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Looking for texture artist

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Hello? Can anyone please help me texture? I will give a lot of credit (since I suck at texturing) in the parts pack credits, and will include you in the development (which is a bit between every part) of the parts pack.

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Oh wow! That tank looks as if it were real! Sure thing! Let your imagination run free! I also have some other parts for my plugin project thing that needs a bit of texturing....mind to help?

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No probs ...be a nice change from what i normaly do :)

I have the RAR and got the PNG UV map ... could you post up a picture of the model with the UV assigned so i can see it in context ...so i know where the bits of the UV correspond with the model , it doesnt look too complex so i should have something for you soon .

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  Skyro said:

*image deleted

could you apply this for me so i can see whats what ..wanted to see how things wrap and which side is which

i think you might have some dead space ...unseen faces in-game...nothing wrong with stacking primitives tbh but its best to clean up any unwanted faces for optimisation , this mock up i made uses somewhere around the same faces but its all one piece , so splitting it central makes it loads easier to texture .


Not got ability to post straight here as i need my posts approving so communication is a little slow :) but i have a fairly free weekend .. if you get back with a screenshot with that test texture applied , in game or in the 3d app you use.. so i can check the mesh and see what goes where i could get something sorted soon enough 8)

Edited by orson
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took me a while to work out what was wrong , but i figured out that the test texture i asked you to apply was the wrong size :\ , maybe its why you didnt get back to me :D

So what started out as a simple texture job ended up as an epic journey down the rabbit hole that is Blender , not my favourite UI due to the fact that atm i only have a tiny monitor and the work area is like a stamp lol .

The model in the pic is the test version i made , i couldnt open the .DAE of your model ....just a test so i can get more familiar with the processes involved in part making .

Now i have a little more understanding of what is needed , if you want to try again to apply this test texture so i can better understand your UV layout .


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  Nutt007 said:
I could make the engine glow if you guys want.

Hia dude , well i havnt heard anything back from Skyro yet so i put this engine retex on hold : / , in the meantime i started putting my own project together just to explore the process better . When i get something solid i would be over the moon if you could set the heat glow up on any engine models i made , would you need a special texture to show the heat ??

Was stuck on how to do the nose fairing , but now i understand its a mesh collider i need for a radial mount and not a node collider ?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I could actually use a texturer too. I'm in the process of modelling various Mun base buildings (some of them have interiors :D). My only problem is that my texturing skills are that of a retarded cow. I can add textures to things, but not good ones.

So if any of you guys are interested in helping me, I can send you the models :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
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