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Better Base Building Request

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I'm new here, Steam says I've played for 13 hours at this point.  I'm not playing now because my sinuses have overridden higher brain functions, so please pardon me if this post is lacking in literary or logical content.

Planetary bases are, from what I've read, one of the few points that KSP falls short on.  Orbital stations seem to be fairly well fleshed out, so I would like to see if there's any player or dev interest in letting us build functional, aesthetically pleasing bases on the ground.

Anyone here play Subnautica?  If so, then you know what I'm looking for.  Well, aside from the magical gun that shoots base parts out based on what mats you have on your person...  I'm not expecting a radical change in the direction KSP plays, so initial parts would have to be delivered to the planet/satellite where you want your base.  I'd like it if there were refining and manufacturing modules that players could land, then take their rovers out to find materials to refine (bases not just for fuel any more!) and construct more base parts to add on.  Additional missions could be generated to bring rare minerals back to Kerbin, etc.

But emergent gameplay aside, I would really like to see bases that look like bases, and Subnautica has what I consider to be very good examples.

Well, I was trying to find some examples of people actually building a smallish base, or maybe even a medium one, but all of the base building videos I looked at were some ADHD Twitch streamers doing everything BUT building a base for the first 45 minutes.

Still, you can see from the extravaganzas above what I'm after.


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Well, for that you might want to use USI Kolonization. It is hard to explain this in one post, but it adds things like mining to build new rockets, and life support loops for any mod that you use( USI-LS, TAC, or Snacks.) Forget this, Kottabos Gaming probably explains this better. Just keep this in mind, this mod integrates very well with a countless amount of other mods. For more explanation go to the USI Kolonization wiki(  just google it). Or watch some more of his videos that connect with this(Planetary Base Systems, Extraplanetary Launchpads, etc.) 

P.S: Thirteen hours? Steam says I played for 500! And I have had this game for two months! I think i'm addicted :blush:

P.S.S  If you want a subnautica type-of base, look for the orbital parts in the mod( there is like gravity rings and stuff)


Edited by JK_Kerbineer
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I've built some rather nice bases using USI-MKS along with a few parts from Stockalike Station Parts Expansion.  They aren't exactly like the ones from Subnautica(yes I have it and play it), but that's mostly because the ones from Subnautica are designed to be built under water.  Here, have a screenshot of a base on Minmus.


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he thing is, base building really isn't that much part of the main game. You wan't it enhanced or added? It won't happen...  Although I agree with your sentiment. Feed your sentiment with above posts.

As for KSP base building. Why would you?  There is nothing to gain from having bases. You either need modules for gaining science, and I'm not sure why to build a base around it? 
You need a base for shelter, fine, but Kerbals don't care. Being trapped for 100 years into a EVA pack without water or snacks, no problem. As long as you surname says "Kerman" on the latter lines of your ID card your immortal besides the fatality of impact tolerance.
Why else would you need bases, aesthetics right? One could do that, it won't have any function but hey, there wasn't any to begin with. So why need them?
Only if you install life support mods and other additives becomes it with a endgoal (to keep your goblins alive)
Besides such plugins this is useless.
And having those plugins makes it a rather complex and weighing software package that exceeds the game install requirement limitations.
Hency why you can do this by downloading mods. Life support also falls into the realms of added realism. You'd only want that optionally so you have a basic and easy game for people to understand. Rather then sending spaceflight/KSP newbs to the hills with life support info panels and base managing while they only want to launch lego brick rockets instead.

Edited by Helmetman
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On 9/23/2017 at 5:52 PM, Col. Kernel said:

Orbital stations seem to be fairly well fleshed out

You will see some folks on here complaint that there's not a lot going on with space stations either.  It tends to be easier to set up a station the way you want it to look (though an easier way to do rings would be nice, but there's the same underlying problem @Helmetman mentioned - there's just not all that much to do with either an orbital station or a surface base.  The MPL is a screwy part at the best of times, and once you have one of those, some science experiments, some crew cabins, and the basic infrastructure stuff, that's about it.  Surface bases at least have the option to include a mining operation for a little extra activity.

Which is a long way of saying - agreed; it would be nice to have more stuff to do (and more parts to use to do it) with both kinds of facilities.  

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I suppose that @Aegolius13 and @Helmetman are correct.  What I asked for is Sim Colony on top of KSP.  I guess that's feature creep about the size of Godzilla.

I'm currently playing the stock game to learn my way around, so I won't be adding any of the mods suggested for the time being.  But thanks for the suggestions, I will definitely be playing with them down the road.

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1 hour ago, Col. Kernel said:

I'm currently playing the stock game to learn my way around, so I won't be adding any of the mods suggested for the time being.  But thanks for the suggestions, I will definitely be playing with them down the road.

When you do get to the point that you are ready to play with mods, the USI mods by RoverDude are probably the closest you will get to Sim Colony on top of KSP.

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On 9/24/2017 at 1:04 AM, Nergal8617 said:

They aren't exactly like the ones from Subnautica(yes I have it and play it), but that's mostly because the ones from Subnautica are designed to be built under water.

Nice screenshot.

I'm not saying they should look like the ones in Subnautica.  But I like the way the ones in Subnautica go together.  For example, if your preferred location is on a slope you can start your base with a platform that gives you a level base to build on.  There are vertical tubes so you can build upwards, and vertical habs so you can have a multi story open space inside.  Windows are optional.  Oh, and you can actually walk around inside a Subnautica base, and see what's where.



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