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Alpha\Bumped, am I doing it wrong or is it my video card?

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Note the difference between the screenshots http://imgur.com/a/OJ6Ph particularly the Crew Tank below my base piece. Is it supposed to be visible through the part? Please note that the second screen shot only displays the command module above because I deleted the polies beneath. I had set them to Black alpha, and they were cause a weird streak effect, kind of like the Predator when he was invisible. I do notice that little dude's helmet has some transparency to it but the crew module shows up fine through it, so maybe I'm doing transparency wrong. Also, the Kerbal shows up fine through the expanded steel grate when he is standing below it, just not the rest of the ship. EDIT: Apparently his faceplate does not show up through the grate.

The normals are showing up fine, if a little misdirected because this is a 6x rotationally arrayed model. I'll eventually have to rebake the normals for the whole thing at once. Is this maybe a limitation of my video card (8800 GTX)? That would suck. Additionally, are two sided polygons an option in Unity?

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Well, that's too bad. One can add a lot of detail with a little alpha. No biggie though, truthfully I'd rather they stay on top of core features than spend weeks worrying about my expanded steel walkway. I am forced to wonder if KSP isn't great with transparency or it's Unity itself.

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