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Space Kraken Encounters


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Once, many many versions ago (probably pre 0.9), I had landed a probe on Duna, and sometime after jumping to another probe and back, I saw the sun moving across the sky really fast.  My first thought naturally was that I had time-warp on.  But when I tried to lower my time-warp, it said I was already at 1x acceleration.  I also noticed that the path the sun was taking wasn't quite right, and most disconcertingly, it was getting bigger.  I went to map mode and saw that the entire planet was moving across the kerbal system and was currently cutting through Kerbin's orbit and back out again (the other planets may have been moving too, I can't quite remember).  I hit F9 and reverted to just after the lander first touched down and everything went back to normal.  No idea what happened, and it never happened again, but it sure was freaky.

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