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How to bring back Bill,Bob and Jebediah

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So back in 0.15 was released, the new crews were introduced. Back then tho there was a way of bringing back the original three (Bill,Bob and Jeb), by just crashing your rocket a couple of times and the new crew would come, but now however i can\'t seem to make it work, because i have surely crashed a rocket for over 25 times and i can\'t see Bill, Bob and Jeb. And plus that i can see that some crews are the same just not in the same order. So my question is how can i bring back and fly with the old crew, because the old way doesn\'t seem to work (for me at least)?

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If you don\'t have any craft that you want to keep persistent, just delete the persistence file and they will come back.

Or you can edit the file and set their status to 0 which makes them available again. You should also set the ToD(Time of Death) value to 0 or unexpected results may occur)


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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Thx for the quick response, at first i didn\'t see them in the file so i deleted it. After that they appeared in the file and i just copy pasted their lines so in future i can just paste it in and make them come back!

version = 0.16.0
UT = 11.5399997420609
activeVessel = 0
name = Jebediah Kerman
brave = 0.5
dumb = 0.5
badS = True
state = 0
ToD = 0
idx = 0
name = Bill Kerman
brave = 0.5
dumb = 0.8
badS = False
state = 0
ToD = 0
idx = 1
name = Bob Kerman
brave = 0.3
dumb = 0.1
badS = False
state = 0
ToD = 0
idx = 2

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