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The Bonnie SSTO The Diamond's first Mission

Soda Popinski

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Know this would suck up my gaming time from my 0.235 rescue mission, I've started playing 1.2, and doing it with kOS to boot.

R&D has just started studies on mixed cycle engine, and fuselages larger than Mk2.  The latest production jet engine, the J-X4 "Whiplash" Turbo Ramjet has allowed the creation of a more efficient Single Stage to Orbit Spaceplane than The Reliant (powered by the "Panther" and "Reliant" engines).  This along with the new Shock Cone intake lead to the design and production of the 3rd SSTO model, with the ability to accelerate at higher altitudes.

In order to keep the CoM somewhat centered after the majority of the propellant mass was used up, the Whiplash engines were placed on the wingtips, as far forwards as possible.  This gave the craft a distinctive shape, leading to the name, "The Diamond."  Also, the Design Department was sick of SR-71 knock-offs.

After many launch "simulations," a good ascent profile was developed for The Diamond.  This was programmed into a kOS sequencer, and consisted of 10 steps, including a drop in altitude to accelerate past 400 m/s to "jumpstart" the Whiplash.  The SSTO was able to achieve an 80km orbit with about 500 m/s delta-V to spare or 150km with 380 m/s.

A new de-orbit program was created, and 2 launches were performed with orbital altitudes of 80km, and 150km (to match the Curie Space Station).  The Automated Landing Program originally made for The Reliant was used successfully both times resulting in safe landings at KSC.


(vaguely sung to the tune of "The Bonnie Ship the Diamond" made popular by The Corries, though I prefer the Gaelic Storm version).

The Diamond's a spaceship me lads,

To orbit straight she's boun',

At KSC she is all garnished

with auto-struts aroun'


Jebediah gives the order,

To orbit far and wide,

Where the Sun it oft'n sets me lads,

And darkness dims the sky


And it's cheer up me lads, ne'r yer struts be breakin'

For the Bonnie Ship The Diamond goes a fishin' for kraken!

(sorry, out of lyrics.  Also, got a bit of help from /u/morpheus1229 on that last bit on the chorus)


After the two shake-down cruises, The Diamond's first real mission came up.  To prepare for the first landing on Minmus, Gene wants to bring down veteran Scientist and Engineer Bill and Bob from Curie Orbital Akademy and Gas Station.  Also, we need one other redshirt.  To help finance this operation, a Tourist Contract was accepted for an Orbital Adventure.

(that's The Defiant attached in this older photo)


En route to the station, Jebediah is tasked to capture an empty capsule or cabin, which will be converted to a re-entry pod at Curie.  The Diamond seats 2 in the cockpit, and 2 in the cargo hold.  With the addition of the re-entry pod, there's enough space for everyone that needs to go planet-side.  And to get one more thing in, a "Rescue a Part" mission was also accepted.  Previous attempts to KLAW the PAL Humpback Truss with the standard sized KLAW were unsuccessful.  Mission Control hopes the new "Baby KLAW" (Tweakscale) will have better luck.

That totals 5 Mission Objectives

  • Retrieve 3 kerbals from Curie Orbital Akademy and Gas Station
  • Retrieve an empty pod from Kerbin Orbit and bring to Curie Station
  • Release the converted pod for re-entry (Bill thrown in there)
  • Give a Tourist an orbital adventure
  • Rescue a module from Kerbin Orbit

The two orbital retrieval missions will require a number of Hohmann Transfers, using up precious fuel.  The plan was to do a partial refuel at Curie.

As you can see, all mission objectives were accomplished!  Looks like the Landing Script couldn't stick the landing.  I suspect with manually pumping fuel in, and after the Part Rescue, too little fuel was left, compared to the previous successful landing runs.  This lead to some instability, which fed into the ascent/descent PID Loop in the landing program, causing pitching oscillations.  Eventually the craft did a back-flip, one engine flamed out, leading to an accelerating upside-down flat spin.  This actually slowed the fall down, likely due to the left generated (like  Helicopter?).  Descent speed was less than 50 m/s until fuel ran out near the ground.  Most of the expensive parts survived, and they made it within 35 km of KSC.  Val likes to point out she did better in her SSTO crash landing from Orbit.

Edited by Soda Popinski
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