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This is my mission log of my KSP play through called Aurora

This bug led me to sink way below and lost my samples


Built a successful plane for contracts, went really well 


Poles landing




Stratputnik is in orbit


A sample return down in the whispers, Aurora's on Kerbin are called whispers (I call them that)


Run little rover and remember, you are loved 



Another mission lost to scatterers bug


First flyby the Mun, yet career evolutions mod didn't recognize it


Derbin rover again, this is the 3rd one to land on the Mun to try to complete a hard contract



Comm sats are boring


The launch of the Frozen Yogurt, a probe to flyby Minmus


30 days orbital contract, so I made a mini station


Landing on the side of a mountain


Lovely shot


The UFO sat the recon sat



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Deorbiting the station, slight errors, the crew skipped back into orbit, ran out of electricity but I had already armed the chutes, luckily Kerbalism didn't kill them all
















First mission to flyby Duna, the Rusty Bucket



Crewed landing down the whispers


What was a simple orbit of Minmus became a landing, barely made it home




















The Mun expedition













No more RCS, had to eva the crew and the data to the return capsule

Did I tell u I put a sat around the Mun called the Cheesomere?



The Pistasheow, bringing the Minmus Expedition to Minmus

















Val is the first Kerbal on the Mun. That's one small drop for a Kerbal, one giant drop for Kerbal Kind? [Drop because she dropped to the surface]


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Lovely landing, made me plant a flag, as I finally found this place







First probe to orbit EVE, and enter a low orbit of another planet, unlike that semi failed mission to Duna


First probe to IKE called Ike's Russian Cousin. It failed miserably and never made it there, the engines failed, so it simply fly past Duna.


First probe to orbit EVE and orbit another planet in low orbit called The Purple Cloud


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Lots of great shots here! It looks like you have quite a lot going on in your career!  If you're going to post more than 6 images in a post, I'd recommend either embedding an imgur album or putting the pics inside spoiler tags.

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Launch of the Terra Donna, sister ship of the Terra Nova [which will bring us to Duna. Terra Donna was launched to EVE due to reducing funds and being bored of going to the Mun and Minmus. I was a massive risk and would have ended in failure if not for the cracked causing glitches that made maneuver nodes appear inside the ship, giving me the moral right to cheat extra fuel


  On 7/28/2017 at 6:18 PM, captainb said:

Lots of great shots here! It looks like you have quite a lot going on in your career!  If you're going to post more than 6 images in a post, I'd recommend either embedding an imgur album or putting the pics inside spoiler tags.


It looks great from a few pics, but it's been a pain sometimes, I'm at a point that the contracts are just not good, even with career evolution's and I just wanna explore more than the 2 moons, so I cheat in more funds. I won't cheat in more science, or cheat the crew home if things go south. I'm gonna finish the tech tree proper for once and never play career again, maybe science mode, or just do a few missions here and there in sandbox. Kerbalism is a bit too demanding with food and water, too many tanks to simply do a transit, it's ridiculous, but I still like Kerbalism. Whatever I play next, I won't play with remotetech, I want something a bit simpler, and will play with kerbalism's signal

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  On 7/28/2017 at 6:18 PM, captainb said:






The cargo ship entered orbit





Docking with the cargo ship, enough food, water and oxygen to barely get us home, not enough to stay in orbit





These two kerbals smile, not knowing they have been sacrificed to the Kraken to Jeb, Val, Bill and bob can get home. The official mission log is that they went insane due to stress, high radiation and strict supply rationing. These are my first deaths








We experienced a critical RCS failure and a solar storm returning home from EVE. Despite the hab being radiation hardened to the max, the crew still got zapped by an insane amount of radiation. Mission planners are now ensuring that any mission to Duna has active shielding as well as passive shielding, this will delay any mission to Duna for a while as I gather the science to do it properly



Beauty shots returning home


Splashdown after a safe return home





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Project Olympus
Mission: Land 6 Kerbals on Duna and return them safely back to Kerbin.
1. Aloha Fuel Ship: 9,479,413
2. Armstrong Crew Rover: 5,569,266
3. Athens Supply Pod: 5,568,341
4. Atlantis Habitat: 10,727,750
5. Cairo Water Miner: 5,711,400
6. Caracas Heavy Cargo Pod: 5,571,544
7. Conastago Lander: 5,578,137
8. Damascus Ore Miner: 5,730,178
9. Gagarin Lander: 5,578,137
10. Gallifrey Supply Pod: 5,569,141
11. Kiviok Cargo Rover: 5,540,779
12. Lagos Water Miner: 5,712,400
13. Los Rio Heavy Cargo Pod: 5,571,545
14. Odin Supply Pod: 5,569,141
15. Origami Cargo Rover: 5,540,779
16. Radisson Crew Rover: 5,569,066
17. Shanghai Ore Miner: 5,729,578
18. Sydney Fuel Ship: 9,460,413
19. Tobago Supply Ship: 5,611,963
20. Trinidad Supply Ship: 5,611,363
21. Zeus Supply Pod: 5,567,741
22. Terra Nova: 6,033,702
Total cost 125874027
So far one ship has failed, the Aloha fuel ship, it failed because it didn't get an intercept and I didn't have the time to change it, so it was renamed as debris.
Pics will be posted tomorrow, it's 2:30 A.M here
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Testing the rovers, they were launched to Duna, now they are in Duna orbit, I love these rovers, I'll never play career for a loong time lol



Cargo ships entered orbit, 21 ships, took me an entire day



Gagarin captured



Duna went from having just one satellite to having an armada of ships around it



The Atlantis habitat has landed safely, took many attempts, the reactor is online, everything is fine and awaiting the crew. 14 landings to go before I can land the crew, gotta land supply pods, miners and rovers before I can send the crew down. I'll do it all tomorrow



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Project Olympus live landing logs:
Shanghai ore miner destroyed with no hope of changing that
Glad I sent 2
The Damascus ore miner made it down, loss solar panels and a radiator, but the rovers will be able to provide it with power once connected
11km from the hab. Gonna land the water miner now. Then I just gotta put down the supply and Heavy Cargo pods then rovers and I'll be good
I won't land the back up for the water miner. It was only launched in case one didn't land proper. Since one landed in saving myself the hastle
Cairo water miner is down, mining water started. Lost 2 solar panels and a radiator but it's good
Landing the first supply pod now
The water miner is 30 km from the ore miner and 41 from the hab
Out of laziness I think I'll just land one more supply pod then the rovers. Then the crew. Rather than landing all that more supply pods. If I need em I'll drop them down from orbit
Zeus is down, 7.6km from the hab. Near perfect landing
Lost all solar panels tho
Los Rio Heavy Cargo Pod is down without a scratch. Perfect landing
3KM from the hab. The closest to land so far
Putting down the rovers now
Kiviok Cargo Lander failed due to the lack of chutes
Gonna land the second one
Origami cargo rover is down perfectly
Radisson Crew Rover has a dead engine, so I shut off the one opposite it to get control. Deorbiting now.
Had to eject the heat shield to decouple from the transfer stage due to no decouples being on for some reason
Radisson rover is FINALLY down after much trouble
Last Rover to land, the Armstrong Crew Rover
Then I can land the crew a day after
Night time is falling on the landing zone
Armstrong is down, repeat, Armstrong Crew Rover has landed safely
Now to time warp to the next morning, then land the crew
Gagarin taken out of storage, all systems brought online and nominal. Crew transferred, autopilot engaged, landing sequence engaged
Gagarin landed safely
Armstrong rover is the nearest to them to pick them up. They'll be at the hab soon enough
Jen is in the rover and ready to pick up his crew
I'll do that tmro, rovers need slow travel and I'm impatient, I went too fast and got him killed, so I quickloaded and I'll pick up his crew tmro
Then spend start the long slow journey to their hab
Then after a few days begin doing the other stuff, such as going to pick up the Cargo Rover, then going to the supply pods to resupply the hab, then checking out the miners
It's been a long day doing the landings
And I got a lot more to do before I get them home
I thinnk I'll lower the graphics to speed things up for me
I am, I'm done for now
tmro I gotta bring em to the hab, then pick up the cargo rover and that will be all for the day












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After a long, long, long Journey of 11Km, across tall, tall hills, the Armstrong rover, partially damaged but not in a mobilization ending way, has finally arrived at the Atlantis habitat, docked to it, fully powered by the nuclear reactor. I was so happy, and felt so accomplished when I saw it appear. Night was falling and the rover can last only 4 hours of night, nights on Duna last a day. The crew had their first Duna sunset and sunrise. One had to sleep in the rover because the inflatable hab isn't taking in KIS tools. My mission for this new day has changed, it will first involve putting the tools in the heavy cargo pod, then recovering the Radisson, the day after I'll head far into the hills to the Origami cargo rover and head to the water miner. One mission a day, driving around takes time and is dangerous.





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Being bored and tired of bugs, crashes and remotetech, I decided to bring the crew home after just a day on Duna, luckily Kerbin was close enough for us to go back quickly, but it took more delta v than we had to enter orbit, so Terra Nova was destroyed. The crew made it home safe, well half of them, their capsule landed at 7ms, destroying the attached hab, killing 3 of them, including Bob. I'm now done with this save and done with KSP until GPP is updated to 1.3, then I'll play a less difficult and more joy oriented save

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