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[MODS] Energia-Uragan

Guest Thobewill

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Guest Thobewill

I built the Energia-Uragan spacecraft.



It gets into orbit with over 3760 L of propellant left, when it's only carrying a Mk 1-2 Command pod an SAS, and an ASAS in its cargo bay. This suggests that it can lift over 24 tons of cargo into orbit.

I wish I had fuel dumps of some sort, as trying to land with 24 tons of fuel left does not go very well. Even with all that weight, though, the command module can survive a water landing (can't say the same for the rest of the orbiter). Ground landings have not been tested.

Uses the KW challenger pack, MechJeb, Damned Aerospace and Damned Robotics.

Flight album here!.

Download it here!

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Guest Thobewill

I saw that, but the forum does not permit uploading craft files. I guess I'll just have to make a mediafire account.

EDIT: Updated OP with download link.

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