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Newbie question about science


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Is there any reason to transmit science?  When I look at on screen it says you get < 100% to transmit so why would anyone ever do that?  Seems like it is better just to bring it back.  Or can you transmit AND bring back and get more science?



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The only real advantage of transmitting is that you don't need to retrieve the science.  Especially once you get beyond Kerbin and it's moons, It's easier to send a probe on a one way trip and transmit what data you can get then it is to send something out and bring it all the way back for recovery, or send a follow up mission to retrieve the data.

Transmitting leaves the rest of the science behind, so you can come back for it later, but there is a finite amount of science for each experiment in each biome.  In early versions you coud sit in one spot and farm science by transmitting over and over again, but that's no longer the case.

Edited by Capt. Hunt
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