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USI part "MEU-500 Pulse Drill" shuts down at 1000 times time warp

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USI part MEU-500 Pulse Drill shuts down at 1000 times time warp


I have been trying to set up a USI mining setup on minmus. Across several craft I have identified the same problem.


Everything runs stable up to 100 times timewarp but as soon as I increase time warp to *1000 a message pops up “core overheating – shutting down”  and all the pulse drills shut down.


I tested it on the runway and it worked fine, as did the MEU-100 pulse drill and the industrial strip miner as well as the automatic versions (cant work out what the automatic versions do). When I took all of them to minmus again only the strip miners worked at 1000+ timewarp.


I also tried going to another ship and using time walk, when I returned to the mining base they were all shut down.

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