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Crew and Passengers weight

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While testing a tourism orbital rocket a question came to my mind: does the programming take into account the weight of the passengers? This does not change much for a rocket taking a few kerbals but what if I take 13 of them? If they weight the same as humans + special astronaut uniforms and equipment that can be more then 100kg for each and much more then 1ton for a rocket of 13 pax.


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Kerbal cabins/cockpits/pods are pressurized with a dense clear and oxigenated liquid instead of air, that has several functions:

  • it keeps their lidless eyes moisturized
  • makes dedicated hygiene equipment and functions unnecessary
  • makes a very effective shock absorption system to protect the kerbals
  • allows taking snacks in deeply dehydrated form to save weight and storage space (and they become quickly hydrated for consumption by simply unpacking them)

Due to this, and because that liquid has almost the exact same density as the average kerbal astronaut and suit... there is no difference in weight when the kerbals enter: some of the liquid is simply displaced and spills, that's all. That same liquid fills their suits too, which is the main reason they can bounce and survive collisions and drops.

Command seats do not have an interior that can hold this liquid environment, so when Kerbals get into a command seat they do add to the craft mass.


Think about it, it explains the lack of Kerbals and buildings on Kerbin's surface: the oceans must be their natural habitat, and the KSC was built and is used just to take advantage of the much lower friction of the atmosphere for launches.

Disclaimer: the contents of this article is offered free of charge and devoid of any factual evidence. Any resemblance to Actual Facts  is purely coincidental and an unintended consequence of the almost total absence of said facts from anything I write, and I take no responsibility for either global warming or Justin Bieber. This article does not advocate long space missions without hygiene equipment on board, and soggy snacks are just nasty. My Internet lawyer says I have written enough words now to ensure no one will ever read this. Jeb: Val knows about us; nuff said.

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