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Project Veritas - A Quest for Truth


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Project: VERITAS

Those were the words that started it all. A quest. To find out all there is to know about everything that we could, and then some.

Now we Have a Discord so you can access unused pics and discuss Project: VERITAS.



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Hi, there! This is what I'll be doing during the downtime in my other mission report. It follows my career game using the Career Evolution contract pack and the Community Tech Tree.


Project Status:

         PHASE I - Suborbital, Early Orbital, and Basic Probes

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          PHASE II - Complex Orbital Procedures/Kerbin System Exploration

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Chapter List:


Penumbra - Part 1


After finding some discoveries scribbled on a napkin, The KUSI(Kerbin United Space Initiative), whose origins and many details are lost to the mist of time, got enough science to get a few things. This was the beginning of the Penumbra Program.

No Pictures can be found of Penumbra-1. Penumbra-2 the first confirmed flight of the program, returned barometric data. A Proof of Concept, really.








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  On 7/23/2017 at 10:15 PM, DeltaDizzy said:

Still working on that. I started the story as KSP was loading up. This will be a very real-time story. If ksp breaks than the story will have to stop too. I guess I could do backstory if that happens...


So you're writing the story as you play KSP at the same time? :confused:

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Touchstone - Part 1


After the resounding success of The early Penumbra program, It was suggested to find a way to get some cash and science AT THE SAME TIME as they were designing and building rockets! This was the catalyst for the Touchstone program! In it's early days, the program was filled with many proposals as to what it should be for. It was finally settled on that it would be to test parts, which they would be paid to do, and keep the data for R&D. All the probes failed, so it was decided to use a command seat.



Since Touchstone-1 did so well, they decided to do another one.



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Penumbra - Part 2


With the success of earlier flights, the green-light was given for the next set of Penumbra flights.


However, when launch was attempted, nothing happened. This puzzled the flight controllers. They changed to a Stayputnik. It still wouldn't launch. Stumped, They scrubbed the mission and decided to attempt a manned supersonic flight, because they had a contract for it.

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Zvuk-Penumbra Part 1


After the failure of Penumbra 3, the entire Penumbra Program was put on hold. It was decided to turn to manned missions. The Zvuk Program would involve the mastery of manned supersonic flight and research. Before a supersonic flight could be attempted, more needed to be learned about the atmosphere. Thus, The Zvuk-Penumbra mini-program was born.

For Zvuk-Penumbra-1, a larger version of Penumbra-2 was created. 


Mission control was so anxious, no footage of the launch was acquired.



With the mission complete, and knowing that the probe core worked this time, a full investigation can get underway. That, and the planning of Zvuk-1!

EDIT: I think I've found the cause of the bug. It appears to be kerbalism saying i don't have signal even though I have plenty of EC, Plenty of antennas, and CommNet is switched off. I'm changing some settings and seeing if that helps.

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Penumbra - Part 3


With a slight reconfiguration of the Communications and control software, Penumbra-3 is rolled out to the pad yet again. llQfJtx.png


It appears not. It destabilizes yet again.


Luckily, it is able to be recovered and we get a refund.



On the next attempt, we shall go back to the Sounding rocket design of the earlier flights.

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Why no responses?

Nauka - Part 1


The administration realized that, without more scientific data, they would never reach 18km, let alone space. This is why the Nauka program was announced. This would be the label all mission's solely dedicated to science collection would fall under.


Nauka-1 was on the small side, but it did it's job well.

Well, enough in fact, to unlock parts for subsonic aircraft. This was an obvious first step towards supersonic flight. Besides, it can also be used for surveys.

The result was the Awa-1:






The design went through several minor adjustment's before it was given up on. It was then repurposed into the Nauka-Mk. II.


It returned 45 science just by "naturally" veering off the runway.

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Penumbra - Part 4:

"We approach, at last, the boundary"


At last. Y1, D4. We reached the upper atmosphere. Everyone was crossing their fingers, so no one pressed "Record". But we did it.



All experiment's carried out successfully, the ship began to fall.



The parachute deployed. The craft slowed.


Slower and slower.


Touchdown. A minor scrape. Minor.



45 science.

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  On 7/26/2017 at 12:33 AM, DeltaDizzy said:

If the interest levels continue the way they are, then I'll probably go to Chapter 10 and then stop. I'll still leave the thread open for discussion though.


Stop copying my attitude!

Nice reports though, although i don't really like the screenshots, they are just way too simple.

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  On 7/26/2017 at 11:40 PM, DeltaDizzy said:

It wasn't because I thought no one likes it. It's because of the double posting rule.

What's too simple about them? 


You "thought", it is just this section of the forum, it is a lonely desert, be happy that there is at least a couple of them.

I won't be comparing to my screenshots, because that is out right rude and selfish.

So, I will give some advices!

When launching, angle it down to the point, where you can see both exhaust of the engine, and a little bit of fuselage, would be great if you could capture the sun flare.


Sun flare+Close up+Vessel is visible=a great screenshot.

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Penumbra - Part 5


Due to a mysterious note that said, "I want my turn NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! - DizzyDelta" only 1 mission could be attempted today.


Using the Exact same rocket as the previous mission:



That's all the pics I could upload today, but more will come tomorrow.

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Penumbra-Sonda - Part 1


A contract had been accepted, and Penumbra-Sonda 1 prepared to go into orbit. The first of it's kind, it would transverse regions of the universe that nothing had been to. It would be historic.


The launch was tense, so everyone forgot to take photos. However this photo surfaced:



The satellite was deployed with no difficulty.


It opened it's solar panels and began to take measurements.




The head of PR said "For the next flight we'll apply some proper sunflares."

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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