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crashing halfway while loading

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it crashes non stop. here's the report:


Unity Player [version: Unity 5.4.0p4_b15b5ae035b7]

mono.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
  in module mono.dll at 0033:d11c0e18.

Error occurred at 2017-05-31_124114.
C:\Users\Beheerder.eigenaar-pc\Desktop\ksp-win64-1.3\KSP_win64\KSP_x64.exe, run by Beheerder.
64% memory in use.
8128 MB physical memory [2877 MB free].
11759 MB paging file [5766 MB free].
134217728 MB user address space [134215044 MB free].
Read from location 00000000 caused an access violation.

RDI:    0x3ee8c580  RSI: 0x351d08e0  RAX:   0x00000000
RBX:    0x00000007  RCX: 0x00000006  RDX:   0x00000061
RIP:    0xd11c0e18  RBP: 0x0054ce20  SegCs: 0x00000033
EFlags: 0x00010202  RSP: 0x0054cd20  SegSs: 0x0000002b
R8:    0x196e3741  R9: 0x0054ce98  R10:   0x3ee8b9a0
R11:    0x0054ccb0  R12: 0x3ee8c380  R13:   0x00000053
R14:    0x38be4a48  R15: 0x00000003

Bytes at CS:EIP:
48 8b 10 48 8b ce 48 8b d8 e8 4e f7 ff ff 48 8b 

0x0054cd20: 00000007 00000000 0054ce20 00000000 ........ .T.....
0x0054cd30: 351d08e0 00000000 3ee8c580 00000000 ...5.......>....
0x0054cd40: 0054cd50 00000000 0a00001e 00000000 P.T.............
0x0054cd50: 00000000 00000000 3e917da8 00000000 .........}.>....
0x0054cd60: 023f4d48 00000000 3e917d60 00000000 HM?.....`}.>....
0x0054cd70: 351d08e0 00000000 3eebe0b0 00000000 ...5.......>....
0x0054cd80: 00000002 00000000 d1291d48 00007ff9 ........H.).....
0x0054cd90: 00000000 00000000 3543e468 00000000 ........h.C5....
0x0054cda0: 0a00001e 00000000 d113232d 00007ff9 ........-#......
0x0054cdb0: 00000000 00000000 d11375f4 00007ff9 .........u......
0x0054cdc0: 3e917d90 00000000 023f4d48 00000000 .}.>....HM?.....
0x0054cdd0: 351d08e0 00000000 3eebe0b0 00000000 ...5.......>....
0x0054cde0: 00000001 00000000 d113228b 00007ff9 ........."......
0x0054cdf0: 0429bf20 00000000 04281300 00000000  .).......(.....
0x0054ce00: 3e917da0 00000000 3e917d60 00000000 .}.>....`}.>....
0x0054ce10: 0429bf20 00000000 d115223f 00007ff9  .).....?"......
0x0054ce20: 00000030 00000000 d1157a6d 00007ff9 0.......mz......
0x0054ce30: 397c1c60 00000000 0429bf20 00000000 `.|9.... .).....
0x0054ce40: 3eea2e14 0000d9c2 00000000 00000000 ...>............
0x0054ce50: 38ad4188 00000000 00000000 00000000 .A.8............
0x0054ce60: 34ec9de0 00000000 397c1c60 00000000 ...4....`.|9....
0x0054ce70: 3e917d60 00000000 3e917d88 00000000 `}.>.....}.>....
0x0054ce80: 00000001 00000000 d11c1723 00007ff9 ........#.......
0x0054ce90: 351d08e0 00000000 196e3741 00000000 ...5....A7n.....
0x0054cea0: 196e3712 00000000 0e81a878 00000000 .7n.....x.......
0x0054ceb0: 0054d7e0 00000000 023f4d48 00000000 ..T.....HM?.....
0x0054cec0: 0054d710 00000000 d11c538a 00007ff9 ..T......S......
0x0054ced0: 3e917d60 00000000 0054cfd0 00000000 `}.>......T.....
0x0054cee0: 00000000 00000000 34ec9de0 00000000 ...........4....
0x0054cef0: 3698a8e0 00000000 d1173eca 00007ff9 ...6.....>......
0x0054cf00: 38ad4188 00000000 0054db48 00000000 .A.8....H.T.....
0x0054cf10: 04260e10 00000000 d115223f 00007ff9 ..&.....?"......
0x0054cf20: 00000148 00000000 3ee8fce0 00000000 H..........>....
0x0054cf30: 3ee8fce0 00000000 04a63861 00000000 ...>....a8......
0x0054cf40: 0054d710 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..T.............
0x0054cf50: 00000000 00000000 38ad4188 00000000 .........A.8....
0x0054cf60: 00000000 00000000 0054db48 00000000 ........H.T.....
0x0054cf70: 04260e10 00000000 049db297 00000000 ..&.............
0x0054cf80: 00000040 00000000 3ee8fce0 00000000 @..........>....
0x0054cf90: 0054cfd0 00000000 0054cf40 00000000 ..T.....@.T.....
0x0054cfa0: 0054d710 00000000 023f4d48 00000000 ..T.....HM?.....
0x0054cfb0: 0054d7e0 00000000 38ad4188 00000000 ..T......A.8....
0x0054cfc0: 38ad4188 00000000 3698a8e0 00000000 .A.8.......6....
0x0054cfd0: 0054d030 00000000 04a63711 00000000 0.T......7......
0x0054cfe0: 38be4c78 00000000 38be4c40 00000000 xL.8....@L.8....
0x0054cff0: 38be4c08 00000000 38ad4070 00000000 .L.8....p@.8....
0x0054d000: 38be4bd0 00000000 38ad4188 00000000 .K.8.....A.8....
0x0054d010: 0054d7e0 00000000 023f4d48 00000000 ..T.....HM?.....
0x0054d020: 38f76af0 00000000 3747f760 00000000 .j.8....`.G7....
0x0054d030: 0054d120 00000000 04a62dd1 00000000  .T......-......
0x0054d040: 00000000 00000000 352504c0 00000000 ..........%5....
0x0054d050: 023f4d48 00000000 00000000 00000000 HM?.............
0x0054d060: 352504c0 00000000 3eea33d4 0000d9c2 ..%5.....3.>....
0x0054d070: 3747f760 00000000 00000001 00000000 `.G7............
0x0054d080: 3698a8e0 00000000 38ad4188 00000000 ...6.....A.8....
0x0054d090: 0054d130 00000000 049f4fba 00000000 0.T......O......
0x0054d0a0: 3ee8fce0 00000000 3747f760 00000000 ...>....`.G7....
0x0054d0b0: 00000074 00000000 353fc7c0 00000000 t.........?5....
0x0054d0c0: 00000020 00000000 0054db48 00000000  .......H.T.....
0x0054d0d0: 04260e10 00000000 049d06d5 00000000 ..&.............
0x0054d0e0: 3ee8fce0 00000000 38ad4188 00000000 ...>.....A.8....
0x0054d0f0: 0054d7e0 00000000 023f4d48 00000000 ..T.....HM?.....
0x0054d100: 0054d710 00000000 38f76af0 00000000 ..T......j.8....
0x0054d110: 3747f760 00000000 3ee8fce0 00000000 `.G7.......>....
0x0054d120: 0054d170 00000000 04acb30e 00000000 p.T.............
0x0054d130: 0054d170 00000000 049f4f04 00000000 p.T......O......
0x0054d140: 0054d710 00000000 023f4d48 00000000 ..T.....HM?.....
0x0054d150: 0054d7e0 00000000 00000001 00000000 ..T.............
0x0054d160: 3698a8e0 00000000 38ad4188 00000000 ...6.....A.8....
0x0054d170: 0054d230 00000000 1306c205 00000000 0.T.............
0x0054d180: 0054d1c0 00000000 04a50530 00000000 ..T.....0.......
0x0054d190: 023f4d48 00000000 049d06d5 00000000 HM?.............
0x0054d1a0: 3ee8fce0 00000000 55ea56a0 00000000 ...>.....V.U....
0x0054d1b0: 55ea5580 00000000 55ea5560 00000000 .U.U....`U.U....
0x0054d1c0: 55eac3c0 00000000 3747f760 00000000 ...U....`.G7....
0x0054d1d0: 56067240 00000000 00000024 00000000 @r.V....$.......
0x0054d1e0: 213a2450 00000000 3ee8fce0 00000000 P$:!.......>....
0x0054d1f0: 0054d230 00000000 00000000 00000000 0.T.............
0x0054d200: 0054d7e0 00000000 023f4d48 00000000 ..T.....HM?.....
0x0054d210: 0054d710 00000000 38f76af0 00000000 ..T......j.8....
0x0054d220: 3747f760 00000000 3ee8fce0 00000000 `.G7.......>....
0x0054d230: 0054d280 00000000 1306bfe3 00000000 ..T.............
0x0054d240: 55ea56c0 00000000 d128b8b8 00007ff9 .V.U......(.....
0x0054d250: 38f76af0 00000000 0cbe3438 00000000 .j.8....84......
0x0054d260: 21641b00 00000000 56067240 00000000 ..d!....@r.V....
0x0054d270: 00000000 00000000 21641b00 00000000 ..........d!....
0x0054d280: 0054d310 00000000 1306bcf5 00000000 ..T.............
0x0054d290: 0e5feea0 00000000 0054d710 00000000 .._.......T.....
0x0054d2a0: 35028de8 00000000 0054db48 00000000 ...5....H.T.....
0x0054d2b0: 04260e10 00000000 0054d7e0 00000000 ..&.......T.....
0x0054d2c0: 38f76af0 00000000 21641b00 00000000 .j.8......d!....
0x0054d2d0: 0054d310 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..T.............
0x0054d2e0: 0054d7e0 00000000 023f4d48 00000000 ..T.....HM?.....
0x0054d2f0: 0054d710 00000000 38f76af0 00000000 ..T......j.8....
0x0054d300: 21641b00 00000000 3ee8fce0 00000000 ..d!.......>....
0x0054d310: 0054d350 00000000 1306bbfa 00000000 P.T.............
0x0054d320: 00000000 00000000 00000800 00000000 ................
0x0054d330: 1306bb70 00000000 0e6015e8 00000000 p.........`.....
0x0054d340: 0cbe3438 00000000 21641b00 00000000 84........d!....
0x0054d350: 0054d3b0 00000000 2f3ab75b 00000000 ..T.....[.:/....
0x0054d360: 2f3ab2a7 00000000 0054d710 00000000 ..:/......T.....
0x0054d370: 023f4d48 00000000 0054d7e0 00000000 HM?.......T.....
0x0054d380: 2164f000 00000000 56550d40 00000000 ..d!....@.UV....
0x0054d390: 2164f000 00000000 56067270 00000000 ..d!....pr.V....
0x0054d3a0: 38f76af0 00000000 21641b00 00000000 .j.8......d!....
0x0054d3b0: 0054d3f0 00000000 2f3ab242 00000000 ..T.....B.:/....
0x0054d3c0: 0cb3a7e8 00000000 d125157b 00007ff9 ........{.%.....
0x0054d3d0: 04263f90 00000000 d1132af8 00007ff9 .?&......*......
0x0054d3e0: 00000156 00000000 049e71f0 00000000 V........q......
0x0054d3f0: 0054d480 00000000 049e725b 00000000 ..T.....[r......
0x0054d400: 3ee8fce0 00000000 d1291ccf 00007ff9 ...>......).....
0x0054d410: 00000000 00000000 00000018 00000000 ................
0x0054d420: 00000018 00000000 2f3ab1e0 00000000 ..........:/....
0x0054d430: 0054d710 00000000 d11321d0 00007ff9 ..T......!......
0x0054d440: 21641b00 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..d!............
0x0054d450: 00000000 00000000 d113228b 00007ff9 ........."......
0x0054d460: 3ee8fce0 00000000 0cbe3438 00000000 ...>....84......
0x0054d470: 049e71f0 00000000 0054d4c0 00000000 .q........T.....
0x0054d480: 0054d4c0 00000000 d1254ffb 00007ff9 ..T......O%.....
0x0054d490: 0cbe3438 00000000 00000000 00000000 84..............
0x0054d4a0: 00000000 00000000 0cbe3438 00000000 ........84......
0x0054d4b0: 00000000 00000000 d113228b 00007ff9 ........."......
0x0054d4c0: 023f4d48 00000000 0cb509d8 00000000 HM?.............
0x0054d4d0: 00000000 00000000 3ee8fce0 00000000 ...........>....
0x0054d4e0: 04263f90 00000000 21641b00 00000000 .?&.......d!....
0x0054d4f0: 0054d710 00000000 0054d7e0 00000000 ..T.......T.....
0x0054d500: 00000000 00000000 3e1ade00 00000000 ...........>....
0x0054d510: 00000000 00000000 34af43a0 00000000 .........C.4....
0x0054d520: 023f4d48 00000000 0cb509d8 00000000 HM?.............
0x0054d530: 00000000 00000000 3ee90560 00000000 ........`..>....
0x0054d540: 04263f90 00000000 21641b00 00000000 .?&.......d!....
0x0054d550: 0054d8c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..T.............
0x0054d560: 00000030 00000000 04281ad0 00000000 0.........(.....
0x0054d570: 00000000 00000000 0054d5f0 00000000 ..........T.....
0x0054d580: 04281ad0 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..(.............
0x0054d590: 00000000 00000000 00000030 00000000 ........0.......
0x0054d5a0: 00000000 00000000 00000003 00000000 ................
0x0054d5b0: 352504c0 00000000 d115348a 00007ff9 ..%5.....4......
0x0054d5c0: 00000000 00000000 fdd7af8e 00007ff9 ................
0x0054d5d0: 3ee780a0 00000000 d11b66d5 00007ff9 ...>.....f......
0x0054d5e0: 00000028 00000000 00000008 00007ff6 (...............
0x0054d5f0: 00000000 00000000 0054d790 00000000 ..........T.....
0x0054d600: 3eea3724 0000d9c2 00000000 00000000 $7.>............
0x0054d610: 0054d6c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..T.............
0x0054d620: 352504c0 00000000 fffccfa4 00000000 ..%5............
0x0054d630: 9c54d460 00000000 0054d710 00000000 `.T.......T.....
0x0054d640: 0054d7e0 00000000 0cbe3438 00000000 ..T.....84......
0x0054d650: 21641b00 00000000 d11a8341 00007ff9 ..d!....A.......
0x0054d660: 3eea36c4 0000d9c2 023f4d48 00000000 .6.>....HM?.....
0x0054d670: 0cbe3438 00000000 bb82ad01 00007ff6 84..............
0x0054d680: 0054d710 00000000 bb34517d 00007ff6 ..T.....}Q4.....
0x0054d690: 0054d740 00000000 00000000 00000000 @.T.............
0x0054d6a0: 9c623930 00000000 00000000 00000000 09b.............
0x0054d6b0: 9c623900 00000000 bb82ad01 00007ff6 .9b.............
0x0054d6c0: 0cbe3438 00000000 bb82ad01 00007ff6 84..............
0x0054d6d0: 9c54d6d0 00000000 bb345481 00007ff6 ..T......T4.....
0x0054d6e0: 0054d740 00000000 bb295c81 00007ff6 @.T......\).....
0x0054d6f0: 0cbe3438 00000000 bb82ad01 00007ff6 84..............
0x0054d700: 21641b00 00000000 bb299ae1 00007ff6 ..d!......).....
0x0054d710: 00000000 00000000 196de6e0 00000000 ..........m.....
0x0054d720: bc05cc2d 00007ff6 00000000 00000000 -...............
0x0054d730: 0cbe3438 00000000 bb82ad01 00007ff6 84..............
0x0054d740: bc068568 00007ff6 0cbe3438 00000000 h.......84......
0x0054d750: bb82ad01 00007ff6 21641b00 00000000 ..........d!....
0x0054d760: fffccfa4 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054d770: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054d780: 9c540101 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..T.............
0x0054d790: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054d7a0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054d7b0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054d7c0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054d7d0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054d7e0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054d7f0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054d800: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054d810: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054d820: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054d830: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054d840: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054d850: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00007ff6 ................
0x0054d860: 21641b00 00000000 bb29c7d8 00007ff6 ..d!......).....
0x0054d870: 9c54d6d0 00000000 9c623930 00000000 ..T.....09b.....
0x0054d880: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054d890: fffccfa6 00000000 0000016d 00000000 ........m.......
0x0054d8a0: 9c54d460 00000000 352504c0 00000000 `.T.......%5....
0x0054d8b0: 00000072 00000000 bb29cb97 00007ff6 r.........).....
0x0054d8c0: 9c54d6d0 00000000 9c54d6d0 00000000 ..T.......T.....
0x0054d8d0: 00000000 00000000 0000016d 00000000 ........m.......
0x0054d8e0: 9c623930 00000000 bb2f8ccb 00007ff6 09b......./.....
0x0054d8f0: 00000072 00000000 9c54d6d0 00000000 r.........T.....
0x0054d900: 0054d900 00000000 4db01730 00000000 ..T.....0..M....
0x0054d910: 9c54d5b0 00000000 00000072 00000000 ..T.....r.......
0x0054d920: 00000072 00000000 352504c0 00000000 r.........%5....
0x0054d930: 00000000 00000000 bb2a1c1f 00007ff6 ..........*.....
0x0054d940: 9c623930 00000000 00000072 00000000 09b.....r.......
0x0054d950: 352504c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..%5............
0x0054d960: 0054d9d9 00000000 bb2f8f15 00007ff6 ..T......./.....
0x0054d970: 0054da80 00000000 fffccfa6 00000000 ..T.............
0x0054d980: 00000000 00000000 0054d9a0 00000000 ..........T.....
0x0054d990: 0054d9e0 00000000 0054da80 00000000 ..T.......T.....
0x0054d9a0: 435da080 00000000 00000001 00000000 ..]C............
0x0054d9b0: 00000001 00000000 00000001 00000000 ................
0x0054d9c0: 435da060 00000000 00000001 00007ff6 `.]C............
0x0054d9d0: 00000001 00000000 00000001 00000000 ................
0x0054d9e0: 00000000 00000000 fffccfae 00000000 ................
0x0054d9f0: 00000000 00000000 0000000f 00000000 ................
0x0054da00: 9c54d460 00000000 fffccfae 00000000 `.T.............
0x0054da10: 2164f000 00000000 393f1840 00000000 ..d!....@.?9....
0x0054da20: 3747f760 00000000 9c623930 00000000 `.G7....09b.....
0x0054da30: 0054da89 00000000 bb2050cd 00007ff6 ..T......P .....
0x0054da40: fffccfae 00000000 352504c0 00000000 ..........%5....
0x0054da50: 00000000 00000000 3747f760 00000000 ........`.G7....
0x0054da60: 37e543f0 00000000 2164f000 00000000 .C.7......d!....
0x0054da70: 34cd3858 00000000 38cd8470 00000000 X8.4....p..8....
0x0054da80: 0054db00 00000000 2f39e7d7 00000000 ..T.......9/....
0x0054da90: 00000000 00000000 0000000f 00000000 ................
0x0054daa0: 0054e8d9 00000000 04260e10 00000000 ..T.......&.....
0x0054dab0: 0e7b5030 00000000 2f3aaea9 00000000 0P{.......:/....
0x0054dac0: 34ae7b20 00000000 0054dc50 00000000  {.4....P.T.....
0x0054dad0: 0054e6c0 00000000 56d66d68 00000000 ..T.....hm.V....
0x0054dae0: 0054dbb0 00000000 bb425faa 00007ff6 ..T......_B.....
0x0054daf0: 3747f760 00000000 34ae7b20 00000000 `.G7.... {.4....
0x0054db00: 2164f000 00000000 90000000 40159999 ..d!...........@
0x0054db10: c0000000 3feccccc 04a6292b 00000000 .......?+)......
0x0054db20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054db30: 44fa0000 00000000 35028f18 00000000 ...D.......5....
0x0054db40: 35028de8 00000000 0054e8d8 00000000 ...5......T.....
0x0054db50: 04260e10 00000000 3747f760 00000000 ..&.....`.G7....
0x0054db60: 34ae7b20 00000000 34ae7b20 00000000  {.4.... {.4....
0x0054db70: 0054dbb0 00000000 0054db20 00000000 ..T..... .T.....
0x0054db80: 0054e6c0 00000000 3747f760 00000000 ..T.....`.G7....
0x0054db90: 393f1840 00000000 2164f000 00000000 @.?9......d!....
0x0054dba0: 39b80420 00000000 2164f000 00000000  ..9......d!....
0x0054dbb0: 0054dbf0 00000000 04a62875 00000000 ..T.....u(......
0x0054dbc0: 2164f000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..d!............
0x0054dbd0: 04a62850 00000000 0e7b5030 00000000 P(......0P{.....
0x0054dbe0: 3747f760 00000000 56d66d68 00000000 `.G7....hm.V....
0x0054dbf0: 0054dc50 00000000 2f3aaea9 00000000 P.T.......:/....
0x0054dc00: 2f39c0f6 00000000 0054e6c0 00000000 ..9/......T.....
0x0054dc10: 370673c0 00000000 393f1840 00000000 .s.7....@.?9....
0x0054dc20: 3843b720 00000000 00000000 00000000  .C8............
0x0054dc30: 3843b720 00000000 393f1840 00000000  .C8....@.?9....
0x0054dc40: 370673c0 00000000 383f5f50 00000000 .s.7....P_?8....
0x0054dc50: 0054dca0 00000000 2f3aad56 00000000 ..T.....V.:/....
0x0054dc60: 370673c0 00000000 393f1840 00000000 .s.7....@.?9....
0x0054dc70: 3843b720 00000000 00000000 00000000  .C8............
0x0054dc80: 00000000 00000000 2164f000 00000000 ..........d!....
0x0054dc90: 393f1840 00000000 38b11a28 00000000 @.?9....(..8....
0x0054dca0: 0054df50 00000000 2f39ba6b 00000000 P.T.....k.9/....
0x0054dcb0: 3733cb40 00000000 0414018f 00000000 @.37............
0x0054dcc0: 00000000 bf800000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054dcd0: 00000000 00000000 3733cb40 00000000 ........@.37....
0x0054dce0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054dcf0: 370673c0 00000000 00000000 c0020000 .s.7............
0x0054dd00: 00000000 00000000 370673c0 00000000 .........s.7....
0x0054dd10: 00000000 bff00000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054dd20: 2e4f7af0 00000000 393f1840 00000000 .zO.....@.?9....
0x0054dd30: 38311150 00000000 368b3a80 00000000 P.18.....:.6....
0x0054dd40: 28755b00 00000000 00000000 00000000 .[u(............
0x0054dd50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054dd60: 39b20be0 00000000 00000001 00000000 ...9............
0x0054dd70: 383f5f50 00000000 d1284d19 00007ff9 P_?8.....M(.....
0x0054dd80: 00000007 00000000 00000004 00000000 ................
0x0054dd90: 0000000a 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054dda0: 00000012 00000012 36ce4118 00000000 .........A.6....
0x0054ddb0: 56d66d68 00000000 00000004 3f800000 hm.V...........?
0x0054ddc0: 21641c00 00000000 36ce43e8 00000000 ..d!.....C.6....
0x0054ddd0: 37888f50 00000000 00000000 00000000 P..7............
0x0054dde0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054ddf0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054de00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054de10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054de20: 00000000 c0100000 3f200000 00000000 .......... ?....
0x0054de30: 00000000 bf800000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054de40: 023f4d48 00000000 0054e600 00000000 HM?.......T.....
0x0054de50: 00000000 00000000 3733cb40 00000000 ........@.37....
0x0054de60: 00000000 c0100000 3f200000 400ccccc .......... ?...@
0x0054de70: 00000000 c0100000 3f200000 00000000 .......... ?....
0x0054de80: 00000000 bf800000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054de90: 00000000 bf800000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054dea0: 00000000 c0100000 3f200000 00000000 .......... ?....
0x0054deb0: 00000000 bf800000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054dec0: 34ae7b20 00000000 0054dcc0 00000000  {.4......T.....
0x0054ded0: 0054e1e0 00000000 0054e690 00000000 ..T.......T.....
0x0054dee0: 3733cb40 00000000 38311150 00000000 @.37....P.18....
0x0054def0: 00000000 00000000 0cbab530 00000000 ........0.......
0x0054df00: 2f3998f8 00000000 0054e6c0 00000000 ..9/......T.....
0x0054df10: 023f4d48 3f800000 00000000 00000000 HM?....?........
0x0054df20: 0054e600 00000000 023f4d48 00000000 ..T.....HM?.....
0x0054df30: 0054e6c0 00000000 3733cb40 00000000 ..T.....@.37....
0x0054df40: 0054e690 00000000 34ae7b20 00000000 ..T..... {.4....
0x0054df50: 0054e1e0 00000000 2f3990fb 00000000 ..T.......9/....
0x0054df60: 00000008 00000000 3733cb40 00000000 ........@.37....
0x0054df70: 02000002 00000000 00000110 00000000 ................
0x0054df80: 00000000 00000000 391f9660 00000000 ........`..9....
0x0054df90: 3733cb40 00000000 0054e0b0 00000000 @.37......T.....
0x0054dfa0: fc0007fb 00000000 fdd7af8e 00007ff9 ................
0x0054dfb0: 0000056d 00000000 00000000 00000000 m...............
0x0054dfc0: fc0007fb 00000000 00000169 00000000 ........i.......
0x0054dfd0: 00000001 00000000 04264870 00000000 ........pH&.....
0x0054dfe0: 00000000 00000000 3e858030 00000000 ........0..>....
0x0054dff0: 0000056d 00000000 3e3c5d40 00000000 m.......@]<>....
0x0054e000: 04260000 00000000 fdd84d34 00007ff9 ..&.....4M......
0x0054e010: 0054e110 00000000 3e3cb410 00000000 ..T.......<>....
0x0054e020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054e030: 005e0000 00000000 fffffe97 00000000 ..^.............
0x0054e040: 00000000 00000000 d113d6b4 00007ff9 ................
0x0054e050: 04260150 00000000 000003ff 00000000 P.&.............
0x0054e060: fffffa04 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054e070: 00000019 00000000 fdd7cc48 00007ff9 ........H.......
0x0054e080: 9d00019c 00000000 00000018 00000000 ................
0x0054e090: 0054e8d9 00000000 04260e10 00000000 ..T.......&.....
0x0054e0a0: ffffffff ffffffff 04a99009 00000000 ................
0x0054e0b0: 34ae7b20 00000000 0054e240 00000000  {.4....@.T.....
0x0054e0c0: 0054e1f0 00000000 0054e6c0 00000000 ..T.......T.....
0x0054e0d0: 023f4d48 00000000 0054e600 00000000 HM?.......T.....
0x0054e0e0: 00000000 00000000 3733cb40 00000000 ........@.37....
0x0054e0f0: 0054e690 00000000 0cb4ac18 00000000 ..T.............
0x0054e100: 38311150 00000000 00000000 00000000 P.18............
0x0054e110: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054e120: 00000000 00000000 35028f18 00000000 ...........5....
0x0054e130: 35028de8 00000000 3e93c6b0 00000000 ...5.......>....
0x0054e140: 3733cb40 00000000 0054e690 00000000 @.37......T.....
0x0054e150: 34ae7b20 00000000 0054df50 00000000  {.4....P.T.....
0x0054e160: 368b3a80 00000000 368b3a80 00000000 .:.6.....:.6....
0x0054e170: 28755b00 00000000 3733cb40 00000000 .[u(....@.37....
0x0054e180: 38311150 00000000 368b3a80 00000000 P.18.....:.6....
0x0054e190: 28755b00 00000000 00000000 00000000 .[u(............
0x0054e1a0: 00000000 00000000 0054e600 00000000 ..........T.....
0x0054e1b0: 391f9660 00000000 36648d90 00000000 `..9......d6....
0x0054e1c0: 2f398120 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff  .9/............
0x0054e1d0: 049d000e 00000000 2f398120 00000000 ........ .9/....
0x0054e1e0: 0054e240 00000000 04a99009 00000000 @.T.............
0x0054e1f0: 00000003 00000000 005e0424 00000000 ........$.^.....
0x0054e200: 00000080 00000000 00001000 00000000 ................
0x0054e210: 0054e690 00000000 0054e690 00000000 ..T.......T.....
0x0054e220: 00000000 00000000 0054e690 00000000 ..........T.....
0x0054e230: 0054e600 00000000 04a990b0 00000000 ..T.............
0x0054e240: 0054e2d0 00000000 04a99121 00000000 ..T.....!.......
0x0054e250: 00000000 00000000 00000002 00000000 ................
0x0054e260: 00000000 00000000 d113232d 00007ff9 ........-#......
0x0054e270: 04260000 00000000 04a98fb0 00000000 ..&.............
0x0054e280: 0054e6c0 00000000 00000000 00007ff9 ..T.............
0x0054e290: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054e2a0: 0054e6c0 00000000 d113228b 00007ff9 ..T......"......
0x0054e2b0: 0cb4ac18 00000000 0cb4ac18 00000000 ................
0x0054e2c0: 04a990b0 00000000 0cb4ac18 00000000 ................
0x0054e2d0: 0054e310 00000000 d1254ffb 00007ff9 ..T......O%.....
0x0054e2e0: 0cb4ac18 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054e2f0: 34ae7b20 00000000 0cb4ac18 00000000  {.4............
0x0054e300: 3edbcd70 00000000 00000000 00000000 p..>............
0x0054e310: 023f4d48 00000000 3edbcd70 00000000 HM?.....p..>....
0x0054e320: 3ea408f9 00000000 34ae7b20 00000000 ...>.... {.4....
0x0054e330: 04263f90 00000000 00000000 00000000 .?&.............
0x0054e340: 0054e6c0 00000000 0054e600 00000000 ..T.......T.....
0x0054e350: 3ea408f9 00000000 fddb5476 00007ff9 ...>....vT......
0x0054e360: 2f3980c0 00000000 d12505d5 00007ff9 ..9/......%.....
0x0054e370: 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054e380: 0054e658 00000000 3e3c5d40 00000000 X.T.....@]<>....
0x0054e390: 023f4d48 00000000 00000000 00000000 HM?.............
0x0054e3a0: 04260000 00000000 fdd80f30 00007ff9 ..&.....0.......
0x0054e3b0: 04260000 00000000 3edbb1f0 00000000 ..&........>....
0x0054e3c0: 00000000 00000000 fdd80f30 00007ff9 ........0.......
0x0054e3d0: 0000003e 00000000 fdd80f30 00007ff9 >.......0.......
0x0054e3e0: 0000003e 00000000 3e4ca0c0 00000000 >.........L>....
0x0054e3f0: 3ed89010 00000000 d1291d48 00007ff9 ...>....H.).....
0x0054e400: 3ec08858 00000000 fdd80f30 00007ff9 X..>....0.......
0x0054e410: 3e855010 00000000 d116263a 00007ff9 .P.>....:&......
0x0054e420: 34e9f040 00000000 0e8a4d40 00000000 @..4....@M......
0x0054e430: 0054e658 00000000 2f3980c0 00000000 X.T.......9/....
0x0054e440: 023f4d48 00000000 3e93c740 00000000 HM?.....@..>....
0x0054e450: 3eea00f4 0000d9c2 2f3980c0 00000000 ...>......9/....
0x0054e460: 0054e658 00000000 00000000 00000000 X.T.............
0x0054e470: 0054ee00 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..T.............
0x0054e480: 3733cb40 00000000 0054e6c0 00000000 @.37......T.....
0x0054e490: 0054e600 00000000 0cb4ac18 00000000 ..T.............
0x0054e4a0: 00000000 00000000 d11a8341 00007ff9 ........A.......
0x0054e4b0: 00000004 00000000 bb344ad2 00007ff6 .........J4.....
0x0054e4c0: 0054e590 00000000 d1291d48 00007ff9 ..T.....H.).....
0x0054e4d0: 0054e6c0 00000000 bb34517d 00007ff6 ..T.....}Q4.....
0x0054e4e0: 0054e560 00000000 0054e7c0 00000000 `.T.......T.....
0x0054e4f0: 28cbf0d0 00000000 d1177f75 00007ff9 ...(....u.......
0x0054e500: 00000000 00000000 0e78d878 00000000 ........x.x.....
0x0054e510: 0cb4ac18 00000000 bc075b00 00007ff6 .........[......
0x0054e520: 0054e6c0 00000000 bb296fca 00007ff6 ..T......o).....
0x0054e530: 9c646420 00000000 00000000 00000000  dd.............
0x0054e540: 00000010 00000000 bb1d3fac 00007ff6 .........?......
0x0054e550: 0cb4ac18 00000000 bc075b00 00007ff6 .........[......
0x0054e560: bc068568 00007ff6 0cb4ac18 00000000 h...............
0x0054e570: bc075b00 00007ff6 00000000 00000000 .[..............
0x0054e580: 00008818 00000000 0ce5b8d0 00000000 ................
0x0054e590: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054e5a0: 00000101 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054e5b0: 00000000 00000000 0054e690 00000000 ..........T.....
0x0054e5c0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054e5d0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054e5e0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054e5f0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054e600: 3733cb40 00000000 0054e5b8 00000000 @.37......T.....
0x0054e610: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054e620: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054e630: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054e640: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054e650: 00000004 00000009 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054e660: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054e670: 00000000 00000000 00000002 00000000 ................
0x0054e680: 9c646420 00000000 bb297258 00007ff6  dd.....Xr).....
0x0054e690: 28cbf000 00000000 9c646420 00000000 ...(.... dd.....
0x0054e6a0: 00000000 00000000 9c646420 00000000 ........ dd.....
0x0054e6b0: 0054e830 00000000 bb29ac5f 00007ff6 0.T....._.).....
0x0054e6c0: 00000000 00000000 9c646420 00000000 ........ dd.....
0x0054e6d0: 28cbf0d0 00000000 0054eec0 00000000 ...(......T.....
0x0054e6e0: 2e377640 00000000 0414018f 00000000 @v7.............
0x0054e6f0: 34ae7b20 00000000 2e377640 00000000  {.4....@v7.....
0x0054e700: 35028de8 00000000 00000001 00000000 ...5............
0x0054e710: 0054e760 00000000 049f0c43 00000000 `.T.....C.......
0x0054e720: 343d6160 00000000 34ae7b20 00000000 `a=4.... {.4....
0x0054e730: 0054e800 00000000 04a32585 00000000 ..T......%......
0x0054e740: 35028de8 00000000 00000001 00000000 ...5............
0x0054e750: 0e7f6478 00000000 21289b40 00000000 xd......@.(!....
0x0054e760: 0054e7b0 00000000 049f0b82 00000000 ..T.............
0x0054e770: 343d6180 00000000 287e6e40 00000000 .a=4....@n~(....
0x0054e780: 0054e7d0 00000000 0240dfc0 00000000 ..T.......@.....
0x0054e790: 287e6e40 00000000 55d0f6f0 00000000 @n~(.......U....
0x0054e7a0: 35028de8 00000000 00000001 00000000 ...5............
0x0054e7b0: 350285f8 00000000 00000000 00000000 ...5............
0x0054e7c0: 35028728 00000000 00000000 00000000 (..5............
0x0054e7d0: 023f4d48 00000000 0054eec0 00000000 HM?.......T.....
0x0054e7e0: 0054e940 00000000 bb29ae81 00007ff6 @.T.......).....
0x0054e7f0: 28cbf0d0 00000000 3733cb40 00000000 ...(....@.37....
0x0054e800: 3733cb40 00000000 00000000 00000000 @.37............
0x0054e810: 0054e850 00000000 04a33155 00000000 P.T.....U1......
0x0054e820: 0000000c 00000000 d11698d2 00007ff9 ................
0x0054e830: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054e840: 0cbd1988 00000000 2f39748a 00000000 .........t9/....
0x0054e850: 34ae7b20 00000000 0054e9e0 00000000  {.4......T.....
0x0054e860: 0054e990 00000000 0054eec0 00000000 ..T.......T.....
0x0054e870: 28755b00 00000000 bb422ac6 00007ff6 .[u(.....*B.....
0x0054e880: 3733cb40 00000000 2e377640 00000000 @.37....@v7.....
0x0054e890: 2e377640 00000000 00000000 00000000 @v7.............
0x0054e8a0: 34ae7b20 00000000 04a98f3b 00000000  {.4....;.......
0x0054e8b0: 28755b00 00000000 00000000 00000000 .[u(............
0x0054e8c0: 00000000 00000000 35028728 00000000 ........(..5....
0x0054e8d0: 350285f8 00000000 0054f0d8 00000000 ...5......T.....
0x0054e8e0: 04260e10 00000000 3733cb40 00000000 ..&.....@.37....
0x0054e8f0: 34ae7b20 00000000 34ae7b20 00000000  {.4.... {.4....
0x0054e900: 0054e940 00000000 0054e8b0 00000000 @.T.......T.....
0x0054e910: 0054eec0 00000000 023f4d48 00000000 ..T.....HM?.....
0x0054e920: 0054ee00 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..T.............
0x0054e930: 2e377640 00000000 2e377640 00000000 @v7.....@v7.....
0x0054e940: 0054e980 00000000 04a98e85 00000000 ..T.............
0x0054e950: 00000000 00000000 00000800 00000000 ................
0x0054e960: 04a98e60 00000000 0cbd1988 00000000 `...............
0x0054e970: 3733cb40 00000000 28755b00 00000000 @.37.....[u(....
0x0054e980: 0054e9e0 00000000 2f39748a 00000000 ..T......t9/....
0x0054e990: 0054eaa8 00000000 0054eec0 00000000 ..T.......T.....
0x0054e9a0: 023f4d48 00000000 0054ee00 00000000 HM?.......T.....
0x0054e9b0: 283a9300 00000000 21641e00 00000000 ..:(......d!....
0x0054e9c0: 56d66d98 00000000 28755b00 00000000 .m.V.....[u(....
0x0054e9d0: 00000000 00000000 0054ee90 00000000 ..........T.....
0x0054e9e0: 0054ea40 00000000 04a99009 00000000 @.T.............
0x0054e9f0: 005e0000 00000000 00000169 00000000 ..^.....i.......
0x0054ea00: 00000000 00000001 00000002 00000000 ................
0x0054ea10: 0054ee90 00000000 0054ee90 00000000 ..T.......T.....
0x0054ea20: 00000000 00000000 0054ee90 00000000 ..........T.....
0x0054ea30: 0054ee00 00000000 04a990b0 00000000 ..T.............
0x0054ea40: 0054ead0 00000000 04a99121 00000000 ..T.....!.......
0x0054ea50: 00000020 00000000 005e0cf0 00000000  .........^.....
0x0054ea60: 0000000b 00000000 d113232d 00007ff9 ........-#......
0x0054ea70: 9d00019c 00000000 04a98fb0 00000000 ................
0x0054ea80: 0054eec0 00000000 00000020 00000000 ..T..... .......
0x0054ea90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054eaa0: 0054eec0 00000000 d113228b 00007ff9 ..T......"......
0x0054eab0: 0cb4ac18 00000000 0cb4ac18 00000000 ................
0x0054eac0: 04a990b0 00000000 0cb4ac18 00000000 ................
0x0054ead0: 0054eb10 00000000 d1254ffb 00007ff9 ..T......O%.....
0x0054eae0: 0cb4ac18 00000000 00000000 00007ff9 ................
0x0054eaf0: 34ae7b20 00000000 0cb4ac18 00000000  {.4............
0x0054eb00: 3e4c9d20 00000000 00000002 00007ff9  .L>............
0x0054eb10: 023f4d48 00000000 d1174ced 00007ff9 HM?......L......
0x0054eb20: 00000003 00000000 34ae7b20 00000000 ........ {.4....
0x0054eb30: 04263f90 00000000 00000000 00000000 .?&.............
0x0054eb40: 0054eec0 00000000 0054ee00 00000000 ..T.......T.....
0x0054eb50: 00000000 00000000 023f4d48 00000000 ........HM?.....
0x0054eb60: 0e705f18 00000000 00000000 ffffffcd ._p.............
0x0054eb70: 0e473f20 00000000 fdd80f30 00007ff9  ?G.....0.......
0x0054eb80: 35993010 00000000 d1332358 00007ff9 .0.5....X#3.....
0x0054eb90: 005e0210 00000000 fddb8ec0 00007ff9 ..^.............
0x0054eba0: 3eda8570 00000000 d1250611 00007ff9 p..>......%.....
0x0054ebb0: 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0054ebc0: 005e4260 00000000 00070000 00000000 `B^.............
0x0054ebd0: 00000000 00000000 04260000 00000000 ..........&.....
0x0054ebe0: 00000000 00000000 fdd80f30 00007ff9 ........0.......
0x0054ebf0: 34eb6a30 00000000 005e0000 00000000 0j.4......^.....
0x0054ec00: 3ea127e0 00000000 fdd80f30 00007ff9 .'.>....0.......
0x0054ec10: 00000035 00000000 fdd80f30 00007ff9 5.......0.......
0x0054ec20: 00000036 00000000 3e4c9d20 00000000 6....... .L>....
0x0054ec30: 3ed89010 00000000 d1291d48 00007ff9 ...>....H.).....
0x0054ec40: 3ec086b8 00000000 fdd80f30 00007ff9 ...>....0.......
0x0054ec50: 3eea08f4 0000d9c2 d116263a 00007ff9 ...>....:&......
0x0054ec60: 34e9f040 00000000 00000000 00000000 @..4............
0x0054ec70: 0054f640 00000000 00000000 00000000 @.T.............
0x0054ec80: 2e377640 00000000 0054eec0 00000000 @v7.......T.....
0x0054ec90: 0054ee00 00000000 0cb4ac18 00000000 ..T.............
0x0054eca0: 00000000 00000000 d11a8341 00007ff9 ........A.......
0x0054ecb0: 023f4d48 00000000 bb344ad2 00007ff6 HM?......J4.....
0x0054ecc0: 00000004 00000000 3e4c9d20 00000000 ........ .L>....
0x0054ecd0: 0054eec0 00000000 bb34517d 00007ff6 ..T.....}Q4.....
0x0054ece0: 0054ed60 00000000 0054efc0 00000000 `.T.......T.....
0x0054ecf0: 28cbf0d0 00000000 d1132315 00007ff9 ...(.....#......
0x0054ed00: 023f4d00 00000000 04aa36ea 00000000 .M?......6......
0x0054ed10: 0cb4ac18 00000000 bc075b00 00007ff6 .........[......

Module 1
Image Base: 0x00400000  Image Size: 0x0001e000
File Size:  107368      File Time:  2007-04-04_195422
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® DirectX for Windows®
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Common Controller API
   FileVer:    9.18.944.0
   ProdVer:    9.18.944.0

== [end of error.log] ==




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4 minutes ago, steve_v said:

Crystal ball?

This one get me full of guard! Beautiful :D

May be corrupted install. My wayaround is at first install all new and look if it is persistant. 1. Vanilla with run test. 2. Basic supporting modes or dependencies with run test. 3. All others.

Funny Kabooms 


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7 minutes ago, steve_v said:

Version? Mod list? output.log.txt? Crystal ball?

version 1.3 64 bit, mod list too long, go to nonameships.pw for the mod list and add DMP, this was all I got other then a crash.dmp file I couldn't attach

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2 minutes ago, Urses said:

This one get me full of guard! Beautiful :D

May be corrupted install. My wayaround is at first install all new and look if it is persistant. 1. Vanilla with run test. 2. Basic supporting modes or dependencies with run test. 3. All others.

Funny Kabooms 


tried that. unpacked the file again and tried that again but it just kept crashing.

1 minute ago, Urses said:

System and install path?

windows 10 64 bit and path: C:\Users\Beheerder.eigenaar-pc\Desktop\ksp-win64-1.3\KSP_win64


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8 minutes ago, Dark_Derp said:

version 1.3 64 bit, mod list too long

And all those mods are compatible with 1.3, are they? Incompatible mods will crash the game...
The first step is to see if it still crashes with no mods installed.


8 minutes ago, Dark_Derp said:

go to nonameships.pw for the mod list and add DMP

I looked around that site for about 15 seconds, didn't see an "add DMP" button, closed the window.
If you can't be bothered listing your mods, why should I go hunting around for them? You are the one wanting help with a crash, no?


8 minutes ago, Dark_Derp said:

this was all I got other then a crash.dmp

Go read the "how to get support" sticky at the top of this subforum, then upload your output.log.txt (to e.g. Dropbox) and post a link.

Edited by steve_v
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2 minutes ago, steve_v said:

And all those mods are compatible with 1.3, are they? Incompatible mods will crash the game...


I looked around that site for about 15 seconds, didn't see an "add DMP" button, closed the window.
If you can't be bothered listing your mods, why should I go hunting around for them? You are the one wanting help with a crash, no?

you have to add DMP to the mod list as that wasn't included. they updated the servers and said it all ran fine and yes some mods are outdated but they said everything ran fine.

vanilla crashes as well.

I'll try redownloading the game and booting vanilla first again.


Edited by Dark_Derp
forgot a part
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2 minutes ago, Dark_Derp said:

vanilla crashes as well.

At least we're getting somewhere now. output.log.txt?

Also, installing under C:\Users  has been known to cause issues (Or so I have heard from those that use that Windows thing). Might be worth moving it elsewhere (not Program Files either) in case Windows is being stupid about permissions.

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FOUND THE PROBLEM: corrupted zip file.

the file I downloaded corrupted during download and kept crashing the game. probably an internet lagspike that screwed the download while downloading

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Nice one and good for you!

Somehow typical:D

And a small advice if the mods say "it would be fine" it is not the same as " all tested for version xyz". Do not trust to much :wink:.

Have fun 


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