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hey, i just got KSP 2 days ago and I'm loving it. I just found out about the forums and they're really awesome. I'm really bad at making rockets as all of mine just rotate out of control or if they are stable they run out of fuel just as they get into orbit! :rolleyes: The only mod I'm using is the flags mod so I put an Australian flag on the Mun!

Can I have some help. When I try to burn out of Kerbin Orbit I cant! It's like I'm being pulled back by a leash. Is it even possible to be in a position so that you aren't in any orbit? Also can I have help with making a ship that can land on the Mun but won't lag my laptop like crazy. I currently have a computer that gives me exactly 1 FPS on takeoff and 20 FPS in orbit but that'll be changing soon :o

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Hello and welcome to the Forums!

There are several different ways to keep rockets stable. Always use the one man pod so that you can use the ASAS, SAS and RCS Parts. Keep the SAS on during the assent, and use RCS thrusters in case it starts to tip. You can't go wrong with some finlets too.

To have longer space flights, you need more fuel tanks and more engines. The only problem is, more parts = more lag.

Burning out of orbits to land is easy, use the navball to guide you till your flying backwards, this slows you down so you can't orbit and start to come home. There is a symbol on the navball which shows which way is backwards.

Making a ship to land on the Mun, well like I said, more parts = more lag. However there is ways to reduce the lag. If you haven't done so already, turn down all of the graphics to the lowest settings. There is also something else i use to reduce lag. You can find it here


I also recommend using a mod pack like KW Rocketry. Since it contains larger and wider fuel tanks, there will be less parts and therefore, less lag for your Mun rockets. My best Lander is only two metres wide with only one engine ever firing at a time and can handle a full mission with little to no lag. Get KW Rocketry below and remember to download the low-res verson in the second post instead of the evil lag-making parts in the first post.


I Hope that helps you, go ahead and put that Aussie flag on the Mun. :)

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Thankyou, but I'm confused by what you said on getting out of Kerbin orbit. I meant I don't know why I can't ESCAPE Kerbins SOI. I know how to retro-burn, but I'm feel kinda stupid just floating there firing my rockets away from Kerbin being held back by a rubber band. my orbit on the space map becomes almost a straight line connecting me from Kerbin to my current position but it won't budge.

And thanks for the tip for my crappy computer :)

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Now I'm confused, I don't completely understand what your trying to do.

Are you attempting to leave Kerbin orbit and head to the sun? Because that's done the same way you orbit, just keep burning the way your heading to increase speed. Do you mean when burning, nothing happens to your arc? Then you need more powerful engines or more engines. Do you mean when trying to come home, your ship just sits in space? Then its because you slowed down to the point where your ship is moving very slowly, but it will come back, eventually.

If it isn't one of those scenarios, then I'm clueless to what your trying to do. I hope I might have given you some help.

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I think it might have been because my engines weren't powerful enough. I was trying to get into Kerbol orbit and I finally did! (but my laptop almost broke because of the HUGE orbit! D:)

I'm going really good and I finally landed on the moon! Is it any less of an achievement if I downloaded someone elses ship to do it even though I've made ships that have orbited the Mun myself..

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I would still consider it to be a great achievement even using someone else's rocket. I crashed about 5 failed landers on the Mun until I got to the point where I realised I couldn't be trusted with making landers. Using a pre-made lander, I finally got my crew to Minmus (they never made it back, but that's irrelevant). I then made my own lander based off the pre-made ship and flew it many times to the Mun and Minmus! Eventually I made my more awesome landers and landed so many next to each other, I can't load the ships anymore.

Tl;dr: My first steps were someone else's.

Edit: Also remember that KSP is about learning.

First you kill everyone,

then you fly something,

then you go to space,

then you orbit,

then you orbit something else,

then you kill everyone,

then you use someone else's lander,

then you use your own lander,

then you get better at landing,

then you can target landing sites,

then you can land near other landers,

then you use all this wonderful learning and help other people learn,

then you kill everyone.

Edited by Cby
Moar info for awesomesause
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