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Mün mining base

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Awesome base!

Yesterday I did my first landing and return from Mün (Valentina's still stranded outside a crater there). Now I'll try to create a Münar base, but I'm not so sure how I will do that.

Maybe docking in the orbit of it will be a good starting point?

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I used a mod called Kerbal planetary base systems, you can attach wheeled landing legs to all the parts with docking ports and Drive the pieces together. If you look at the links part 1 and 2 it shows a step by step building of the base. 

On 13/03/2017 at 11:36 AM, Shaker said:

Awesome base!

Yesterday I did my first landing and return from Mün (Valentina's still stranded outside a crater there). Now I'll try to create a Münar base, but I'm not so sure how I will do that.

Maybe docking in the orbit of it will be a good starting point?

I wouldn't recommend docking in orbit as unless the centre of mass and thrust is perfectly aligned you're just going to flip on landing. Unless you have a tonne of RCS/SAS pieces and it would still be a pain to do.

Heres the mod I used and I would highly recommend it : 


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