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Jets and turboprops on the same plane. Weirdness happens.

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I've built a plane with two Predator turboprops in (pusher configuration) from Airplane Plus and two stock Juno gets. The props have built in intakes and it has two small circular intakes for the Junos.

The props say they have a thrust of 80 KN while the jets are 20 KN. It'll get up to a bit over 130 meters/second. Crazy thing is, when pushed hard the props will flame out and the plane will speed up to over 160 until the prop engines relight.

How do a pair of lower thrust engines on their own make the plane fly faster? The reason for adding the Junos was to try getting more speed, but it didn't do much except help it get off the runway at a lower speed and it climbs quicker.

Looks like two turning and two burning aren't the answer for this COIN style plane.

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The only quess I can make is that the props havee a speed limit, it's not quitte realistic that props can go the to fast. When the props flameout, due hight speed, the juno's can get the intake air from the props. 
How many airintakes do you have besides your props?

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Two small circular intakes to go with the two Juno jets. I have another plane, my Mewt Sparrow, with four Bumblebee engines. It goes faster, no issued with air supply to those engines.

Some of these mods need more adjusting. Airplane Plus has another radial engine specified to have more thrust than the Bumblebee but it has a 2 blade instead of a three blade prop, and gets a slower top speed on the same plane. The Predator turboprops should be faster than these piston engines. Having the Bumblbees on the Sparrow does give it an old meets new style... Some of the Firespitter engines should be better but they're incompatible with BDA.

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