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[Win] Kerbal Space Program Mod Manager Dev Kit [KSPMM Dev-Kit][]

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Alrite, so I'm back with my second application for KSP.

This time it's the Mod packager, I originally had planned to put inside KSPMM.

But I figured it would be more useful to have it as a separate application.

Basically, what this does, it creates a "project" for you. A project is the folder structure.

I adds all the folders for you. Then you add your mod inside them. And simply run the packager.

To create .zip or .kspmm for you. For increased functionality, it can even do both at the same time.









There are two ways to create a new project:

[table=width: 100%]



  1. Start the Dev-Kit and create a new project.



  1. Go to a location where you want to start your project.
  2. Create a new file, and call it for whatever you want to call your mod.
  3. Make sure the filetype is set to, ".KSPMP". (Without the " " )
  4. Run the file you created. You should see a folder pop-up with the same name as the project file.




Project files are the main and only filetype used.

When this program creates a new project. Basically, what it does;

It creates a new project files type. And runs it. Then exits itself.

Leaving the "other" application started with the KSPMP Project file.

You can have as many of these as your computer can handle at once. Unlike KSPMM, where you can only have one running at a time.

However, you only need to have it open when creating a new project. and packaging it.

Since this is what it's made for. Making the mod, and moving them into the corresponding folders is up to you. (Assume you already have the mod created. If not, there is nothing stopping you from creating the mod within the project folders too. That would actually be faster, instead of making it elsewhere then copying it over.) Well, you get the idea.

[h=4]Download: Click me to download[/h]

Sourecode is coming...

Please note: The current location the Info.txt is placed at. Does not work with older versions of KSPMM. However, in the version of KSPMM and above will have fixed this issue.

Edited by Norway174
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