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Starting Let's PLay : Join my Adventure(General How to vids)

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Hello world.

Im starting a lets play channel on youtube, i know im only 14 but hey you might learn something or have fun:)

I also bought a new mike so...... Sound quality will inmprove, leave me a reply for what vids would be liked or what subject to touch on

any good ideas will get a shout out.

So now's your chance to give me feedback and tell me what you wana learn about KSP


Please Sub if you enjoy

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OK so turns out there is a fuel glitch, aparently if you are not on 100% thrust fuel last longer , is that correct??

That's not a glitch - that's how all engines behave!

As far as I know, the fuel glitch occurs when you use minimum throttle on certain engines or fuel tanks, or combinations of the two (look it up, there will be threads) - at which point the fuel will not just last longer, it will last forever.

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