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Mod idea: player-initiated contract proposals


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I don't know for sure if this idea hasn't been fronted before, but KSP would really benefit from a mod that allows the player to propose contracts and get bids from companies on them.  There is certainly real-world precedent for this sort of thing, and it would enhance the contract system considerably if it were in there.  Basically, what I have envisioned is a system wherein the player can specify the mission they want to do (ie. all of the conditions they need to meet to succeed), and depending on the various attributes of the firms out there, there will be bids made on that contract proposal.  To discourage constantly spamming easy ones like "transmit science from space around Kerbin", companies would lose interest in repeat contract conditions and eventually you wouldn't be able to get anyone to bite on a contract condition that you've done to death (or they'll pay you so little that you might as well not bother).  Similarly, some contracts would not interest certain firms at all.  Potentially it could even involve companies making a counter-proposal that alters your mission plan but pays out better if you accept their modified terms.  And of course certain types of mission goals would be unavailable for logistical reasons (you can't tell a firm you want to propose a contract to rescue some random Kerbal from orbit, for example; where would that Kerbal even come from?).

It's a very complex mod I have in mind, obviously, but it would really revitalize the contract system and incentivize more creative missions if players could actually get rewarded for their ideas instead of having to hope the RNG rolls a decent match to the mission idea they have to help pay for it.  I've never had much luck with making mods in the past, so I'm interested in finding out if anyone else would like to help me out with this idea.  Or even if someone's already working on a mod like this (or has released one; I've never been able to find it if it does exist).

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