435436
     simplexFrequency = 72
     simplexHeightEnd = 4000
     simplexHeightStart = 250
     simplexOctaves = 4
     simplexPersistence = 0.600000023841858
     simplexSeed = 546567
     order = 15
     enabled = True
      key = 0 0 0 0
      key = 1 1 0 0
     atmosphereDepth = 11500
     invert = False
     order = 999999999
     enabled = True
     atmosphereDepth = 150000
     DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = True
     globalDensity = -1E-05
     heightFalloff = 6.75
     oceanDepth = 0
     order = 100
     enabled = True


Edited by ForumUser
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