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[ON HOLD] Some Series That I Have No Name For (Working Title)


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Waiting for mods to be updated: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/161385-some-series-that-i-have-no-name-for-working-title/&do=findComment&comment=3159072

Hi again. It's been a while since I checked this forum, and things have changed quite a bit. Namely, where the mods are :D, but mostly all the new faces (Hi all of you :)).

Anyway, I'm doing a new series (that I have yet to give a name for), and it involves interstellar travel, colonization, things going horribly wrong, etc.

This will be done on KSP 1.1.3, because most of the mods that I will use are incompatible with the latest version of KSP (1.3), and things will go horribly wrong on startup with outdated mods on 1.3 :D.


Prologue: Promise

Chapter 1: Prodromos

Chapter 2: TBA


Ship and Crew Status - As of 4/4/2077

Ship Crew Size Status Location (Last Known)
Ark Promise 44 Unknown

~1 million km from Kerbin (4/3/2077)

Beyond Saurus (projected 4/6/2082)

Prodromos 4 Landed Kerbal Space Center


Edited by Designer225
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Prologue: Promise

Mission Profile:
Codename: Promise
Vehicle: Colony Ship
Crew: Bobvey (Commander), Ronuki (Co-pilot), Berigh (Mission specialist) + 3 others
Passengers: 38
CAPCOM: Jebediah
Objective: Colonize Prok system.
Note: Comtact expected to be lost in the foreseeable future.

Date: 3/21/2077. Location: Middle Kerbin orbit.

Ronuki: All systems go, captain.

Bobvey: Copy, copilot.


It was a day few thought would come. The greatest scientific minds predicted that there is practically zero chance the ship, Ark Promise, would be constructed, let alone piloted, while in orbit.

And yet it was. Now its 44 crew and passengers rode on the colony ship, hoping to settle on Kiron. Their new home.


Jebediah: Promise, status update.

Bobvey: Copy, CAPCOM. Piloting system green. RCS green. Main thrusters... green.

Gene: This might turn out better than expected.

Jebediah: You know me, Flight. I say we are not out of the woods yet.

Gene: Good point, CAPCOM. Now get back to work.

Bobvey: ... cryo green. All systems go, CAPCOM.

Jebediah: All systems go, Flight.

Gene: I have planned out a trajectory that will get you into Prok. Standby while CAPCOM uploads the coordinates.

Jebediah: Coordinates have been uploaded, Promise.

Bobvey: Affirmative. Setting up trans-lunar burn.


Ronuki: Approaching burn point.

Bobvey: Prepare for burn. Fire!





Bobvey: Burn complete. Time taken: 9:24.

Jebediah: Copy. Check for VASIMR systems.

Bobvey: VASIMR running at a warm 1000K. All systems normal, CAPCOM.

Jebediah: Affirmative. Prepare for burn in 15 days.


Date: 3/29/2077. Location: Kerbol orbit, ~200,000 km from Kerbin.


Berigh: Mann, I am getting bored. Could I get some snacks?

Ronuki: Better get back before we fire the engine again.

Berigh: I could use some gravity, you know!

Ronuki: We could spin up the ship if you want.

Berigh: No thanks.

Ronuki: Captain, why isn't Flight putting Jeb in? He's the best pilot and commander ever.

Bobvey: I dunno. Even Jeb seems frightened by this machinery. And anything Jeb pilots are crew-friendly, even if it is not vehicle-friendly.

Ronuki: Now you are scaring me, captain. Better get back to work.


Jebediah: Promise, status update.

Bobvey: We are setting up for a long-ass burn. Expect one hour of talking.

Gene: Prepare for burn in 30 seconds.


Bobvey: 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... burning now!



Ronuki: Power level just spiked in electronics! No problems so far, but we better watch out.

Jebediah: Power spike? This systems was supposed to have redundancies. Are any of them kicking in, Promise?

Ronuki: Ah yes... it just kicked in.

Jebediah: 10 second delay... it could mean a lot.

Ronuki: What?

Jebediah: Nothing.

Jebediah: (To Gene) I just prefer a faster-activating redundancy.

Gene: Agreed.

Bobvey: Burn complete.


Date: 4/3/2077. Location: ~1 million km from Kerbin.


Promise Assistant: Alert: multiple system failures detected. Repair attempts inconclusive. Wake up, Pilot Ronuki.

Ronuki: Whaaa- what is happening? Alarms are going all over the places! I must have dozed off... Captain... Captain?


Bobvey: ...

Ronuki: Kerbin, do you read us? Kerbin?

Jebediah: (static) Promise! We are reading several system failures? What happened?

Ronuki: It's my fault. I didn't-

Jebediah: Don't fret, Ronuki. The systems are not supposed to malfunction for another century! Try running diagnostics, Ronuki.

Ronuki: Running... the captain is unresponsive! What do we do?

Jebediah: Can you call in the medic?

Ronuki: I am calling... Berigh! Where are you? We need help at the command center!

Berigh: Coming! Gotta watch those wires...

Ronuki: Diagnostics complete.


Ronuki: Looks like we lost the reactor, falling back on RTGs. We also lost hydroponics and the engines. RCS is still operational, but damaged. Whatever happened took out a huge chunk of the ships, and knocked a lot of people out. We need to salvage the situation!

Jebediah: [swears], [swears]! Is cryo operational?

Ronuki: Still fully operational. What- oh wait.

Jebediah: There is no way we can rescue you while you are en route to another star. The only way to have a chance...

Ronuki: ... is to get everyone to cryo.

Jebediah: I'm sorry... Promise. It's the only way.

Ronuki: There's gotta be another way! Is the onboard ship assistant-

Jebediah: Sorry. The AI assistant is not fully developed. Worse, it has suffered extensive damages. There's a lot of issues here...

Ronuki: And with the captain out of service...

Ronuki: (to all of Promise) All personnel are to evacuate to cryo pods A, B, C, D, E, effective immediately.


Berigh: What about the captain?

Ronuki: We'll stay until everyone else gets in, Berigh.

Berigh: ... alright. Here goes.


Ronuki: Deactivating nonessential systems to increase power supply. Activating RTG auto-maintenance. Diverting power to refrigeration and cryonics. What else-


Jebediah: Promise! Do you read me, Promise! [swears]!

Gene: Attempt conventional communication.

Jebediah: Attempting... Negative, Flight.

Gene: Attempt communication through comm buoys.

Jebediah: I'm trying... No joy.

Valentina: Don't those ships have high-power antennas? Try them.

Jebediah: Projecting path... detecting telemetry... Still no joy.

Bill: Try QECs! I put all of the communication systems into the ship!

Bob: Maybe that's why the systems overloaded!

Jebediah: Huh, I always thought we did a stress test rather than a normal test. Thanks, Bob, for telling me!

Bob: [swears], not Bill.

Jebediah: Attempting QEC telemetry... Feeble connection made. Getting a ping on the ship location.


Gene: Download everything from the on-board Black Box.

Jebediah: Trying... I only have a few seconds to...

Bob: Helping you out, Jeb. All data downloaded.

Jebediah: Whew, close one.


Date: 4/4/2077. Location: Kerbal Space Center.

Arnold: The Promise disappeared? How are we supposed to earn a profit?

Addison: That's the point, you greedy scumbag.

Gene: Hold on everyone. Even if Promise does get there, it would take almost an entire lifetime for it to turn a profit. But that is not the point here. The point is that we are planning a rescue mission to bring them back, but...

Jebediah: It won't be possible until we develop a new form of travel technology. It won't come until years later.

Arnold: What... you are working on the Alcubierre Drive again? That thing is a definite failure, I am certain.

Addison: Even if it is possible, the crew would most likely be dead!

Valentina: With all due respect, everyone, we have no other option. Besides, the crew most likely are in cryo. We wish it could happen after we got our warp drive, but we have no other option as of now.

Arnold: Well, if you fail, I'm buying Kerbal Space Program.

Gene: Sorry, Kerbal Space Program is not up for privatization. Ever.

Arnold: [grumbles]


Ship and Crew Status - As of 4/4/2077

Ship Crew Size Status Location (Last Known)
Ark Promise 44 Unknown ~1 million km from Kerbin (4/3/2077)


Edited by Designer225
Name of doctor is Berigh, not Benigh
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  On 6/2/2017 at 9:38 AM, DeltaDizzy said:

You could put it in 1.2, very few mods haven't updated to that.

You also have a very low rep to post ratio. I am obligated to fix this.


Yeah... BD FPS was broken in 1.2.1, and the 1.2.x fallback is 1.2.2. I probably won't go back to 1.3 for a while, at least until the mod proves less necessary.

  On 6/2/2017 at 8:49 AM, Sorabh said:



I have no idea whether those are fake or real, because I can't see glass between the frames. Probably for PR, I guess.

Edited by Designer225
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Chapter 1: Prodromos

Five years have passed since the launch of the Promise. In Kerbal Space Center, a prototype spacecraft is about to be unveiled.

Date: 4/6/2082. Location: Kerbal Space Center

Mission Profile:
Codename: Prodromos-1
Vehicle: Prototype Multipurpose Exploration Vehicle (MEV)
Crew: Jebediah (Commander), Valentina (Copilot), Bill (Engineer), Bob (Scientist)
CAPCOM: Merlin
Objective: Test out the warp drive.


Jebediah: Fifteen years of development.. this project started since I was a teenager, in fact.

Bob: I dunno if I should go, Jeb...

Valentina: Don't worry, Bob. You'll do just fine. Besides, we couldn't do it without you.

Bob: Alright... I guess.


Jebediah: All systems go. Activating powered landing system.

MechJeb: Powered landing system activated.

Jebediah: Strange that a Jeb is talking to a Jeb. Oh well, taking off vertically.

Bill: Switching to horizontal thrusters, resuming SSTO path.




Bill: Orbit reached. Aiming toward Jool.


Jebediah: Activating warp drive. Warp drive at 10%...

Jebediah: Warp drive at 50%...


Jebediah: Warp drive at full power. Activating...

MechJeb: Target locked. Powering up warp drive.

Valentina: Yee-haw!

Bill: Whoa!





Jebediah: Jump complete. We are within safe distance from Jool.

Bob: Ah! Remind me not to look into space.

Merlin: Prodromos, status update.

Bill: It worked The warp drive worked!

Jebediah: Diagnostics complete. No issues reported.

Merlin: Roger, Prodromos.

Merlin: (to Gene) Maybe Jeb's onto something.

Jebediah: CAPCOM? I gotta tell you something.

Merlin: Yeah?

Jebediah: Don't tell anyone. Most of the successful test flights are due to superb engineering. Except this one. Maybe, because the warp drive is untested.

Merlin: I thought... well, okay. Thanks.

Valentina: Returning to Kerbin.



Valentina: We are off a bit. Making a brief mid-course correction.



Bill: Exiting warp. Dropping into Low Kerbin Orbit.



Bob: Reentry trajectory confirmed. Remind me not to look at the window, again.


Bob: Reentering.


Bill: Heat shield at 99%. Overheating reported at Propulsion Bay B. Correcting.




Jebediah: Maneuvering systems normal. Trajectory normal. Approaching landing zone.



Bill: Activating powered landing systems.


Jebediah: Now where should we land this thing?

Bob: Not again, Jeb!


Jebediah: Nevermind. I'll just land anywhere.

Bob: I hope this is sincerely better.

Bill: Hover thrusters normal. Starting descent.



Jebediah: Touchdown confirmed.


Jebediah: Now the fun part...

Bob: Jeb? Really!?



Bob: [panting] You happy now?

Jebediah: Only five years ago, such technology were never thought to have existed, or even possible. But here we are, with the ship that could change space travel forever.

Bill: As if SpaceX hadn’t done enough…

Bob: [panting] Well, it is one-tenth SpaceX parts-

Valentina: Alright team, are we walking out of here or what?

Merlin: Prodromos, congratulations on the successful maiden flight. Now get back to Mission Control for debriefing.


Ship and Crew Status - As of 4/6/2082

Ship Crew Size Status Location
Ark Promise 44 Unknown

~1 million km from Kerbin (4/3/2077)

Beyond Saurus (projected 4/6/2082)

Prodromos 4 Landed Kerbal Space Center

On another note, I should consider changing the name of the series to something different. I haven't settled on one, though.:P

Edited by Designer225
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  • 2 months later...

Sorry about the long inactivity, I've been busy for the last two months.

When I found time in August, I updated KSP to 1.3, and several mods are rendered broken as a result. The most crucial, BD FPS, is broken by the Kerbal collision fix in 1.2.1.

Partially because of that, I forked from the main GitHub repo and added changes of my own to the project that fixed the issue. I have filed a pull request to the main repo.

But because mods were broken, it means that I have to rebuild the settings from scratch. Fortunately, this allowed me to reevaluate what mods I should use for the rest of the series. None of this changes the storyline in any way, and new chapters will come, hopefully sooner rather than later.

To close off, here is a preview of the next story arc:


Valentina: First contact protocol, what should we do?

Nedming: No use of force unless threaten by it. But…

Valentina: Stick to the rules. We can’t risk a war in space.

Nedming: Fine. But I’ll keep an eye on you in case they start shooting.


Valentina: Hello? We come in peace.

Unknown: Iska nog!

Valentina: We can’t understand you!

Unknown: Iska nog!

Nedming: They are beating up Bob!

Valentina: We have to do this!


EDIT: Well, I will be using Kopernicus mods for minor revision and future chapters. Given that neither are known to be compatible with each other, I'll probably need to make some changes so that they do work with each other...


Sept. 6 update: The mod that I need to use for the chapters after is yet to be updated to 1.3.x, although it is coming. So this series is on hiatus until then. In the meantime, I'm working on something else now...

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