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Enable/disable crossfeed button broken

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Hello my savers,

After 2 years of IRL affliction (really a nasty disease to get IRLite), I'm finally back on a new gamer beast (PC master-race youhou !) and my 1st dedication is to KSP FULLY MODDED, like I used to love it so much.


But after 5 hours of gameplay, I ended being stuck with a tiny but very annoying problem, my [enable]/[disable] crossfeed button doesn't do a single thing anymore, on any kind of decouplers (vanillas or modpacked, radial mounted or inline) I can click the button as much as I want and it stays locked on enabled (or disabled dependently of it's last state)

Sometimes after a game reboot, it switches correctly one time on very small ships with only one or two stages of inline fuel tanks and then get stuck again...



after mod by mod selection test, I found the problem come when I activating mechjeb 2 by installing the autopilot module on a ship.

SO, Topic to move out, I'll go ask on mechjeb tech.forum.

Edited by natoki
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