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Magellan - Manned Mission to the Jool System


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Departing for Jool

With all system checks completed and in the green, the Magellan 4 make ready to depart Kerbin on their way to Jool.  There is no turning back now, as they will be beyond the reach of a rescue mission should anything go awry.  Nevertheless, the crew forges ahead, determined to go where no Kerbal has gone before and unlock the mysteries of the Joolian worlds.

The Jool transfer burn is split into 3 parts due to the anemic 0.16 TWR of the Trinidad with full tanks.  The 1940m/s delta-V needed to achieve a Jool encounter is provided entirely by the outermost saddle tanks - they have enough fuel to complete the Kerbin departure burn as well as a mid-course correction, but will be jettisoned shortly after arriving in Jool's SOI.  

OOC:  This is my second KSP video and it took me many hrs to cut over 2 hours of gameplay footage into this 6 min video.   Any comments/feedback is welcome.  I will probably do a few more videos but not every time I update.

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Recovery of Large Booster Core

Shortly before the Trinidad departs for Jool, mission control at KSC directs the two boosters orbiting Kerbin to perform powered re-entry and landing. The funds recouped from the engines and tanks will go towards future missions.  The first booster core has 1,017 m/s dV remaining, making a targeted near-KSC landing possible.  


The second core has only 167 m/s deltaV left in orbit.  Mission control decides to attempt a landing anyway, worst-case scenario, the booster burns up on re-entry and nothing is recovered, but at least its one less piece of space junk!  After a very warm re-entry, the 2nd core touches down on its last burp of fuel, landing intact in the middle of the desert.  I don't envy whoever gets sent out to pick this one up!


In total, 115k funds recouped!  full album: http://imgur.com/a/IsWOg


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  • 1 year later...


2 years of flight is a lot. We should review the plans and start the mission again. I would recommend installing the next-generation technologies of the future and interstellar technologies that would create a normal interplanetary ship with a nuclear (or thermonuclear) reactor and electro-propulsion engines (for example, VASIMR) and fly to Jool at least 100 days later. It is necessary to realize - I use ordinary rocket engines, you can lift the ship from the planet, accelerate to the moon and that's it. For long flight bolts, you need to use nuclear and electric engines. And he tried to create a giant giant heavy rocket, and eventually fly 2 years (and back all 4)


Edited by TIE_Pilot
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