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[0.20] RemoteTech: Relay Network – V


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Sadly the compatibility pack will need to be ported over to account for the new folder structures. I'll make sure to update the pack simultaneously with releasing RT

As far as I've been able to tell, targeting still works just fine. If you're referring to the dishes physically rotating towards their target, that's a feature currently in development and hasn't been released yet.

I've gone and manually added the RT module to all the stock probes and dishes in their new location and they seem to work fine now.

If anyone is interested I could zip them up and upload them somewhere.

If the new compatibility pack is released, will they overwrite the stock folders like they used to, or will they be in their own separate folder with other RT stuff, and be loaded instead of default stock parts? Only reason I ask is because I think Romfarer's docking cam mod used to replace the stock docking clamps, but with the newest release for .20 compatibility it seems that it can be in it's own folder and still be loaded instead of the stock parts.

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Having the same problem as KOCOUR.

Also the dishes doesn't seem to work at all. First time I'm trying this mod so I might not fully understand how it is supposed to work (And I'm aware that its a bad time to try it) ;) But I got a dish around Mun pointing toward Kerbin and a couple of dishes around Kerbin all pointed toward Mun (Those that can see it)... Yet the satellite around Mun can't get a connection.

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If the new compatibility pack is released, will they overwrite the stock folders like they used to, or will they be in their own separate folder with other RT stuff, and be loaded instead of default stock parts? Only reason I ask is because I think Romfarer's docking cam mod used to replace the stock docking clamps, but with the newest release for .20 compatibility it seems that it can be in it's own folder and still be loaded instead of the stock parts.

Ideally I'd like them to be in their own folder. I've yet to figure out all the fancy new tricks possible with the new partLoader. Thanks for the tip on Romfarer's work though. I'll make sure to look into what he did.

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I've just updated the probe compatibility pack for 0.20. I had to use the old method of overwriting the stock configs since the override functionality of the new part loader isn't working properly yet. There is also the option of changing the parts programatically, which is certainly worth exploring. If such a method is possible (there are some problems with adding partModules to part prefabs) the pack won't be necessary. Whether the stock parts use RemoteTech will simply be a setting within the core plugin.

But all this is in the future. For now you'll have to overwrite the configs within the Squad folder. Look into the 'Installation' tab on the Probe compatibility pack page on spaceport for a how-to.

Having the same problem as KOCOUR.

Also the dishes doesn't seem to work at all. First time I'm trying this mod so I might not fully understand how it is supposed to work (And I'm aware that its a bad time to try it) ;) But I got a dish around Mun pointing toward Kerbin and a couple of dishes around Kerbin all pointed toward Mun (Those that can see it)... Yet the satellite around Mun can't get a connection.

Do your dishes around kerbin have a connection themselves?

Remember that only command stations (like Kerbal Space Center or ships with a Remote Command SPU and at least 3 kerbals) can send command signals. A satellite with only Remote Control and antennae can only relay that command signal.

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Pointing dishes in their context menu seems not to work (doesn´t save. on clicking "save & close" simply nothing is happening)

But pointing them at a target in the "List Comsats"-menu works still like before!

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Pointing dishes in their context menu seems not to work (doesn´t save. on clicking "save & close" simply nothing is happening)

But pointing them at a target in the "List Comsats"-menu works still like before!

Curious. Must be a bit of incompatibility coming from being compiled for KSP 0.19.1. This issue is not present in the current dev build of I should have it ready for release soon though.

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No reason to get too busy imho!

As the "List Comsats" option is the primary interface to administrate the relay-network anyway i have no problem with above mentioned issue, and so should the rest of us. The addon basically works in 0.20, so no need to panic for anybody ;)

p.s.: my post wasn´t meant as a bug-report, it was meant as a hint for people that are not able to point their dishes atm.

p.p.s.: thx for this great addon, adds a quite intensive new level of things neccessary for a fully operational space program. very nice indeed!

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I`m getting a huge framerate drop with 6 comsats with 5 dishes and 1 antenna each, at 1000k orbits. I had a similar configuration on .19 and it didn`t affect my performace... It`s not nescessarely your mod, but the sats are the only thing in orbit, and have no other mod`s parts in them. I also have LAZORS installed, with loading distance set on "short".

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RemoteTech V released

Finally it's here. The main new features of are the new kinds of dishes and a bit of optimization. Lets get to the changelog shall we?

  • Added target-tracking dishes.
    Finally dishes can actually visually point towards the target you set them up to. Right now there are only two tracking dishes; the MiniDish Jr. (made by your's truly) and the MacroDish Sr. (made by Spaceghöst). The plan is to phase the old dishes out as new tracking dishes are created.
    Don't worry if the dish is unable to completely point towards it's target, visual tracking is still purely visual. Anything else would make the game positively unplayable :).
  • Added custom aerodynamic model for shrapnel created if tracking dishes break apart under high speed.
    The new dishes behave much like solar panels do. If you travel too fast in an atmosphere, they will break apart in a million pieces. I wrote the aerodynamic model myself to keep it simple and specific. It only models aerodynamic drag, but it does so fairly neatly (accounting for area of attack, airflow and so forth).
  • Added a timing field in the attitude computer akin to the field in the throttle computer.
    Now you can write a time in the field that normally counts down, making it possible to set custom timings for the attitude computer as well as the throttle computer. You need to write your desired delay before you activate the attitude mode, as the field will start to count down immediately after you activate it.
  • tweaked the time input field to now allow you to input days (dd:hh:mm:ss).
    Now you can plan many days ahead using the same display format as the maneuver node system.
  • Added support for throttle increment controls.
    This was an oversight on my part. Thankfully a couple of gamepad-using players alerted me to my error, this is now fixed and you can use your gamepads to control RemoteTech ships just as you would in stock.
  • Fixed issue where antennae breaking off at very high speed could cause game to lag.
    The bug was due to some iffyness in stock, where parts and vessels are unloaded without the plugin noticing. This is now fixed, as the antennae will explode before they reach any kind of distance where they will be unloaded.
  • Added multithreading in relay calculations and tweaked calculation load to give higher performance.
    Another oversight on my part was hiding in the "list comsats" menu. It would search through every satellite in the relay network every single frame. This has now been fixed to where it only performs the check once every 100 gameticks.
    I've also implemented multithreading. Now all relay network calculations are run within a dedicated thread, meaning that the rest of the game won't have to wait for RemoteTech finishing its calculations every 100 ticks.

The plan is to slowly faze out the old, non-targeting, dishes as new dishes are added. I've already included dishes to replace the low and mid-range classes. I have included the old dishes in this release, purely for backwards compatibility. In the next update I'll most likely remove the old probodobodyne dish and the long range dish. I'll keep all the PartModules in the plugin though, so you can keep the old dishes in your worlds if you so wish.

I've also moved the source over to github. It comes with a handy little bugtracker, so feel free to use it to notify me of any bugs you may find.



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I started looking at this mod yesterday, and have the 0.20 version. I've not yet tested it beyond LKO as yet, as I rebooted my space program at the same time.

Please forgive me if this has been answered before, I just spent a good few minutes reading every page in this thread, but didn't find an answer that satisfied me.

I have a single satellite in orbit, a low 80Km orbit (as its a space program reboot, this is basically Sputnik :D). I have the antenna attached, and all is well, giving me a lovely 500Km wide window of control as we're passing over KSC, just as I expected. This is great!

However... I fly solely with MechJeb (I can hear some groans already :sticktongue:)... The problem I see now is, that during my communication slot, I can tell MechJeb to plan a manoeuvre to happen while out of signal range. Great so far. But, as soon as signal is lost, MechJeb just turns off?

Am I doing something wrong? (and don't say I'm doing it wrong cause I'm using MechJeb :sticktongue:) What I thought should happen is that I can get MechJeb to set up its nodes during communication slots, and then the nodes would be performed.

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Yeah, but... I honestly was not a remotetech fan- I do not want the realism of NEEDING a sat grid. I do, however, think the parts developed are, well, necessary for a, well, cool KSP game, so I modded the parts with a mechjeb override.

In other news, the AI MechJeb has hijacked a space-probe and is laughing at us at ground control. Please advise.

Edited by Mekan1k
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I've just updated the probe compatibility pack for 0.20. I had to use the old method of overwriting the stock configs since the override functionality of the new part loader isn't working properly yet. There is also the option of changing the parts programatically, which is certainly worth exploring.

Seems Romfarer's method is purely plugin based, it's able to modify the stock docking port this way without replacing any parts. Going to test out the latest new release and see how it goes!

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Whoo! Finaly modded this so that I can fly without needing to be in range! WHOOOOO!

Thank you remotech and MechJeb!

Oh, and I added this to the .cfg file



name = MechJebCore


What is the point of using the mod then? Why don't you just save yourself sometime and play without RemoteTech?

I would really like to hear your reasoning to modding RT in such a way?

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The smaller tracking dish (maybe the larger one as well, haven't tested it yet *edit* - the larger one as well) keeps trying to track its target even after it breaks off the parent vessel. I put it on a rover and set it to target the KSC. Later on, my rover flipped over breaking off the dish but it lodged itself between the rover wheels and started flipping over the entire rover by trying to orient itself the right way, causing the rover to spin and flip around uncontrollably.

Edited by Awaras
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Hi there JDP,

I created a patch from your github project to enable support of ProgCom CPU emulator for KSP I submitted it as an issue on github.

Really love using this plugin, good work! Did notice while creating this patch that it was hard, and a little messy, some things could do with re factoring. It seems as though RemoteTech wasn't really designed from the ground up, but rather grew organically. While this did make changing things and understanding the code a little tricky, I totally respect where this has come from, and what it is! Would love to help on it at some stage :)

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What is the point of using the mod then? Why don't you just save yourself sometime and play without RemoteTech?

I would really like to hear your reasoning to modding RT in such a way?

For the same reason I have most of my mods- for the options. It is cool, and since I am working on a story in the fan-works, I want as many options as I can get, as I have no Idea where the story will end.

(Atually I do, but I cannot say what the ending is.)

My reasoning? Do I need some? If not then fruitcake.

If so... My reasoning is simple- I like this mod, but I used to be, well, rather indifferent. When it came out I used the sh*t out of it. I had dedicated bases that were transmission stations, and my Kol-orbit bases gave me a round-trip constant cycle of any signal.

However- I am in college now, and since I started getting into some of the more specialized courses, such as Signal Propagation Planning and Communication Relay Logic, I found that my game became too much like my classes, and it, well, stopped being as fun- it felt like homework.

So I made this patch. It seems to work, and I am thankful that the creator of this mod made it work, But I am also grateful that these partmodules were developed in such a way that I can keep the fun of the mods that I found and get some later ones set up in such a way that I can get the results I desire.

Thank you, JDP, and Squad, for making this easy for me.

Also, you got to admit, the AeroProbe is awesome, and makes a great probe for atmos planets.

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Could I make a suggestion to edit the changelogs into the first post, or at least a link to the newest changelog? It's sometimes difficult to track down version changes if you get to the thread a few days after a release.

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