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ARC: Complex Satellite Network System (Stock or Mods) [HARD]

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Important: ARC does not have any affiliations with KGSS.

Hello world! I am proud to present ARC!



ARC (Aerospace and Rocket Corporation) is a company aimed at research and development for Kerbal kind.

All people who complete this challenge are worthy enough to be considered employees.

Enough talking, lets get to the objective!

This is a very long and hard mission. In order to research Kerbin, the Mun, and Minmus, we have to be able to communicate to all incoming and outgoing satellites. This is to ensure that no Kerbals *Cough* Jeb *Cough* decide to step out of line and ignore mission control. The solution? Develop a complex network system that will always be in the line of sight with a satellite.

This mission can be played with or without the allowed mods.

* = Post Image

Stock Instructions:

1*:] Launch a satellite in a keosynchronous orbit above KSP

2:] Develop a plan for a satellite network system that can always send communications to another satellite with a direct line of sight

All network satellites can only send an receive signals through a direct line of sight.



3*:] Fulfill your plan and post an image of your map view (Front and top view)

4*:] Land on Minmus without any interruption of a direct line of sight with communication satellites

NOTE: Only 2 keosynchronous orbits are allowed

WARNING: Back up the persistent file before installing any mods!

Mods Allowed:

Mech Jeb

(Request other mods in the comments section)

Mods Required:

[PLUGIN, PARTS, 0.16] RemoteTech: Relay Network & Debris automation – V 0.32


[Plugin 0.14.4] Satellite Relay Network - v0.5

Mod Instructions:

1*:] Launch an unmanned satelite with two satellite dishes in a keosynchronous orbit above KSP (One to aim at another relay satellite and another to aim at any other satellites)

2:] Develop a plan for a satellite network system that can always send communications to another satellite with a direct line of sight

All network satellites can only send an receive signals through a direct line of sight.



3*:] Fulfill your plan and post an image of your map view (Front and top view)

4*:] Land an unmanned lander on Minmus without any interruption of communications.

NOTE: Only 2 keosynchronous orbits are allowed

Edited by BustedEarLobes
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You might want to amend the Mods Required section to include the older Satellite Relay Plugin, I much prefer that version.

While it may make the challenge easier, you could always just have a different section for it.

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Interesting Challenge. A few questions before I tackle it though:

Does the required geosynchronous Satellite have to be exactly above the KSP? Does the network have to be able to support an indefinite number of missions at the same time? And is there any rule against having multiple keostationary satellites?

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Hey BustedEarLobes, I just wanted to remind you that you can edit your posts so you don't double post (I'm talking about your 2 posts that are just a minute apart).

Regarding your challenge, I think that something similar was going on shortly after the satellite relay mod was released, so less people are prone to take the challenge again.

I'm willing to do it though, and have a little question: beyond the 2 kerbosynchronous orbits limit, can we have as many satellites as we want?

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Hey BustedEarLobes, I just wanted to remind you that you can edit your posts so you don't double post (I'm talking about your 2 posts that are just a minute apart).

Regarding your challenge, I think that something similar was going on shortly after the satellite relay mod was released, so less people are prone to take the challenge again.

I'm willing to do it though, and have a little question: beyond the 2 kerbosynchronous orbits limit, can we have as many satellites as we want?

Ahh yes, I already knew about the edit button. However, I was trying to replay with quote at them but I kept clicking reply instead. I have no idea how to multi-quote or whatever.

As for the question, yes. You are allowed to send an unlimited amount of satellites not in keosynchronous orbit. It's time consuming and difficult as is so I decided not to limit the amount of satellites someone can use.

Edited by BustedEarLobes
Edit :)
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Alright then, I guess I'll have at least 3, should be enough anyway with the 2 satellite at kerbosynchronous altitude.

To use the multi-quote function, you have to click the multi-quote button on each post you want to quote, and then click on "Reply to Thread": this will add the quotes to the quick reply box.

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I was doing this anyway so here is my planned missions. Formatting bites but the format is simple:

a) place two comsats (relay satelites) into Kerbin orbit - opposite each other. Those two + KSC = three relay points

B) put a satelite dish (for long range comms) into a polar orbit. This will give it the greatest chance of remaining within the network.

c) with the long range dish, launch another dish into Minmus and set up a comms network there

d) with long range dishes around Kerbin and Minmus, launch unmanned rover to orbit Minmus and land

e) ensure no Kraken lives in hidden caves on Minmus

f) send Jeb to be the first Kerbal to land on Minmus

[TABLE=width: 928]


[TD=colspan: 2]Mission










[TD]Craft name



















[TD=colspan: 4]Establish network around Kerbin[/TD]











[TD=colspan: 7]Build manned comsat delivery vehicle capable of 1400km orbit[/TD]


[TD]Alpha 1[/TD]





[TD=colspan: 6]Launch two comsats into 1400km orbit opposite each other[/TD]



[TD]Beta 1 and Beta 2[/TD]




[TD=colspan: 5]Establish network around Minmus[/TD]










[TD=colspan: 6]Launch unmanned satelite dish in polar orbit around Kerbin[/TD]



[TD]Charlie 1[/TD]





[TD=colspan: 6]Launch unmanned satelite dish in orbit around Minmus[/TD]



[TD]Charlie 2[/TD]

[TD]Point Charlie 1 to Charlie 2[/TD]




[TD=colspan: 5]Launch unmanned comsat into Minmus orbit[/TD]




[TD]Beta 3[/TD]

[TD]Point Charlie 1 to Beta 3[/TD]



[TD=colspan: 3]Land Rover on Minmus[/TD]












[TD=colspan: 4]Launch delivery vehicle to Minmus orbit[/TD]





[TD]Delta 1[/TD]

[TD]Point Charlie 1 to Delta 1[/TD]




[TD=colspan: 4]Prep for de-orbit and Minmus landing[/TD]






[TD]Poiint Charlie 1 to Minmus and Charlie 2 to Kerbin[/TD]




[TD=colspan: 4]Land on Minmus - deploy rover[/TD]









Sorry about the boring craft names.

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From the looks of things, no one is worthy enough to work for ARC...Shame...

Don't you worry, I'm working on something. Just didn't want to post my network without having actually flown the missions. As you said, the actual flights are rather time-consuming, and I don't have too much time to play. I'll be back with better news later though =P

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Phew, took me way more time than I thought it would (I had a few failed missions).

Here are my 2 satellites in kerbosynchronous orbit, and 3 more in a 300 km orbit:


And here are the 3 sats around Minmus that ensure a permanent communication with the lander mission:


However, I forgot that the lander engine for the new size 3 pod was so underpowered, and the rocket crashed on the surface, leaving only the pod undamaged:


At least the goals set by this challenge were all achieved :D

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Phew, took me way more time than I thought it would (I had a few failed missions).

Here are my 2 satellites in kerbosynchronous orbit, and 3 more in a 300 km orbit:


And here are the 3 sats around Minmus that ensure a permanent communication with the lander mission:


However, I forgot that the lander engine for the new size 3 pod was so underpowered, and the rocket crashed on the surface, leaving only the pod undamaged:


At least the goals set by this challenge were all achieved :D

Haha Very good. Welcome to ARC :D! When I tried it, I was going for about 4 polar orbits and 4 normal orbits. Your plan seems much easier.

Seems pretty simple

only one question: do you haft to have a keosynchronous sattelite above KSC?

Um, I'm going to have to say no. I'll let you go without it. I just thought it would seem easier. Good luck... Haha.

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With just one in each orbit, there's potential for deadzones; if you have two in each orbit, on opposite sides, then you're sure to get full coverage. I've actually used this strategy to set up relays around the moons before. With three orthogonal orbits (polar at 90deg lon., polar at 0deg lon., equatorial) containing about four sats each, you can do the same thing around Kerbin at relatively low orbit heights.

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Here is my Minmus rover - completely remote control, receiving a signal from Kerbin to Minmus. You can see I've got two sats around Minmus in orbits perpendicular to each other (90 deg) in order to maximise coverage.

RC Network

Welcome to ARC!

With just one in each orbit, there's potential for deadzones; if you have two in each orbit, on opposite sides, then you're sure to get full coverage. I've actually used this strategy to set up relays around the moons before. With three orthogonal orbits (polar at 90deg lon., polar at 0deg lon., equatorial) containing about four sats each, you can do the same thing around Kerbin at relatively low orbit heights.

Very true. However, he was able to complete the mission.

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I am working on this currently, and after learning how to use the various mods necessary, my progress thus far.

I have successfully placed a communications satellite into keostationary orbit above the KSC.

I have set 4 communications satellites into a single path polar orbit at nearly equidistant points. This ensures that the signal can be bounced around Kerbin.

In Progress.

- Setting up my communications network for minmus.

I plan to do this in a single mission, using the same craft I constructed to string my network around Kerbin with a minor change.

In addition to the four satellites it will carry, it will also hold a base station.

According to the wiki, minmus is effectively tide-locked, therefor placing the base station in the correct location, will ensure the

network around minmus has a connection to Kerbin. (I have a similar plan for a Mun mission later.)

- Construct and launch autonomous drone to Minmus.

- Enjoy the ride.

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I am working on this currently, and after learning how to use the various mods necessary, my progress thus far.

I have successfully placed a communications satellite into keostationary orbit above the KSC.

I have set 4 communications satellites into a single path polar orbit at nearly equidistant points. This ensures that the signal can be bounced around Kerbin.

In Progress.

- Setting up my communications network for minmus.

I plan to do this in a single mission, using the same craft I constructed to string my network around Kerbin with a minor change.

In addition to the four satellites it will carry, it will also hold a base station.

According to the wiki, minmus is effectively tide-locked, therefor placing the base station in the correct location, will ensure the

network around minmus has a connection to Kerbin. (I have a similar plan for a Mun mission later.)

- Construct and launch autonomous drone to Minmus.

- Enjoy the ride.

Well I hope for mission success!

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I have successfully landed my probe on minmus! Zero instances of signal loss.

The satellite network was completely successful.

Deploying a satellite from the carrier. The carrier is capable of deploying 4 satellites, and landing to act as a base station.

The pilot's capsule can decouple and then launch back to minmus and land safely in the ocean.


The network around Minmus relaying the telemetry from the probe to the network around Kerbin.


The probe after landing! You can see the path to mission control. The rover transmits to one of the satellites in orbit,

that redirects to another, which then sends the signal back to the satellite in keosynchronous orbit over the KSC.

Apparently the network around Kerbin was not necessary at this particular point in time.


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My minimalist commsat network:

3 sats in geostationary orbit round Kerbin

3 sats in in Kerbin orbit a few 1000km outside the Mun's orbit, which should provide comms to the far side of the Mun.

plugin used: Relay Network & Debris automation – V 0.34

I used the network to get an unmanned probe carrying a rover to Minus.

I did lose line of sight a few times on the way to Minmus but arrived safely.

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I have successfully landed my probe on minmus! Zero instances of signal loss.

The satellite network was completely successful.

Deploying a satellite from the carrier. The carrier is capable of deploying 4 satellites, and landing to act as a base station.

The pilot's capsule can decouple and then launch back to minmus and land safely in the ocean.


The network around Minmus relaying the telemetry from the probe to the network around Kerbin.


The probe after landing! You can see the path to mission control. The rover transmits to one of the satellites in orbit,

that redirects to another, which then sends the signal back to the satellite in keosynchronous orbit over the KSC.

Apparently the network around Kerbin was not necessary at this particular point in time.


My minimalist commsat network:

3 sats in geostationary orbit round Kerbin

3 sats in in Kerbin orbit a few 1000km outside the Mun's orbit, which should provide comms to the far side of the Mun.

plugin used: Relay Network & Debris automation – V 0.34

I used the network to get an unmanned probe carrying a rover to Minus.

I did lose line of sight a few times on the way to Minmus but arrived safely.

Very Good! Welcome to ARC!

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  • 1 month later...

tried to do this using my Ike XI launch platform to get to minmus which has performed very well at sending long burn nuclear rockets for attempted solar system escape missions, and a design from 0.13 which I used to get into solar orbit the first time. I got the satellites up quite nicely with another 0.13 design (I only recently got the payed version of the game). Everything was going nicely before one of the engines broke off inexplicably during injection and I ended up giving up when the game crashed for some reason and I lost my save.

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