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Crash Dump

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15 hours ago, zeant93 said:

My game just crash, can you see what is wrong with him?


Your link directs me to a login page, so I can't see whatever that rar file is, and ergo I have no chance to see what's wrong with "him".
Upload your output.log.txt or Player.log to something publicly viewable, like pastebin, post a link to it, and something may reveal itself.

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5 hours ago, steve_v said:

Your link directs me to a login page, so I can't see whatever that rar file is, and ergo I have no chance to see what's wrong with "him".
Upload your output.log.txt or Player.log to something publicly viewable, like pastebin, post a link to it, and something may reveal itself.

Sorry, on the link below you see my output_log.txt for the day ksp crashed.


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11 hours ago, zeant93 said:

on the link below you see my output_log.txt for the day ksp crashed.

I don't see anything obvious there, but then I see you are running MS Windows... I'm not particularly familiar with Windows stack traces as I don't use it.
Some thoughts:
It's crashing when you try to enter the editor, or right at the end of the loading process, no?
Does a clean (unmodded) KSP crash? (copy your install to some other location, re-install, test.)
It doesn't look like an out-of-memory situation, but just to be sure: Are you running the 64bit executable? How much physical RAM do you have?

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7 hours ago, steve_v said:

I don't see anything obvious there, but then I see you are running MS Windows... I'm not particularly familiar with Windows stack traces as I don't use it.
Some thoughts:
It's crashing when you try to enter the editor, or right at the end of the loading process, no?
Does a clean (unmodded) KSP crash? (copy your install to some other location, re-install, test.)
It doesn't look like an out-of-memory situation, but just to be sure: Are you running the 64bit executable? How much physical RAM do you have?

For your question "It doesn't look like an out-of-memory situation, but just to be sure: Are you running the 64bit executable? How much physical RAM do you have?" Yes, I am running a 64-bit executable and I have 6GB on my computer. At least I haven´t seen the same problem since that day.

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